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Which addresses to use

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Hi everyone, I've got a question and I hope someone can help shed some light on this. I am getting ready to start this process, looking at the I-129F and G-325A forms. My fiance can not receive any mail at her home. Her mailing address is at her office. Do you all think it's possible to use that as the address on both of these forms. Or perhaps use one of her brother's or friends' addresses? I mean-- is this something which is going to be checked as part of a verification process at some point? Unfortunately, the forms make no distinction between permanent address and mailing address. Which address on which form will they use as the mailing address for her visa package?


Wow, just starting and already so many questions... I appreciate the help!



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Hmm. Good question. The address you put down will be the address they send both the P3 and the P4. So, it should be somewhere she can get mail. If I were in your shoes I'd put down her brother's address.... Is that right answer? Dunno! Its just what I would do. Someone else will have to answer the rest of your questions! G'luck!

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