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This first half is my time line going on 19 months...


Separated from Spouse Dec 2004, moved to Bahrain (near Iran/Iraq)

Met SO feb 05, had continuing relationship waiting for divorce.

Aug 2006, I left Bahrain to complete divorce and take custody of my daughter (6 year old).

Continued contact with fiancee VIA phone, SKYPE video, near daily from Aug 2006 to present (with records) .

Divorce final 26 Dec 2006, my B-day)

Mar 2007 Took trip to China (Dalian) during school spring break with daughter , partly because of documents required for I129F on hand were, before my divorce (boarding pass, tickets).

I also and additional information that I was required to file with the Dept Air Force because of my security clearance to file several other petitions and affidavits first. I all so included them with my petition package.

I129F package filed 15 May 2007.

Inquiry about status at June 2007.

Received I797 notice of receipt (dated priority date 20070517 (replacement notice)).

Request for Expedited processing sent Sep 2007.

Approved for expedited processing Oct 2007. Sent to NVC.

25 Oct 2007 Inquiry and address change attachment sent.

1 Nov, NVC cant find Package RFE for CIS,NVC, SO DOB.

5 Nov, RFE sent.

14 Nov 2007 NVC Notice approved and sent to GUZ consulate with case number.

Use info pass and pin code call info ten times for 4 months to no avail,

Mar 08 use email kind of a pissy tone asking what is the status, get a short, stern, response... "working it let ya know"... if we need any s... out of U.

Interview notice with package April 2008

Interview 23 June 2008, RFE more info

29 Aug 2008 DHL receipt at consulate of RFE package.

22 Sep 2008 email status update request.

23 Sep 2008 Reply " got package and we are processing..we'll let you know if we need more".

26 Oct 2008 email status update.


27 Oct 2008 Request for rational of current action (little pissy).




29 Oct 2008 contacted, Congressman requested info, same day reply, case is " in administrative processing" from NVC.

6 Nov 2008 contacted lawyer at GUZ Peter Padget per ref of CFL forums, told to get current package location and mailing numbers, due to time since notifications and lawyer being out of town till 30 Nov.

7 Nov 2008 request made to Congressman, for package location more status, reasons why..? waiting..


Interesting the VO has always contacted us via email, and only me, no letters. They don't answer my fiancee. I have also noticed that many of the white papers issued at GUZ in the last the petitioners are well off or earning over a $100K a year. One guy didn't even have to work?? Had Money?

Also married to foreign national before and age differences don't help.

I'm sure that my pissy emails didn't help and maybe the approved expedite request my have ruffled some feathers. But over all someone seems to not want this to happen for us.


Also the RFE we received was on pink paper with about 30 items that could be checked off with sub categories under them (only two items for me). The interviewer was a present American, and said to my fiancee that "this is going to be easy to finish" (although she was crying). I've been working in and for the Dept. of the Air Force since 1980, and this is a rude awakening how can DOS get away with this.

My congressman's aide seemed to be aware of the general issues, but not too assertive on what he was going to be able to do...?


(repeat of earlier post)

I've been reading a lot of this type of situation at CFL, VJ and other reference materiel from these sites. And you've got to get to the bottom of this and not let it fall on the floor. I read an article for Immigration Law Journal that if the K1 isn't completely closed correctly that the fiancee

records can be marked with a misrepresentation on a VISA petition at DOS. So you can get your papers through CIS but DOS will slap it down again without explanation. I agree get a immigration lawyer at GUZ and try it from the Freedom Of Info act. and do it fast! (Tom & Ling, and Randy W)


As of right now does anyone know of some thing else that I can do, read study or put together?


My plan right now is to see what can be done with the congressman and lawyer. Submit a Chinese VISA request and reserve plane tickets for the winter school break 18 DEC to 12 Jan, if nothing good or big happens by 18 Dec, go to china prepared to marry. But not marry unless its obvious that that's the only way. I need to see my SO (last was 10 APR 07) and I don't have any childcare for the winter break, so its a good time to travel (from Honolulu to Dalian??). I don't want to give up on the GUZ until the case has been sent back, and then maybe until I can get a reading on how things are going to go. Refilling for k3 I might still run into the same unknown issues. I feel that I should exercise some patience and dig in where I can to fully expose all the facts and options.


