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China auto sales surge 47%

Guest Tony n Terrific

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Let's see, China imposes heavy taxes on the purchase/import of a car. The bigger the engine the more the tax. They want to 'increase sales", they lower the tax by 1/2 on more fuel efficient cars, and sales double! Gee....double sales, 1/2 tax --- same money to China Govt' Coffers.


Please compare this with US automakers. Tax the heck out of big cars, imported cars, and gas guzzling cars. What a concept. When you want to spur the economy - reduce the tax rate! US equation seems to be, give failing car maker Billions, watch them reduce jobs because they can't compete, less sales, less workers, less taxes paid in to the Government coffers.


I think I like the Chinese method...however I didn't want to buy a SUV there, at double the price here in the US! Stopped my polluting behavior while in China. Maybe that's the point -- consumption based taxes that mean something on products that are not healthy, earth friendly, and morally acceptable (whatever that is). Just so they don't tax my "coors light", I'll be happy!

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