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After they get here...

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Hey guys,


I know some of this has been touched on already, but I have not been able to find the posts again.


When my girl and our son get here, they will need some time to bring their English up to par before they will be ready to go to college. I read in one of these posts something to the effect that you must get them enrolled very quickly or it will be very difficult later. I can't remember the details. I am hoping I can marry my girl fairly quickly, get here SS card with the correct names, get employment authorization for her, etc. I'm not sure of my exact prefered time table, but I was thinking a few months, then get her working and into school. The same, more or less for our son, bring his English up to par and then get him into school.


I am also trying to get them into an in-state situation to bring down the tuition costs. Along with that, I would like to try to get some grants, and of course financial aid. I know I can go to the colleges and get some help with these things, but I was hoping some members here might be able to share some of their knowledge with me as well.


Down the road we would like to start our own business. Will she qualify for any kind of small business loans or grants owing to her ethnicity and/or immigration status?


And finally, with the American stock market going down down down, and the Chinese stock market folllowing suit, my girl says that when the Chinese stocks bottom out, it will be a great opportunity to invest. What do you guys think? If I do that, and we start making money from abroad, how do I handle my taxes. I have an accountant who does them now, and I can ask him, but again, I was hoping someone who has been there and done that could give me some insight.


I know I am asking a lot here. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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The Chinese stock market is very unpredictable. Many people seems to loose a lot of money. It seems that the market is high manipulated by some group with super user status. The software that links you into the market shows many strange and large trades, that never really appear, they only get booked.


What i am saying is that this market is very difficult to watch and you must sure of it every second. Very hard to just invest and wait for trades later. It has very big swings duirng the day and you must time your trades very carefully.




Many grants and scholarships require US citizenship, not all but many.




Small business grants for woman are not always easy to get, there are some but hard to find. In the business and acedemic world Chinese are not really given any advantage as a minority. So i doubt you will find grants for that.




This is all my experience, but hard and fast rules.

Edited by Don (see edit history)
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hiya Yemmie -


try a site search with The Google ?

go to www.google.com


site:candleforlove.com <<search terms>>

in the search block, removing the <> thingies.


Warmest Regards..

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There are two classes of stock in China - one for foreigners (you) and one for PRC people (yer lass). Does yer lass know how to trade electronically with the class of stock available to her in China?


RE: Tuition -

some junior colleges have a tuition waiver program specifically for new immigrants - ie - instead of 'foreign student' or 'out of state' tuition', they are charged 'in state residence' tuition rates. But it's not universal, varies widely by locale.


USUALLY a first year immigrant will pay AT LEAST the first semester at INTERNATIONAL or OUT OF STATE tuition rates at a 4 year college.


Which semester are they planning on matriculating? Check with your local uni and jc's - ask about the residency requirements for in-state resident tuition rates. If it's 6 months, then maybe it will make more sense to solely enroll them in english/esl and certificate programs in technology (4 month programs, usually).


There's NOTHING stopping them from setting up a small business NOW in yer locale, once they arrive. IMO, the sooner the better, as ALL EDUCATIONAL EXPENSES are 100 percent tax deductible on the Schedule C under 'other'.



Edited by Darnell (see edit history)
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hiya Yemmie -


try a site search with The Google ?

go to www.google.com


site:candleforlove.com <<search terms>>

in the search block, removing the <> thingies.


Warmest Regards..


Darnell, I bow to your goggle prowess :rolleyes:




OH Hey Richard - it's not 'mine' -

I got fed up with the search engine here on CFL as it wouldn't return 'stuff' on what i thought it should. So I asked about it, got good technical response from Randy W about The Google and site searches, when I asked about searching (6 months ago?)

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hiya Yemmie -


try a site search with The Google ?

go to www.google.com


site:candleforlove.com <<search terms>>

in the search block, removing the <> thingies.


Warmest Regards..


Darnell, I bow to your goggle prowess :rolleyes:




OH Hey Richard - it's not 'mine' -

I got fed up with the search engine here on CFL as it wouldn't return 'stuff' on what i thought it should. So I asked about it, got good technical response from Randy W about The Google and site searches, when I asked about searching (6 months ago?)


Wow! I forgot I knew that!

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