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Hot Damn

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It's been months since I've called the DOS Circus and my goodness, I had to look up our GUZ number AND the DOS phone number...after over 200 or mebbe 300 phone calls to the DOS you'd think I had their number AND our number etched on my...er...ah...ah...hand or something, but no, dumb ol' me, I had to look them up. :D


Anyhow, we were denied May 21, 2008, 10 months after the lil' rabbit's interview, and I thought...what the heck, it's been 6 months, let's give them ol' boys a call and see how they're doin'.


Well sir, I am proud to report, our case is still in Guangzhou. The last entry was in September of this year, and the entry is..."case is being prepared for return to the states." No entry about it actually leaving Guangzhou, and I was told the reason for our denial..."did not prove a bona fide relationship at the interview."


I'm so dadgum happy, and thrilled with them big words they use!!! I should be happy, right?


Well, right or wrong, I am a happy pappy!! :D And, my happiness has nothing to do with the DOS, GUZ, the USCIS, the INA, the USA, the FOP, the Masons, the VFW, the Military Order of the Purple Heart, the VA, or any number of whoseee what's its...NAW...I'm happy because our new home in Chinatucky was finished today. :blink: :worthy: :coffee1:


tsap seui

Edited by tsap seui (see edit history)
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Hey - leave the Masons outta this one, O Tsap...


BUT STILL - THATS GOOD NEWS about the house being finished. I missed it? You gots a jump date? Can we throw you a multi-city going away party ??? (No dancing girls, but maybe videos..)

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Oh my, thank you, all, very much for the congrats on the home getting finished. :D


The finishing touches were put on yesterday with the installation of 3 upgraded interior doors. Today, the video security monitor (for guests), and the system to ring them in or tell the security guard to ring them in, is being installed by the complex management.


Yesterday, the lil' rabbit took mama and baba over for their first look. How I would have loved to see their faces. I love my new family. They slowly walked through the rooms with big smiles, commenting on various things, and singing my praises. Me? I didn't do anything but go many times to a Western Union phone in a grocery store, make a phone call, and give a grocery clerk some money, ;) the lil' rabbit was the one who trudged for weeks in her city looking for the best, and secure, location for our home. She is the one who did the final design on everything (even gave the kitchen folks HER design drawings for the kitchen), and dealt with the workers...and she is picky!!! :roller:


Anyhow, I got a little misty eyed hearing mama and baba's words. Heck, it's their daughter, and my love for her, that is the inspiration in my life, now.


Photos? I've got lots of construction photos and photos of the the 4 fountains outside and the layout and landscaping of the grounds, but the flash died on lil' rabbit's camera and the finished photos are all dark shaded. For the life of me I can't talk the lil' penny pincher to just go buy a new camera. And I HAVE tried, let me tell you. :ph34r:


Big Tiger...."Bigga boss, PLEASE go buy new camera!!!"

Rabbit...."NAWH,you go China, you see home. I no needa losea money buy new camera."

Big Tiger...."But, but...BUY CAMERA!!"

Rabbit....."NAWH, you talka crazy... I no losea money buy camera, I buy whata you and I home needa." :P

Big Tiger...."But, but...Oh...kay....meow, meow."


So, in my "kingdom" I have dark photos of the finished product. :rotfl: I know my limitations, mister!! I know what NAWH means, and I've got the bumps on my head to prove it. :D I may be the master of "my" domain, but...sniff...sniff, I've got me some work to do on being master of "our" domain...I plaintively cry out into this manicured wilderness. :P


As far as the time for my departure. I hope to head over for a month in February, to marry, set off tons of fireworks, and inaugurate our home. Then return to the states to finish up the work on my case with the VA....soon the second part of the case will be in the lawyers hands and I'll be freed up, for the most part, from my efforts.


I have a pretty complicated claim with the VA and like what we go through with GUZ, it takes time. As my one doc says, "It's a process". I have literally been to the local VA facility almost every week since I came back home, without the lil' rabbit, from China in August of 2007.


Looks like June 2009 will be a realistic time frame for a going away party at Dulles International Airport, outside ol' Warshing-ton, DC. I'll raise my hands in victory signs, and in my best tricky Dickie voice say...."Well, goodbye Daughters of the american Revolution...it wuz gooooooood knowin' ya." :vava:


Thanks again, yaw. We have a great family here on Candle. I wish all of you the best.


tsap seui



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Chop Suey... I was getting misty eyed just reading your blog... :blush:


With that all said and your house is done...all it needs now is ba ba come home and enjoy it.


This is way too :coolthumb:


To you and yours on this happy Thanksgiving week!


Cuzin' Urkiddin', you are a heckuva good guy. You've got a great sense of humor, and a BIG heart.


It's just some more time, then Brer Baba will be happily, arm in arm, hopping down the bunny trail with dat lil' Brer Rabbit. ;)


Thanks for your words, and happy Thanksgivin' to you and you're family. :)


tsap seui

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Congratulations on the Chinatucky house being finished cuzin Tsap!!

No pictures? :o I guess the bigga boss has spoken! :( When you get there is she gonna be leadin you in with a blindfold on for yur bigga surprise? :D

Your time is a comin soon Bubba!! Won't be long now. ;)




When the bigga bosses tawk, a man has got to have his ears open AND clear of ear wax. :lol: Otherwise... :D :huh:


I doubt I'll need a blindfold, what with 2 tons of firecrackers going off outside ALL AT ONCET!!! Until the smoke clears, I won't be able to see a dang thang, anywho. :huh:


Ya know Chawls, you n' me became good bubbas during all this mess. Heck, when I first came on CFL, your story scared me to death and inspired me to go the extra 10 miles to make shore our case was a solid and strong as it could be....It didn't do me a DAMED bit of good, I could have sent her to her interview with 2 photos and 1 e-mail...but I slept well at night knowin' I had done my very best in preparation. :P


I'm proud of you and grateful to see your success. Yep, our time will come, I'm not sweatin' the next months of waiting and dat wabbit is exhibiting PATIENCE,I tells ya. What more could a full blown and proper bubba ask for out of his lil' darlin'? :blink: Know wudda mean? :o


tsap seui :D

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when I hear your story tsap, I feel petty for pining over my situation...and yet you remain very optimistic.


Now you are an example of someone to follow when we have troubles with our immigration process (any portion of it).


congratulations on your home!!


and btw, did it really take 10 months after her interview to deny it? and still it's not been sent back to US? my gd!




In any case



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