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School Registration

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My question is for those who have gone through this....What do I need to get from his school? How many years going back? If it is translated in China does it help or need to be notarized? Can we translate it ourselves?


My daughter came here last August to start 11th grade. She was going into 11th grade in China, and I did not move her back. Her math and science were so far ahead of USA students, she would have just wasted a year of her life if I sent her to 10th grade.


Here is what I know.


High school in China is only 10 - 12, but high school in America is 9-12, so you need a transcript from both the Chinese middle school and Chinese high school.


The Chinese schools do this often, know what they are doing, and will translate the grades and classes to English and 4.0 grade system.


The content of classes in China is not clear from the name of the classes on the sheet, so you need to understand what content was taught in social studies or math or whatever class in China, then the registrar in America can map the class properly.


Classes in China are much more difficult than std. classes in America, and should be credited as "AP" classes in many cases (adds 10 points to grade). The American school will only grant AP credit if the school in china marks classes as "advanced courses deserving additional credit" or some such notation.


As for immunizations, most you will get as part of the visa (if you are cr/1). The additional shots are the 2 follow up hepatitus shots and some other follow-ups I dont remember. point is you cant get them all in china no matter what, and at health dept. they are cheap, so it is not a big worry.

Do be sure and get a record (official yellow book) of shots received in china so he doesnt have to get them again in america.


ESL classes were a terrible waste of my daughters time.

I enrolled her in ESL so she could get help with homework etc., but in truth I think they were a waste of her time. She would have done better spending that time talking to american student.


My daughter was great in english in china, scored 99 or 100 on most of her tests. She could speak to me most times, and communicate without issue.

Upon going to class here, for the first 6 months she did not understand anything the teachers said.

Fortunately there were ABC students in her classes, and they helped her with homework assignments etc.

By 6 months, she could understand her teachers, and is doing much better.

My point to this is, even a brilliant student from China will suffer in american school for a while.


Thank you for such a detailed response. Your input along with all the others is exactly what I was hoping for. I agree that at first it will be a big adjustment.......just hoping he will settle in quickly, have fun and feel like he is home.

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Thanks Tom,

I have the requirements as far as immunizations but the transcrits portion from the school was not precise. They basically said "get as much information as possible".

Michael has been attending a high school that has all of the classes in english. He can read, write and speak english very well. I think the high school he is in can hopefully provide a transcript for the past year in english. The previous year was a different school as 9th grade in Beijing was considered a middle school. I am not sure how far back I need to go....1 year...maybe 2?

I am sure each state and county is a little different.....just thought it would help to know what others experienced.




Tom and Ling


Hi Corey,


I would go back only to the 9th grade because most middle schools in NC are for socializing........ :) :P :P :)

As far as Math goes they will test him and they will check his English too. It is good he speaks English...He is far ahead of my boys... :D :P :P .

I don't know whether they will give him credit for subjects taken in China (Probably not).


Tom and Ling


Thanks Tom.......we are trying to get all of his records for 9th and 10th grade. Two different schools so we will see......

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I remember when my brother and sister registered in middle and high school years ago when we first moved to US, they showed their report cards from HK that states what classes were taken then some of the credits were able to be counted in US during their high schoool years. Since the classes were counted, they didn't have to fall back one year, but I think that was becasue the school registeration lady was able understand the report since it was written in both English and Chinese.


Thanks Missingyou. That is exactly what we feel we want to avoid is having him set back a year. It is all new territory for my wife and I so we just want to try to get it right for Michael.

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Classes in China are much more difficult than std. classes in America, and should be credited as "AP" classes in many cases (adds 10 points to grade). The American school will only grant AP credit if the school in china marks classes as "advanced courses deserving additional credit" or some such notation.




Upon going to class here, for the first 6 months she did not understand anything the teachers said.

Fortunately there were ABC students in her classes, and they helped her with homework assignments etc.

By 6 months, she could understand her teachers, and is doing much better.

My point to this is, even a brilliant student from China will suffer in american school for a while.


Good write up, but what are "AP" & "ABC" please?



This is not on topic but I wanted to be sure to wish you well for your upcoming interview......I am sure you and Amanda will sail through!

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We got records as far back as possible ... and had it all translated before Zheng got here.


When our son started school last year we asked that he be put into AP courses ... the school tested hm the first week of school and he got into all but the physics course ( it was full ) but he kept up his studies in physics online and still kept his A in the class ... next year he will have all AP corses and with dual enrollment he will also have some college out of the way. Make sure you go to the school as soon as possible and get enrolled ..... as far as the shot records all Zheng needed was a cpl of boosters and the Hep B series ( required in fl and most schools ) the rest was easy .... he went into ESL but only for the first term ... he didn't need it and they figured that out pretty quick ... but i think it helped him .... not with the language as much as jut helping him get used to the school and the system .... the teacher was always there to answer any question.


Zheng will be a senior this year and is a straight A student.


Thanks for your reply Dave.

I am hopful that we will follow the same path. If I am understanding it correctly the 11th grade is a big year in regards to colleges looking at future prospects and students preparing for college. We will just do the best we can for him.......

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