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A little info on getting married in Hong Kong

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Ok, I had my game plan set in motion to go to Hong Kong in the next few weeks and get married with my chinese papers in hand in the event we run into a road block in HK (Hong Kong). In talking to my fiance she is hoping to really marry in china as she is more comfortable there. She has a website like candle and there is a large group of girls there who she's been chatting with. She feels she already understands the entire process and feels going to HK is like starting over. I have to keep assuring here that it is in our best interest to go to HK and she understands. She already has her pass for HK.


After talking with her she brings up a good point to me yesterday and has me thinking all day. I decided to call an attorney I know who handles A LOT of cases in china and who has always advised me to go to HK as it is much friendlier. The thing she said to me was, we should do a k1 in china and if it is denied we still have a k3 option to persue. I told her I think it takes to long and wanted to have a sure shot. She said in her group the people tell her if the k1 fails the cr1 will only take 4 or 5 months. Not sure I believe the time line but the concept makes sense.


Ok, so I called the attorney and he said. "JS, the truth is if I were bringing someone from china and money were not a concern I would go to Thailand or somewhere else like the Carribean (if she can get a visa) and get married. Do a k3 and be done with it. He said if money is a concern he would do the k1 thru china and if it fails he would follow it up with the k3 else where.


He did say that he charges the same whereever we get married but he just knows china will be a problem.


I already know this but my point to this post is why he did not say HK. I asked him why he changed in saying HK. He told me he just had a case returned from HK that was denied for "not a bonified relationship". The man was from the US and the girl in from mainland. They only went to HK for marriage. He said the couple interviewed together with a older VO in a wheelchair. He said the VO told the couple they should have been married in mainland china and he knows the only reason they came to HK to get married was to avoin GUZ. He told them if it was real they would have no reason to avoid GUZ. He said he does not like people doing this.


This attorney has always told me HK and now has a bit of a change of heart. He still says HK is much much better than GUZ unless you get the old man in the wheelchair. He said this can be overcome but will just take some time.


A side note, last night I called a Thai marriage agency and they told me the Chinese embassy in Thailand will not issue a chinese girl a single paper which the Thai government must have from the embassy to perform the wedding. They told me that the chinese embassy there is VERY rude and tells chinese girls to go back to china and get married if they want to get married. They told me they tried 2 times a couple of months ago and the same thing happened both times.


I'm still leaning on HK and my fiance want to try a k1 and have a back up plan with a k3. I need to decide today. I just somehow feel a k3 is stronger but I may be wrong. For me, i did have a k1 in 2005. the marriage ended bad with wife cheating.


Well I hope this info is not to long and boring. I am just posting info I have learned so hopefully someone else may learn from it.

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i would recommend a k-3 in hkg, with a follow-up plan for a cr-1 in guz.

This is the second recent 'report' of that particular VO's activities in HKG, thanks for sharing..


Good Luck to you !

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i did the same thing u plan to do. i went for a k1 in guz, and that got turn down. now i got marry in HK and going for a K3. I think i stand a better chance in HK.


1. if u going K3, u are going with her to interview together. you will be right next to her.


2. they process faster when the package come from USA to HK.


3. HK is part of China, i see no reason why the VO are so damm stupid.


4. if u r married one or twice before.. u stand a good chance that you will see a blue sheet.


5. HK have better hotel, and lot more things to do than GUZ.


6. GUZ Vo is really Nasty.. they prejudge you even ebfore the interview starts.

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Well, Having a good reason for me to marry in HK is my sticking point. As for what I can say is it is just to much hoops to go thru to get married in mainland. I really would feel more comfortable getting married in HK as mainland.


I will be there for the interview. I will also bring EVERYTHING under the sun about my ex's and our divorce so they will have nothing to ask for. Hopr it all works.


Did you guys have to go to HK 15 days before you could get married? I was told we had to go and sign some paperwork in person 15 days before the marriage could take place.

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Well, Having a good reason for me to marry in HK is my sticking point. As for what I can say is it is just to much hoops to go thru to get married in mainland. I really would feel more comfortable getting married in HK as mainland.


I will be there for the interview. I will also bring EVERYTHING under the sun about my ex's and our divorce so they will have nothing to ask for. Hopr it all works.


Did you guys have to go to HK 15 days before you could get married? I was told we had to go and sign some paperwork in person 15 days before the marriage could take place.


I arrived 2 days before, and the wife had done everything ahead of time. I showed divorce papers, passport, signed a document, done deal in 10 mins, got the date and time 2 days later, and happy days forever.

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