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Let Us Forget...

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Let us forget this thread. China has move forward. The past is behind us.



Can China also forget then the atrocities committed by Japan on them during WW2? Forgive and forget? Japan has moved forward too (actually).


We pick and choose what is forgettable, and what fills us with rage at the very mention. Or does the state/media?


Remember the anger sessions in 1984? Textbook stuff. Direct the people's anger outward. Baa.


It is much easier to tear open other's wound than own.



Very true, Joanne. I wish we could all be aware of that and use it as a stepping stone to looking into places we are typically scared to look, and with a more open mind.


yes, with an open mind. The problem is who would know which mind is more open. :D



As long as they are all open, no need to worry about who is the most. That would be like arguing over who is more modest :P

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