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dear Conslates in Guangzhou.

we got denied on K-1 several Days ago.

here i would like to explain more clearly about our case situation. we do hope to get your help explain to us why things about our case went this way .

we wrote an email to Consulate in Guangzhou in early Februray and the second day we got the asnwer from Consualte saying that they decied to denied us because we dont have a bonas fide relationship and said they would mail to my fiancee to imform here soon.

the thing that is strange is we had our senator write to Guangzhou and the Chief consualte answered back in Late Februray saying that our case was still undergoing administrative reviewing. then just on the same day my faincee recieved the express mail from Guangzhou. it had a white piece of paper to tell her , the Conslate will now return the case to Department of Homeland Security... (the denied paper)

also, on this denied paper, you Conslate put the wrong case number. it is not our case number.

another question is: i noticed that on this denied paper, no one signed the name, no Consulate's seal to show it is true or not. just have the address of Guangzhou Conslate and the eamil adress. is that the way you denied a case?

we truely hope you will give us an exact explaination. this is really confusing.

thanks a log.

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I remember another person this happened to. They received the white slip with the wrong case number. Does anyone remember who this was and what was the result?




I'm sure Randy can/will find it .



To the OP, very sorry for your white, join the others here, take their advice and wish you the very best.

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