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Support For Attorney Roth's Memorandum

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I've sent an email to Mr. Roth and told him that there seems to be a problem with his site accepting comments. Hopefully, he can figure this out and fix the problem.


Thanks to everyone who has tried, and please keep trying if you have not been able to get your comments added.




Hey,my comment got thru,it is on the blog.It had to wait for approval,which is fine.....on the bottom of the comment box was a sentence in chinese,of course,i don't know much chinese,so i copy and paste to google translator,it said waiting for approval.So,if it seems like it isnt accepting your comment,its a good chance its waiting for approval.

keep trying,and keep writing letters,i finished my letters,sending them tomorrow(saturday).Thanks to all,who are making an effort for change.



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I've sent an email to Mr. Roth and told him that there seems to be a problem with his site accepting comments. Hopefully, he can figure this out and fix the problem.


Thanks to everyone who has tried, and please keep trying if you have not been able to get your comments added.




Hey,my comment got thru,it is on the blog.It had to wait for approval,which is fine.....on the bottom of the comment box was a sentence in chinese,of course,i don't know much chinese,so i copy and paste to google translator,it said waiting for approval.So,if it seems like it isnt accepting your comment,its a good chance its waiting for approval.

keep trying,and keep writing letters,i finished my letters,sending them tomorrow(saturday).Thanks to all,who are making an effort for change.




Thanks Jimi,


We need all the participation we can get in this effort. I am hopeful that the Obama people will change the way things are in GUZ. It is critical that we show that many U.S. citizens are being screwed by GUZ and their illicit procedures. As long as the government perceives that the denials are legitimately determined on a case by case basis, there will never be a change in policy.



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The pissing match has been moved to the ye olde junk heap.



I am ashamed I lowered myself to that level.It was friday night,i am without my wife,and i am at odds with the fact,that in this beautiful free land called America,one has to go to bed without his wife,that,the powers that be,would keep two people in love seperated.We all just want to get our ladies here,safe and sound,whatever it takes to do that...legally of course.I feel this maybe one way to end the nightmare,maybe not for me and the others going thru all this mess right now,but for others who wish to go down this road in the future.For them,maybe they wont have to go thru the frustration,of years,waiting to be united with their love ones.They will follow the rules,go through all the steps,all the while,waiting patiently,and but also Guz will follow the rules....in other words.....everyone is playing by the rules,thats all anyone on here is asking for.I was always told,life is not fair,and this is true,at 48 ,i have long ago accepted that fact,but i was also told,you can always make life better,and try your hardest to make it a more leveled playing field.To some it maybe a lost cause.Nothing in life is a lost cause,if you believe in it.Go for it.Look let me tell you something,I am a musician,i have many connections from the days i played in Hollywood ,California.I send them material(songs),i get the words "awesome

music"........but jesus dude your 48 !!!! hey it don't stop me.I am of course realistic,and realize,hey i am 48,my chances of getting a record deal are very slim,but i don't give up.If you believe in something,it is never a lost cause.And right now i believe my wife should be here with me.It is really that simple.As the one gentleman,in the pissing match said"get a life".......for now,this is my life,getting my wife here,safe and sound.




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