Thanks in advance, Pete

Edited by peterd01 (see edit history)
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Hi Pete,


What did you mean by "Also married to foreign national before and age differences don't help. "....please explain.


Also a few people here would ask you....How many times have you been to China to see your fiancee???


I am not sure that you will ever see an explanation of why your I-129F was turned down, but do you have a sheet saying what was the reason??

Many on here will say that they will let the I-129F expire in the US without letting you address the issues. But watch your mail anyways and see if you can get your congressman maybe find out.


Sorry about this, It is disheartening but these things happen.


If you can not find out the reason for the refusal, than the only thing left would be to go to China and marry. And in this case I would go for the K3 Visa since if you were turned down for the K3 you would still have the CR1(I-130) to be able to fall back on.


I would also suggest that if you do marry, Than you need to visit your wife in China a few times, get lots of pictures while over there, have a wedding dinner, and the whole nine yards.


Welcome to CFL and keep posting because there are many people here that can help you.

But I would suggest that you take your time about this, but getting married will take some time.


Tom and Ling


PS: I am curious about the "Also married to foreign national before and age differences don't help. " statement....since I am married to a foreign national and my wife and I are separated by a "Few years" :P :) :ph34r:

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This first half is my time line going on 19 months...


Separated from Spouse Dec 2004, moved to Bahrain (near Iran/Iraq)

Met SO feb 05, had continuing relationship waiting for divorce.

Aug 2006, I left Bahrain to complete divorce and take custody of my daughter (6 year old).

Continued contact with fiancee VIA phone, SKYPE video, near daily from Aug 2006 to present (with records) .

Divorce final 26 Dec 2006, my B-day)

Mar 2007 Took trip to China (Dalian) during school spring break with daughter , partly because of documents required for I129F on hand were, before my divorce (boarding pass, tickets).

I also and additional information that I was required to file with the Dept Air Force because of my security clearance to file several other petitions and affidavits first. I all so included them with my petition package.

I129F package filed 15 May 2007.

Inquiry about status at June 2007.

Received I797 notice of receipt (dated priority date 20070517 (replacement notice)).

Request for Expedited processing sent Sep 2007.

Approved for expedited processing Oct 2007. Sent to NVC.

25 Oct 2007 Inquiry and address change attachment sent.

1 Nov, NVC cant find Package RFE for CIS,NVC, SO DOB.

5 Nov, RFE sent.

14 Nov 2007 NVC Notice approved and sent to GUZ consulate with case number.

Use info pass and pin code call info ten times for 4 months to no avail,

Mar 08 use email kind of a pissy tone asking what is the status, get a short, stern, response... "working it let ya know"... if we need any s... out of U.

Interview notice with package April 2008

Interview 23 June 2008, RFE more info

29 Aug 2008 DHL receipt at consulate of RFE package.

22 Sep 2008 email status update request.

23 Sep 2008 Reply " got package and we are processing..we'll let you know if we need more".

26 Oct 2008 email status update.


27 Oct 2008 Request for rational of current action (little pissy).




29 Oct 2008 contacted, Congressman requested info, same day reply, case is " in administrative processing" from NVC.

6 Nov 2008 contacted lawyer at GUZ Peter Padget per ref of CFL forums, told to get current package location and mailing numbers, due to time since notifications and lawyer being out of town till 30 Nov.

7 Nov 2008 request made to Congressman, for package location more status, reasons why..? waiting..


Interesting the VO has always contacted us via email, and only me, no letters. They don't answer my fiancee. I have also noticed that many of the white papers issued at GUZ in the last the petitioners are well off or earning over a $100K a year. One guy didn't even have to work?? Had Money?

Also married to foreign national before and age differences don't help.

I'm sure that my pissy emails didn't help and maybe the approved expedite request my have ruffled some feathers. But over all someone seems to not want this to happen for us.


