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Steel Wars: China accused of dumping

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Guest Tony n Terrific

The fear of a trade is very real. Here in the US we see modern factories abandon and shuttered. In the Midwest and the Southeast part of the US manufacturing from steel to textiles are suffering badly. Wall Street is making out like bandits or the thieves that they really are in this shift to outsource everything to China, India and other Asian countries where labor is cheap and enviromental laws are non existent.

We are seeing here in the US what happens when we loose our manufacturing base. Foreclosures are a dime a dozen, repossesions of automobiles are at an all time high. The Big Three are on the virge of extinction.

If we ever had to fight a conventional war again on the scale of WW2 we would loose. IE Mr. President we at now at war with China. Ok this is horrible but we will build a large navy and 1,000s of M1 A tanks to give them hell. Aid to the President we can't. Since we are at war with China they are refusing to sell us any steel. Our Machine tool industry is non-exsitent now and since Japan is a major trading partner with China they are refusing to sell us Machine tools. Net result we are becoming a 3rd rate power. Welcome to Walmart.

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An interesting article and in line with typical Chinese practices; "But where European and U.S. steel mills are cutting back on production, China seems to be expanding."


Right. They're making some tough choices. Either keep 2.5 million people employed or close down the steel factories. Tough choice.


Interesting that China has ramped up steel production by 20% in these uncertainn economic conditions. Of course, rather than understand the country's injection of trillions of RMB into the economy to stimulate the already massive amount of construction and add numerous new ships to it's now miniscule armada could account for that, some choose to whine and moan about their own irresponsible business decisions that put their company in financial ruin. Seems convenient to just blame it on the economy and / or some other country. Personal accountability at a new low.


I like how they keep riding the environmental aspect. Hypocrisy at its finest! Steel producing regions in the US were virtual environmental slums years ago and one of the only reasons we do import steel is to keep that from happening again. Of course, now the environment is better in those highly industrialized areas, but somebody forgot to tell that to those people living there who all of a sudden can now glow in the dark or sprout 7 fingers per hand from drinking their own well water.


This whole escapade smells so much like the old nationalistic auto industry death rattle: foreign cars are driving us out of business. Yeah, right. :crazy:

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The fear of a trade is very real. Here in the US we see modern factories abandon and shuttered. In the Midwest and the Southeast part of the US manufacturing from steel to textiles are suffering badly. Wall Street is making out like bandits or the thieves that they really are in this shift to outsource everything to China, India and other Asian countries where labor is cheap and enviromental laws are non existent.

We are seeing here in the US what happens when we loose our manufacturing base. Foreclosures are a dime a dozen, repossesions of automobiles are at an all time high. The Big Three are on the virge of extinction.

If we ever had to fight a conventional war again on the scale of WW2 we would loose. IE Mr. President we at now at war with China. Ok this is horrible but we will build a large navy and 1,000s of M1 A tanks to give them hell. Aid to the President we can't. Since we are at war with China they are refusing to sell us any steel. Our Machine tool industry is non-exsitent now and since Japan is a major trading partner with China they are refusing to sell us Machine tools. Net result we are becoming a 3rd rate power. Welcome to Walmart.


And it's not going to be getting any better.


After China and India, there are a multitude of poor backwaters that will take their place when US manufacturers decide they need new slave labor.


Sometimes people get the shaft not because others shaft them, but because they were moronic enough to sit on a phone pole.

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