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Birth Certificate & Police Certificate

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PLEASE I need help with these documents desparately:

1. 'Birth Certificate': 出生证明 Right? But what I got was called in Chinese, 户籍证明,which with no information of my parents, such as names, marriage proof etc, but oddly enough was approved by the USISC. Now in the visa instruction papers I received from GUZ Consolar Office, the Birth Ceritficate was definied as a certificate that including date and place of birth, AND my parents names.
Where to get it? Here are the places I was sent to:

民政局 the Bureau of Civil of Affair
公安局(户籍处)the Bureau of Public Security ( the Household Register Department)
派出所 The Police Sub-station
街道办事处 The Street Committees / the Community Committees?

2. 'Police Certificate': 警方证明
Where to get it? Again, here's a list of the choices:

公安局 the Bureau of Public Security
派出所 the Police Sub-station
街道办事处 the Street Committees / the Community Committees

The Police Station told me that because I'd been away from my hometown for decades, I should go to those cities' police station(s) for such certificate during whatever time while I was there, and I've worked (so lived) in more than 3 provinces in China, does this mean that I have to go to every single one of them? I thought that the local authrities would defenitely be notified if I had ever been charged or convicted of any crimial charge.

PLEASE HELPL!!! I'm at the dead end.

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Guest Pommey

Birth cert from her hukou


police cert from from PSB(police)


then take them to the municple notary to have made into the white books with the translations, get at least 4 originals of each.

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Birth cert from her hukou


police cert from from PSB(police)


then take them to the municple notary to have made into the white books with the translations, get at least 4 originals of each.

Note: will also need to get a certificate of no marriage (required for K-1) This also can be acquired at the notary office. Edited by dnoblett (see edit history)
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Holy Sh|t Batman ! THAT WAS QUICK ! NVC out on 1 May, 2009 - P3 RCVD on 16 May 2009. Ye Gods - some entity gots their @ss in gear.




Can't help on the birth certificate - but -


for the Police Records ...

Go to the Largest PSB in your 'hukuo' area - they can handle it all.


They may not know they can handle it all, but - they can.


The first person you talk to , well, mostly, their job seems to be to not let you speak to the big boss in the office. You may have to speak to the big boss in the office. They can do it all - as their computers at the big (local) office are tied into the Bigger PSB network.


What I call PSB - you call ¹«°²¾Ö£¨»§¼®´¦£©the Bureau of Public Security


I know - it's a double edge sword, right? On one hand, you were migrant worker, roaming over China for work, but on other hand, your hukuo is your hukuo - and the big PSB office can help you.


Once you have your documents, you can get them 'officially translated' at a 'translation and notary office' in your area. The Name of the Office will vary, depending on where you are - but it's very basic stuff.

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Holy Sh|t Batman ! THAT WAS QUICK ! NVC out on 1 May, 2009 - P3 RCVD on 16 May 2009. Ye Gods - some entity gots their @ss in gear.




Can't help on the birth certificate - but -


for the Police Records ...

Go to the Largest PSB in your 'hukuo' area - they can handle it all.


They may not know they can handle it all, but - they can.


The first person you talk to , well, mostly, their job seems to be to not let you speak to the big boss in the office. You may have to speak to the big boss in the office. They can do it all - as their computers at the big (local) office are tied into the Bigger PSB network.


What I call PSB - you call ¹«°²¾Ö£¨»§¼®´¦£©the Bureau of Public Security


I know - it's a double edge sword, right? On one hand, you were migrant worker, roaming over China for work, but on other hand, your hukuo is your hukuo - and the big PSB office can help you.


Once you have your documents, you can get them 'officially translated' at a 'translation and notary office' in your area. The Name of the Office will vary, depending on where you are - but it's very basic stuff.

Thank you so much Sebastian [and Pommey] xiaomin will be relieved to know this [as soon as I give her, her 7am wake up call!] she'll have no problem in getting to the "big boss" -- She's not letting anyone or anything get in her way. From her description of her attempt to get what she needs, she did talk to some desk flunky that just told her "nope, sorry, you can't get there from here" type of thing! She'll do okay with your encouragement and advice. Thank you so much... Yes, we seem to be moving along at lightening speed. I'm sure that some entity KNOWS how much we need to be together.

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