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Drunk-Driving Death Sentence

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BEIJING ¡ª A court in southwestern China has sentenced a man to death for a drunken-driving accident that killed four people in what's being called a first for the country.


Drunk Driver Sentenced to Death in China!


I guess we will see a lot less drunk drivers...in China! ;)


Somehow, I would doubt that's really a first. But we should adopt a similar policy here.

Edited by Randy W (see edit history)
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Guest Tony n Terrific

In Carrolton, Kentucy a drunk driver going down the wrong way on I-71 hit a bus and killed 27 people and injured 30 more. It was the worse drunk driving fatalities in History of the US. The driver had multiple prior drunk driving charges on his record and was sentenced to serve 16 years in prison. He served nearly 11 years before being paroled.

Edited by Tony n Terrific (see edit history)
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I have never been able to understand why MADD doesn't simply purchase jail time to keep drunk drivers locked up for their full sentence. Here in Oregon, they are always getting sprung early since they score low on the matrix which determines who in the over crowded jails and prisons get released.

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Guest Tony n Terrific

I know what I am going say will most likely start a firestorm here. Yes drunk driving is serious be it in the US, China or France. Would you give a loded gun to drunk that has a hair trigger? No.

However when MADD started up the Bar Associations jumped on the band wagaon. Then came the Medical field as well as Municipal leagues.

This was a no brainer for huge profit for all. The Hospitals where told by the A&H providers you are not going steal from us anymore. They needed a new source of revenue. The parasite attorneys that hung out at the courthouse and airports like beggars from a an O'Henry novel has too eat and the Muni's to support their Sick Socilaists programs made this disease a top priority for profit. They do not want a healing but a progression of this disease.

Edited by Tony n Terrific (see edit history)
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BEIJING ¡ª A court in southwestern China has sentenced a man to death for a drunken-driving accident that killed four people in what's being called a first for the country.


Drunk Driver Sentenced to Death in China!


I guess we will see a lot less drunk drivers...in China! :lol:


Somehow, I would doubt that's really a first. But we should adopt a similar policy here.


Yes i find that hard to believe in China, Drunk driving! happens everyday and every hour.

We just don't hear about it with our fine tuned media? :D


Like Randy said and i agree:


But we should adopt a similar policy here.


Maybe, just maybe! Things might get put in order.

But then maybe not? :rolleyes:

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I seriouly doubt it would be much of a deterent. It has never been proven that the death penalty deters murders. Drunks are addicts and will continue to do what they have to get their booze. Once drunk they have no sound judgement.

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I agree that if you are drunk and kill someone you should be charged with murder. I'm just saying the risk of being charged with murder wouldn't be much of a deterent. The punishment shoulld still fit the crime.

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Guest ShaQuaNew

BEIJING ¡ª A court in southwestern China has sentenced a man to death for a drunken-driving accident that killed four people in what's being called a first for the country.


Drunk Driver Sentenced to Death in China!


I guess we will see a lot less drunk drivers...in China! ;)


Somehow, I would doubt that's really a first. But we should adopt a similar policy here.


I think you'd see a lot more arrests in China if there were police patrol cars that actually patrol the streets.

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Guest Wuhan4me

Urkidding - wow - the death penalty.


Back in 2002, I knew of someone high up in the Chinese Army that had a similar 'accident', and simply 'paid off' everyone with little police involvement.


Glad to see times are a changing !

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I agree that if you are drunk and kill someone you should be charged with murder. I'm just saying the risk of being charged with murder wouldn't be much of a deterent. The punishment shoulld still fit the crime.


it might not be much be a deterrent to be charged with murder but if the death penalty was used but there would not be any

repeat offenders

Edited by michaln (see edit history)
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So if the US were to adopt this kind of death-penalty, how would it be applied? As Carl (warpedboard) has stated, it won't be much of a deterrent. Nobody honestly believes they'll lose control of the car, much less kill anybody while driving. "I won't kill anyone, so I won't worry about the drunk-driving death penalty."

A more forceful application of the law (kill all drunk-drivers, period) wouldn't fly either. It'd be much easier to just illegalize all alcohol consumption. I, for one, would fight to maintain my right to drink.


The better option is to increase education and true rehabilitation for drunks. But we all know how the US gov't feels about education...

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