Also the RFE we received was on pink paper with about 30 items that could be checked off with sub categories under them (only two items for me). The interviewer was a present American, and said to my fiancee that "this is going to be easy to finish" (although she was crying). I've been working in and for the Dept. of the Air Force since 1980, and this is a rude awakening how can DOS get away with this.

My congressman's aide seemed to be aware of the general issues, but not too assertive on what he was going to be able to do...?


(repeat of earlier post)

I've been reading a lot of this type of situation at CFL, VJ and other reference materiel from these sites. And you've got to get to the bottom of this and not let it fall on the floor. I read an article for Immigration Law Journal that if the K1 isn't completely closed correctly that the fiancee

records can be marked with a misrepresentation on a VISA petition at DOS. So you can get your papers through CIS but DOS will slap it down again without explanation. I agree get a immigration lawyer at GUZ and try it from the Freedom Of Info act. and do it fast! (Tom & Ling, and Randy W)


As of right now does anyone know of some thing else that I can do, read study or put together?


My plan right now is to see what can be done with the congressman and lawyer. Submit a Chinese VISA request and reserve plane tickets for the winter school break 18 DEC to 12 Jan, if nothing good or big happens by 18 Dec, go to china prepared to marry. But not marry unless its obvious that that's the only way. I need to see my SO (last was 10 APR 07) and I don't have any childcare for the winter break, so its a good time to travel (from Honolulu to Dalian??). I don't want to give up on the GUZ until the case has been sent back, and then maybe until I can get a reading on how things are going to go. Refilling for k3 I might still run into the same unknown issues. I feel that I should exercise some patience and dig in where I can to fully expose all the facts and options.


Thanks in advance, Pete


Hi Pete,

sorry to hear.,

my wife also recieved the white slip,as far as white slips being given out to people over 100k, i only make 28,000 a year,they give white slips to whoever they feel.My wife had 11 lbs of email records,skype,yahoo,phone records,plane tickets,bank statements,of money i send to her every month,yadayadayada....they never asked for it,because my wifes VO had a crystal ball,did not need the evidence.

I also have a congressman and my senator working on this,and they are actually aware of these problems,is not an isolated case,but unfortunetly,i don't put too much confidence in their abilities to do something,nevertheless,i am not giving up.

try to make some more trips to china to see your girl.Marrying her,seems to be a good idea.do the k3,and you will have the CR1 to fall back on,which is my case,i have an approved CR1,so if there is a silver lining in this nightmare,it is this,since my wife and I are half way to another interview.

The sad thing,there are some of us who really have great relationships with our wifes/girlfriends(better than some american husbands and wifes).and get turned down,I was told of a story,of a woman,who had her interview,had one manila envelope,a few emails,photos,phone,and she got the pink,and all the while told her friends,she was only doing it for the green card.how true it is,i don't know,but i don't doubt it.

hang in there,i know what your going thru,

you will get some good advice on here.

take care



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Hi Pete,


What did you mean by "Also married to foreign national before and age differences don't help. "....please explain.


Also a few people here would ask you....How many times have you been to China to see your fiancee???


I am not sure that you will ever see an explanation of why your I-129F was turned down, but do you have a sheet saying what was the reason??

Many on here will say that they will let the I-129F expire in the US without letting you address the issues. But watch your mail anyways and see if you can get your congressman maybe find out.


Sorry about this, It is disheartening but these things happen.


If you can not find out the reason for the refusal, than the only thing left would be to go to China and marry. And in this case I would go for the K3 Visa since if you were turned down for the K3 you would still have the CR1(I-130) to be able to fall back on.


I would also suggest that if you do marry, Than you need to visit your wife in China a few times, get lots of pictures while over there, have a wedding dinner, and the whole nine yards.


Welcome to CFL and keep posting because there are many people here that can help you.

But I would suggest that you take your time about this, but getting married will take some time.


