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Do I have this right?

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I didn't realize that this thread had blown up. I apologize for neglecting it.


This is a serious request for information. My relationship with her means a lot to me, and I am trying to protect it by enabling us to live together.


I am just trying to be very careful about making a significant life change. I realize that this is not to be taken lightly, as marriage is a recognition of a sacred bond between two allies of the heart. My concern is that the strength of this bond has never really been tested. We've gone on vacation together a number of times over the past 4 years, but we've never lived together while I've been working, so I don't know how well we can cope with me bringing job stress home to our domestic life. It is a risk that I cannot fully assess.




If this were a forum about relationships with someone in the same city, the replies would have been much different.


Those of us who choose to have a long distance, overseas relationship, have had the USCIS and Dept of State as 3rd parties in our relationship for 5 months to a year, in most cases.


The law is that visas may be issued to fiances of American citizens, or spouses of American citizens. You are either married (or willing to promise to get married), or you're not - you either get the visa, or you don't. If you want to live with her, you move to China.


One thing you do have in your favor is time - you have all the time in the world to decide whether you want to get married or not.

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