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Traveling - Looking for Suggestions!

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On your way to Amarillo from Albuquerque you should make a detour to Santa Fe and Taos. There are some excellent southwest cuisine in that area and you could see Rob and Jin.

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On your way to Amarillo from Albuquerque you should make a detour to Santa Fe and Taos. There are some excellent southwest cuisine in that area and you could see Rob and Jin.



A great suggestion - I've been to Santa Fee and my one of my favorite ski places Taos a number of times. However, the trip east is under a time constraint as I have a meeting in Tulsa.


OK, my "cuisine" enroute has taken a turn towards the bizzarrrrrre! While at the resturant in LV last night - the lady tells my Jin she needs "Black Chicken Soup" to help here "Morning Sickness Stomach" settle down etc. They have it...she brings Jin a bowl. Here's where the story goes haywire!!!


Jin now starts remembering how this is the "majic potion" for all things related to "female issues". Of course we have to have some majic gua (vegetable) to go with it. Then the whole thing turns ugly when she asks if I think the CHINESE MARKET across the street has--- here it comes - yes, "Black Chicken"! (Of course they do...half of China is in the 168 Market and if they don't the 99 Market around the corner will have it)


OK, I'm now traveling half way across the US with....A Car that is black on the outside, with black on the inside, and a "Black Chicken that has been made into a soup" all cooked in our hotel room at the Luxor -- in our new "Stone Rice/Soup Cooker". In a million years I would not have believed it!


We need to start a new thread....the "strangest things" our Chinese wives are making us do!


Need to run --- I have to carry the "Black Chicken" to the car!

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Hi Mike


Hope you trip is going fine


I guess it's the last chinese rule again :blink:


BTW, I did see them selling in China town those black chickens. I don't think they are available too often.




see you when you get back

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Check this out, Mike & Jin...I told my lao po that I met you on-line...about y'all living on Hubin Bei Lu, the black chicken soup, etc. We laughed and remarked that it is a small world. She asked me to get a photo of y'all...so I sent her the pic you have posted here...she wrote back very excited and told me she has seen you at the Chairman Mao restaurant, sitting at the table where we sat last time...I rotfl...it is a small world. ZZ

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Guest Pommey

sorry Mike we probably wont be available to meet for the next few weeks as we are too busy moving all our remaining stuff from Denver and working, so its a bit nuts at the moment.

ABQ has a good china town, check it out.


catch you next time around

Edited by Pommey (see edit history)
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Thank you for your suggestions and comments. We are closing in on Tulsa, the final Eastward City, and I will do my two days of business while Jin cools her heals inside the very nice "Ambassador Hotel".


For those of you who saw the "Black Chicken" saga, I'm sorry to say that both of them have been eaten and produced many bowls of soup. The "majic gua" turned out to be "Red Dates" that were dried, and then tossed in the soup stock mix with one other seasoning + salt. All seemed pretty disgusting to me - and I refused the opportunity to taste, as she was "eating a back chicken leg at the time" and telling me how good it tasted. (I wished I would've seen the look on the people's face that cleaned our room at the Marriott in Albq , if they saw what was in the "plastic bag"....OMG...a BLACK CHICKEN CARCASS!


N & W from Hawaii, have noted on this thread that we have "Black Chickens" in our Chinatown....Jin is thrilled at the news, NOW I HAVE SOMETHING TO LOOK FORWARD TO WHEN GOING HOME!!!!


Again, thanks for all the recommendations and comments.


Hawaii Mike & Jin

Edited by 2mike&jin (see edit history)
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