Tom and Ling


PS: I am curious about the "Also married to foreign national before and age differences don't help. " statement....since I am married to a foreign national and my wife and I are separated by a "Few years" :mobrun: :ph34r: :ph34r:

Tom & Ling

Thanks so much for you kind words. As to your P.S. note, I've been married three times, the second was I got married to a Korean national while serving in the Air Force in Korea in 1983, married for 10 years, had 3 children the divorced in 1993. I married again in 1994 (for 12 years) and had a child (in my custody of now). Two of the three RFE's we got out of the Interview (much more on that later). were about my ex's Also when I spoke to an immigration attorney here in Honolulu when I told her over the phone the basic facts in a one minute spill (because I'd been told that she was very blunt and to the point) the first thing she said was "have you been married to a foreign national before?" . Also a few other white recipients have been and thought that it may have been an issue that the VO had turn on but didn't address directly. The RFE's, one requested a notarized person statement of "Explain in detail your relationship(s) with your ex-spouse(s), explaining how you met; whether you filed an I-130 petition for this spouse; how long you lived together before separating or divorcing (give dates and locations); how many children you had with this ex-spouse and whom the these children currently live with, and why you got divorced." the other RFE under the Residency category, asked for" the consulate has insufficient information about the residency of the following people marked with an X. Provide the address and social security numbers if applicable. (petitioners ex-spouse(s), petitioner) provide evidence to verify residency for a significant length of time and as close to the current date as possible. Include pages with names, dates and addresses of the requested parties. Provide all possible evidence such as: Lease/ mortgage statements, Utility bills, Bank and credit cards statements, Household Registry, Drivers license and other ID cars." I provided all but the copy of the ID card for the latest ex-spouse, the first and second I provided the address's, SSN's and the notarized statement that I did have access to the documents and requesting them after fifteen and twenty-five years since divorce would be awkward and useless. I went to the local USCIS (info pass) and spoke to them the predicament they acknowledged that GUZ had a history of guffy RFE's but that I MUST comply or at lease address everything noted.

So that's why I commented that way. I'm going the learn how to post the RFE photos we got from GUZ (they were scanned in by my SO) with all the 30 (or so) items, they are Unbelievable...! It seemed to me reasonable that after providing the three notarized divorce decrees and stating else where the the package that I had a Top Secret security clearance and was reinvesting ed every five years with aspects of my life including personal interviews of my ex- spouses, that just providing info on the latest ex spouse wold cover the issues. But I have a hunch it's the issue.

Thanks again, Pete

Edited by peterd01 (see edit history)
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Hi Pete,


What did you mean by "Also married to foreign national before and age differences don't help. "....please explain.


Also a few people here would ask you....How many times have you been to China to see your fiancee???


I am not sure that you will ever see an explanation of why your I-129F was turned down, but do you have a sheet saying what was the reason??

Many on here will say that they will let the I-129F expire in the US without letting you address the issues. But watch your mail anyways and see if you can get your congressman maybe find out.


Sorry about this, It is disheartening but these things happen.


If you can not find out the reason for the refusal, than the only thing left would be to go to China and marry. And in this case I would go for the K3 Visa since if you were turned down for the K3 you would still have the CR1(I-130) to be able to fall back on.


I would also suggest that if you do marry, Than you need to visit your wife in China a few times, get lots of pictures while over there, have a wedding dinner, and the whole nine yards.


Welcome to CFL and keep posting because there are many people here that can help you.

But I would suggest that you take your time about this, but getting married will take some time.


Tom and Ling


PS: I am curious about the "Also married to foreign national before and age differences don't help. " statement....since I am married to a foreign national and my wife and I are separated by a "Few years" :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

