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Yep, I remember reading that before and my wife had also told me about that. She said Mao Zedong sent Zhao Ziyang to prison a couple of times but always let him out because he liked him.

Zhao was exiled only once until he was purged in 1989 for life, according to the books.

I shouldn't have said Zhao Ziyang. That was the wrong man I was thinking of. I was thinking of Deng Xiaoping. Deng Xiaoping had ties with Mao Zedong and not Zhao. My bust! <_<

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Yep, I remember reading that before and my wife had also told me about that. She said Mao Zedong sent Zhao Ziyang to prison a couple of times but always let him out because he liked him.

Zhao was exiled only once until he was purged in 1989 for life, according to the books.

I shouldn't have said Zhao Ziyang. That was the wrong man I was thinking of. I was thinking of Deng Xiaoping. Deng Xiaoping had ties with Mao Zedong and not Zhao. My bust! <_<

I thought I have posted this before. I was thinking about where it was when I was typing! :P ; http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?...st&p=493181



I like the "who was who" section at the end too.

Don't give it all away! I haven't gotten my copy of the book yet... :lol:

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Actually this topic has generated much discussion between my wife and I. When I told her I wanted to get the book, she said there was no need as she could tell me what went on. Of course being the skeptic I am about anything anyone that writes for profit, I decided to let her be my teacher.

My wife was the same age as the college students at the time and she had several of her friends go. Some of them returned after their jail sentence was finished and others were killed. She said the only reason that she did not go is because she was too poor to attend a university at the time. She tells me that the idea of the demonstration came from the university teachers. The teachers were older and more mature than the students therefore more apprehensive about challenging the government but they knew that the students would be up for it. History had shown with the Cultural Revolution that the students were game for a revolution.

During the weeks of the demonstrations, others started to join the students. These others included people from Tibet, Shinjiang, Mongolia. These other people were teaching the students how to kill the Chinese military personnel. Perhaps this is one of the biggest reasons that the CCP gave the order to kill? My wife told me that if the students had won then the CCP would have dissolved and many of the provinces would have seceded from China and formed their own countries, sort of like the southern states in the US civil war.

My wife said that had she been a student she would have gone. But she did manage to get into a little revolutionary relief by hurling rocks at Japanese stores in Shenzhen during the April 11, 2005 protest against Japan. :)

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Actually this topic has generated much discussion between my wife and I. When I told her I wanted to get the book, she said there was no need as she could tell me what went on. Of course being the skeptic I am about anything anyone that writes for profit, I decided to let her be my teacher.

The book is not just about Tiananman, it spans a three year period of economic reform and its roots. That was Zhao's strength. Deng got the credit for Zhao's work. The Tiananman massacre is a small part of Zhao's book. Therefore few could tell you what Zhao actually said without a lot of background reading.



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I'm waiting for my copy now. It should arrive on the 3rd or the 4th. I'm looking forward to it!






A new book of secret memoirs by China's former Premier Zhao Ziyang, which sheds new light on the military crackdown in Beijing's Tiananmen Square in 1989, is displayed in Hong Kong May 14, 2009. Zhao was ousted as Party chief in 1989 for opposing then paramount leader Deng Xiaoping's decision to order the People's Liberation Army to crush the pro-democracy movement. Bao Pu, who spent four years working on the book entitled "Premier of the State - The Secret Journal of Premier Zhao Ziyang", said the material is based on over 30 hours worth of conversations with Zhao that were recorded onto audio tapes.


REUTERS/Tyrone Siu

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If we were in a bar and you said that to me, I'd punch ya out. If you want to earn any respect from members here, the place to start is by showing it to others. Like saying you'd punch them out for no reason.

Come back in 2 days and see if you can regain any respect back. Such confrontations and violent gestures will not be tolerated. You'll find plenty of other websites which might allow that or encourage that as a sign of 'respect', but not here.

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If we were in a bar and you said that to me, I'd punch ya out. If you want to earn any respect from members here, the place to start is by showing it to others. Like saying you'd punch them out for no reason.

Come back in 2 days and see if you can regain any respect back. Such confrontations and violent gestures will not be tolerated. You'll find plenty of other websites which might allow that or encourage that as a sign of 'respect', but not here.

http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?...st&p=495874 :angry:

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I got my copy of the book today. On the back is a picture showing Zhao Ziyang walking with Pres. Ronald Reagan, my favorite president. How cool is that!?! especially since today was the unveiling of the Reagan statue in the Capitol and tomorrow is, of course, a solemn day of rememberance in which this thread is all about.

A pleasant surprise, however, for getting this book. I'll take it as a very good omen!... :)

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