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Chinese Protest on Human Rights Anniversary

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That Un Americans List was McCarthy's. Nixon helped prosecute in California at the time. Bobby Kennedy was a legal aide to McCarthy. It was to flush out Communists.


I am afraid that's not quite correct. The House Un-American Activities committee which was established in 1937. By 1947, Congressman Nixon was on the committee and leading a subcommittee. He interviewed Whittaker Chambers, a one-time member of the Communist Party and the man who pointed the finger at Algier Hiss. By 1948, Nixon and Karl Mundt introduced legislation to communists to register and barred them from holding elective office. (Nixon's involvement made him a household name and in-part, prompted Ike to take him as a running mate)


During the Nixon administration, the House Un-American Activities committee was renamed to Internal Security Committee, but was dissolved after Nixon was out of office.


McCarthy and his list of communists didn't show up until 1950. During the McCarthy days Nixon was a Congressman and later the Vice President, although Nixon did attack McCarthy on instructions from Ike.


I stand corrected. I should have used the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Senate Government Operations Committee in relation to the Senator McCarthy. Bobby was made assistant counsel of the subcommittee in January 1953. Films and photos show Bobby during questioning of suspected individuals who were accussed of foreign loyalties standing or sitting behind the Senator. Jack Kennedy represented the family at Joe McCarthy's funeral in 1957.


The names and titles may have been mixed up but it doesn't change the damage that was done by members of our government in the name of protecting us.

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