Tom & Ling

Thanks so much for you kind words. As to your P.S. note, I've been married three times, the second was I got married to a Korean national while serving in the Air Force in Korea in 1983, married for 10 years, had 3 children the divorced in 1993. I married again in 1994 (for 12 years) and had a child (in my custody of now). Two of the three RFE's we got out of the Interview (much more on that later). were about my ex's Also when I spoke to an immigration attorney here in Honolulu when I told her over the phone the basic facts in a one minute spill (because I'd been told that she was very blunt and to the point) the first thing she said was "have you been married to a foreign national before?" . Also a few other white recipients have been and thought that it may have been an issue that the VO had turn on but didn't address directly. The RFE's, one requested a notarized person statement of "Explain in detail your relationship(s) with your ex-spouse(s), explaining how you met; whether you filed an I-130 petition for this spouse; how long you lived together before separating or divorcing (give dates and locations); how many children you had with this ex-spouse and whom the these children currently live with, and why you got divorced." the other RFE under the Residency category, asked for" the consulate has insufficient information about the residency of the following people marked with an X. Provide the address and social security numbers if applicable. (petitioners ex-spouse(s), petitioner) provide evidence to verify residency for a significant length of time and as close to the current date as possible. Include pages with names, dates and addresses of the requested parties. Provide all possible evidence such as: Lease/ mortgage statements, Utility bills, Bank and credit cards statements, Household Registry, Drivers license and other ID cars." I provided all but the copy of the ID card for the latest ex-spouse, the first and second I provided the address's, SSN's and the notarized statement that I did have access to the documents and requesting them after fifteen and twenty-five years since divorce would be awkward and useless. I went to the local USCIS (info pass) and spoke to them the predicament they acknowledged that GUZ had a history of guffy RFE's but that I MUST comply or at lease address everything noted.

So that's why I commented that way. I'm going the learn how to post the RFE photos we got from GUZ (they were scanned in by my SO) with all the 30 (or so) items, they are Unbelievable...! It seemed to me reasonable that after providing the three notarized divorce decrees and stating else where the the package that I had a Top Secret security clearance and was reinvesting ed every five years with aspects of my life including personal interviews of my ex- spouses, that just providing info on the latest ex spouse wold cover the issues. But I have a hunch it's the issue.

Thanks again, Pete


Hi Peter,


Wow...So from what you have said ...you have been married 3 times and you are married for the fourth time..is that correct??


Well, my second wife was a foreign national but she is russian and a US Citizen.

But that is why I married an Asian (Chinese inparticular)..I don't trust russians anymore.... :mobrun:

But in the I-130 and I-129F ..I addressed the fact that I was married twice and one was a foreign national.

I take it that you did not address your previous marriages because of the RFE's...is that correct??


Tom and Ling

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Hi Pete,


What did you mean by "Also married to foreign national before and age differences don't help. "....please explain.


Also a few people here would ask you....How many times have you been to China to see your fiancee???


I am not sure that you will ever see an explanation of why your I-129F was turned down, but do you have a sheet saying what was the reason??

Many on here will say that they will let the I-129F expire in the US without letting you address the issues. But watch your mail anyways and see if you can get your congressman maybe find out.


Sorry about this, It is disheartening but these things happen.


If you can not find out the reason for the refusal, than the only thing left would be to go to China and marry. And in this case I would go for the K3 Visa since if you were turned down for the K3 you would still have the CR1(I-130) to be able to fall back on.


I would also suggest that if you do marry, Than you need to visit your wife in China a few times, get lots of pictures while over there, have a wedding dinner, and the whole nine yards.


Welcome to CFL and keep posting because there are many people here that can help you.

But I would suggest that you take your time about this, but getting married will take some time.


Tom and Ling


PS: I am curious about the "Also married to foreign national before and age differences don't help. " statement....since I am married to a foreign national and my wife and I are separated by a "Few years" :lol: :P :P

