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Flu News Coverage in China...

Guest ShaQuaNew

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Here's a state-by-state breakdown of reported cases.

We're No. 1. :(



I'm sorry Dave but we are kicking your butt 766 - 701...GO BADGERS!!!

We're still waiting for some late results from Cook County. ;)



Yeah but some of those people in Illinois had probably already died of the flu last year, or caught the flu twice...

So they won't mind if we count 'em twice. :toot:

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I agree in the overreaction department. 36,000 people die from flu every year. This one occurred "out of season" whoopitie-doo. The fact it has multiple swine strains is little more than biological curiosity, doesn't mean anything as far as virulence. It's a mild flu. But people LOVE to worry about the end of days. And of course, I fully expect China to drum it up as a way to say "see, it happens to you too!"... but that was never the issue with SARS or Bird Flu. Just like the Egypt killing pigs thing... panic responses by the uneducated. Can't change it, might as well enjoy the show.

Between the media coverage and the WHO's interesting statements it's no wonder some degree of panic followed.


Guess it must have been a slow news week.

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Given the global bashing China got for during the SARS outbreak, I can't blame them for being overly sensitive this time around. Predictable.


That's generally the life cycle of events in China.


It goes from complete screw-up, to complete overreacting and finally, on the third attempt, to moderation.

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Given the global bashing China got for during the SARS outbreak, I can't blame them for being overly sensitive this time around. Predictable.


That's generally the life cycle of events in China.


It goes from complete screw-up, to complete overreacting and finally, on the third attempt, to moderation.

Third times a charm, just wish the US had those kind of results.

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