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So sad... it makes you just feel helpless to a situation which your entire life and your future depends on. For so long it seems the everything is waiting, depending on someone at a desk's simple writing and keystrokes...



You are young Dylan. Time is on your side. :( You have Wendy' heart and that is what's most important. ;) The rest will come when it's time.


Not to worry. Yes, while it's difficult, you will have each other in the end. I know it may seem strange to suggest that you cherish this waiting time right now, but I really think you should. It helped make Lan and I much stronger, and better prepared us for the life ahead. It's such an exciting time when your partner arrives. Be sure to take lots of pictures.





Ah...the wait :lol: Our wait has turned into a three part waiting time. Ten months for the interview, 10 months in AP blue slip hell, leading to the denial, and now, the wait for me to get things worked out with the VA so I can move to Chinatucky (5 months since the denial, and counting). Every minute of the waiting has strengthened our committment to each other...throw in a ton of stress with the 10 month AP blue slip and you have a REAL character builder, that shows each other just who you truly are before you set up and start playin' house together. :D


I know our "goal" is there, it's what we do, during the wait, that's important to our future.


With 2 trips to Vietnam, I knew what "waiting" is all about. At 20 years old, it seemed an eternity filled with the smell of JP-4 exhaust fumes from a Huey's turbine, counting bullet holes in the ship you flew that day, and the smell of the blood from the wounded we carried. Then, I went back a second time....too many wounded kids needing free helicopter rides. ;)


Well, if nothin' else, Nam taught, and well prepared me for "the wait"...Good Lord knows, my volunteering to serve my country did nothin' to help me bring my lil' rabbit to this lovely place. :)


You and Wendy will be just fine Dylan. The wait time can seem forever, but it can be used very productively...and, it's something everyone here goes through. :boxer:


tsap seui

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Well I just heard from my friend Leon, they sent in there RFE last week and today got his P2. They got mine in on the 3rd and still nothing. I think when he sent in his notice it said they would hear back from them in only 14 days while mine said 60!

I am very happy for them but also worried about Ting and my self...I need a hug... :unsure:

Edited by shadeOgray (see edit history)
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