Tom & Ling

Thanks so much for you kind words. As to your P.S. note, I've been married three times, the second was I got married to a Korean national while serving in the Air Force in Korea in 1983, married for 10 years, had 3 children the divorced in 1993. I married again in 1994 (for 12 years) and had a child (in my custody of now). Two of the three RFE's we got out of the Interview (much more on that later). were about my ex's Also when I spoke to an immigration attorney here in Honolulu when I told her over the phone the basic facts in a one minute spill (because I'd been told that she was very blunt and to the point) the first thing she said was "have you been married to a foreign national before?" . Also a few other white recipients have been and thought that it may have been an issue that the VO had turn on but didn't address directly. The RFE's, one requested a notarized person statement of "Explain in detail your relationship(s) with your ex-spouse(s), explaining how you met; whether you filed an I-130 petition for this spouse; how long you lived together before separating or divorcing (give dates and locations); how many children you had with this ex-spouse and whom the these children currently live with, and why you got divorced." the other RFE under the Residency category, asked for" the consulate has insufficient information about the residency of the following people marked with an X. Provide the address and social security numbers if applicable. (petitioners ex-spouse(s), petitioner) provide evidence to verify residency for a significant length of time and as close to the current date as possible. Include pages with names, dates and addresses of the requested parties. Provide all possible evidence such as: Lease/ mortgage statements, Utility bills, Bank and credit cards statements, Household Registry, Drivers license and other ID cars." I provided all but the copy of the ID card for the latest ex-spouse, the first and second I provided the address's, SSN's and the notarized statement that I did have access to the documents and requesting them after fifteen and twenty-five years since divorce would be awkward and useless. I went to the local USCIS (info pass) and spoke to them the predicament they acknowledged that GUZ had a history of guffy RFE's but that I MUST comply or at lease address everything noted.

So that's why I commented that way. I'm going the learn how to post the RFE photos we got from GUZ (they were scanned in by my SO) with all the 30 (or so) items, they are Unbelievable...! It seemed to me reasonable that after providing the three notarized divorce decrees and stating else where the the package that I had a Top Secret security clearance and was reinvesting ed every five years with aspects of my life including personal interviews of my ex- spouses, that just providing info on the latest ex spouse wold cover the issues. But I have a hunch it's the issue.

Thanks again, Pete


Hi Peter,


Wow...So from what you have said ...you have been married 3 times and you are married for the fourth time..is that correct??


Well, my second wife was a foreign national but she is russian and a US Citizen.

But that is why I married an Asian (Chinese inparticular)..I don't trust russians anymore.... :sosad:

But in the I-130 and I-129F ..I addressed the fact that I was married twice and one was a foreign national.

I take it that you did not address your previous marriages because of the RFE's...is that correct??


Tom and Ling

Tom & Ling

Only addressed as far as listing previous spouses and citified divorce decrees. I thought that was proof enough..? And I have only been to China once for three weeks to see her Mar 2007. Previously when I was separated from my 3rd ex, while living in Bahrain is where I met my fiancee in Feb 2005 and had an on-going 'relationship' till my divorcee in Dev 2006 when we engaged. It took a long time because of child custody issues, all of this was explained in detail in an accompanied letter that I had provided to the Air Force Security office for a background check on my SO a long with 3 other package forms that the Air Force wanted.



Edited by peterd01 (see edit history)
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Tom and Ling

Tom & Ling

Only addressed as far as listing previous spouses and citified divorce decrees. I thought that was proof enough..? And I have only been to China once for three weeks to see her Mar 2007. Previously when I was separated from my 3rd ex, while living in Bahrain is where I met my fiancee in Feb 2005 and had an on-going 'relationship' till my divorcee in Dev 2006 when we engaged. It took a long time because of child custody issues, all of this was explained in detail in an accompanied letter that I had provided to the Air Force Security office for a background check on my SO a long with 3 other package forms that the Air Force wanted.




Hi Pete,


You have a complicated petitioning history.

You addressed your three ex's but did you address the questions that pertained to the many petitions that your ex wife's represent?? and I would also say that in 2000 when I married my second wife the Affidavit of support was for only 10 years,,but now Affidavits of support are "forever". So if you are one of the "forever" folks...Guangzhou may have thought that you had too many outstanding affidavit's of support.

Also...the only seeing your wife once may have been a factor too..just my opinion... :eatyum:


Tom and Ling

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Tom and Ling

Tom & Ling

Only addressed as far as listing previous spouses and citified divorce decrees. I thought that was proof enough..? And I have only been to China once for three weeks to see her Mar 2007. Previously when I was separated from my 3rd ex, while living in Bahrain is where I met my fiancee in Feb 2005 and had an on-going 'relationship' till my divorcee in Dev 2006 when we engaged. It took a long time because of child custody issues, all of this was explained in detail in an accompanied letter that I had provided to the Air Force Security office for a background check on my SO a long with 3 other package forms that the Air Force wanted.




Hi Pete,


You have a complicated petitioning history.

You addressed your three ex's but did you address the questions that pertained to the many petitions that your ex wife's represent?? and I would also say that in 2000 when I married my second wife the Affidavit of support was for only 10 years,,but now Affidavits of support are "forever". So if you are one of the "forever" folks...Guangzhou may have thought that you had too many outstanding affidavit's of support.

Also...the only seeing your wife once may have been a factor too..just my opinion... :eatyum:


Tom and Ling

Tom & Ling


Yes 3 marriages does make for a thick package. But, only one was a foreign national while living in that country, 1983 and 3 children in ten years. I thought that would pass the doesn't smell test, but in my nativity I presumed that I was innocent until proven guilty.



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Hi Pete,


""My plan right now is to see what can be done with the congressman and lawyer. Submit a Chinese VISA request and reserve plane tickets for the winter school break 18 DEC to 12 Jan, if nothing good or big happens by 18 Dec, go to china prepared to marry. But not marry unless its obvious that that's the only way. I need to see my SO (last was 10 APR 07) and I don't have any childcare for the winter break, so its a good time to travel (from Honolulu to Dalian??). I don't want to give up on the GUZ until the case has been sent back, and then maybe until I can get a reading on how things are going to go. Refilling for k3 I might still run into the same unknown issues. I feel that I should exercise some patience and dig in where I can to fully expose all the facts and options.""


I take it that you only filed an I-129F...Correct???

I think you are thinking the correct way.

My suggestion would be that if you only filed an I-129F and it was denied than if you can not get an explanation of why you were denied and if you are working with Peter Pagant he might be able to find out.

Than I would go to China and marry my Fiancee. Than file an I-130 and after it is filed File an I-129F for K3/K4 and than you would have two possible petitions to try. The I-129F for your wife and if that was denied try the I-130......this is only my opinion but because of your history that is the only advice I can give.

It all depends on how much you love your Fiancee,,but take your time if you get married and prove that it is a real and solid marriage.

And visit your wife as much as possible if you do marry.

This is just my opinion also, but patience is the watch word.


Tom and Ling

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Hi Pete,


""My plan right now is to see what can be done with the congressman and lawyer. Submit a Chinese VISA request and reserve plane tickets for the winter school break 18 DEC to 12 Jan, if nothing good or big happens by 18 Dec, go to china prepared to marry. But not marry unless its obvious that that's the only way. I need to see my SO (last was 10 APR 07) and I don't have any childcare for the winter break, so its a good time to travel (from Honolulu to Dalian??). I don't want to give up on the GUZ until the case has been sent back, and then maybe until I can get a reading on how things are going to go. Refilling for k3 I might still run into the same unknown issues. I feel that I should exercise some patience and dig in where I can to fully expose all the facts and options.""


I take it that you only filed an I-129F...Correct???

I think you are thinking the correct way.

My suggestion would be that if you only filed an I-129F and it was denied than if you can not get an explanation of why you were denied and if you are working with Peter Pagant he might be able to find out.

Than I would go to China and marry my Fiancee. Than file an I-130 and after it is filed File an I-129F for K3/K4 and than you would have two possible petitions to try. The I-129F for your wife and if that was denied try the I-130......this is only my opinion but because of your history that is the only advice I can give.

It all depends on how much you love your Fiancee,,but take your time if you get married and prove that it is a real and solid marriage.

And visit your wife as much as possible if you do marry.

This is just my opinion also, but patience is the watch word.


Tom and Ling

Tom & Ling

Thank you and God bless you and your good work here, I'm sweating blood (so to speak) over this as are so many others. I realize that their is a snow ball's chance in hell of getting a reversal at GUZ but it would be foolish to over look the opportunity. The pro active and best bet approach is to; book, reserve, and start IMG marriage attorney, Airline, Hotel, vacation requests in Hong Kong. Where I understand is free from custom delays which is important to an K3... correct?

And the lesson I'm learning again here it is as you said, "patience is the watch word".

Who has a good quote about arrogance and being cock sure, to put here... Ouch!


Thanks again, Pete

Edited by peterd01 (see edit history)
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