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Still waiting for P3

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My fiance and I have heard from GZ that as of August 19th the P3 was sent out, yet last week on Aug. 13th I was told byy GZ embassy that it was ready to be sent out and possibly going out that day.


It has been a week and 2 days, and no sign of the package...is something possibly wrong?


Also, I am sponsoring my fiance, obviously, and my father is co-sponsoring her. Yet, for 4 yrs I lived in China, and did consulting work ove the phone and paid taxes on those profits in America. Now that I have returned, I became the owner of the company I worked for.


Though my profits were very very little over the 4yrs of tax returns, would me having the company under my name raise the chances of my fiance being approved?


My father has a house, and cars, I have a car, and though he is disabled, has money in savings, lots, and has a small income. We have enough to take care of the bills and survive like all the rest, with extra money to spare, comfortably.


What are such chances of getting a visa with these conditions?


Peace and Blessings,


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You can download the P3 docs needed and just return them. Some do this as a shortcut once they hear the P3 was sent.


GUZ doesn't look at profit but total income. The most important issue is steady, dependable income; in that sense, looking forward can be more important than looking back; If your current job looks like steady, permanent, qualifying level income then you shouldn't have any issue.


A company in your name may *look* good but it's still about "show me the money"... If the job appeared as a risky "dot com"; maybe that wouldn't look so good.


You really only need a joint sponsor if the income level doesn't appear satisfactory; Once you use one, then your income is almost meaningless... Later, if your meet the guideline, then you can do it alone (ie: by the time you file for adjustment of status in the US).

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Ditto to what David said.


All you need to return are OF-169, and DS-230 part 1


OF-169 http://guangzhou.usembassy-china.org.cn/up...ts_-_OF-169.pdf


DS-230 http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/81807.pdf


Mail to:


United States Consulate Guangzhou

IV Unit

1 Shamian South Street

Guangzhou, 510133 PRC

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Thank you all so much. As for the company, its the family business, been around for several years already under my father, now passed to me. Steady income, good enough I see.. hahaha


On monday, China time, my fiance will be sending out the forms you all spoke about. She actually already knew what to do.. hahaha


Peace and Blessings,


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Thank you all so much. As for the company, its the family business, been around for several years already under my father, now passed to me. Steady income, good enough I see.. hahaha


On monday, China time, my fiance will be sending out the forms you all spoke about. She actually already knew what to do.. hahaha


Peace and Blessings,


:angry: time to get used to that :P

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Finally received the P3 just today. We were just about to send out the required forms when we decided to call EMS and lo and behold, it had arrived. Been waiting since May 14th.


Just so happens that when I called DOS the time I posted this thread, they told me Guangzhou processed and sent the P3 out on Aug. 13th. The EMS package shows otherwise..sent on August 22nd.


Jeez... funny thing is the DOS people told me that it is scheduled to be sent out, but doesn't mean it will be sent out on the day they say it will. Seems like the DOS doesn't communicate with GUangzhou clearly.. mainly through computer.


Figure the interview date will be sometime in late September perhaps or even October.




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Guest WenDylan

Finally received the P3 just today. We were just about to send out the required forms when we decided to call EMS and lo and behold, it had arrived. Been waiting since May 14th.


Just so happens that when I called DOS the time I posted this thread, they told me Guangzhou processed and sent the P3 out on Aug. 13th. The EMS package shows otherwise..sent on August 22nd.


Jeez... funny thing is the DOS people told me that it is scheduled to be sent out, but doesn't mean it will be sent out on the day they say it will. Seems like the DOS doesn't communicate with GUangzhou clearly.. mainly through computer.


Figure the interview date will be sometime in late September perhaps or even October.




Good news!

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Finally received the P3 just today. We were just about to send out the required forms when we decided to call EMS and lo and behold, it had arrived. Been waiting since May 14th.


Just so happens that when I called DOS the time I posted this thread, they told me Guangzhou processed and sent the P3 out on Aug. 13th. The EMS package shows otherwise..sent on August 22nd.


Jeez... funny thing is the DOS people told me that it is scheduled to be sent out, but doesn't mean it will be sent out on the day they say it will. Seems like the DOS doesn't communicate with GUangzhou clearly.. mainly through computer.


Figure the interview date will be sometime in late September perhaps or even October.





Great news !!!!!!My wife and I got our P3 yesterday.



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Great news !!!!!!My wife and I got our P3 yesterday.





We sent the P3 out a week and a half ago. Wonder when the interview date will be. Some have it for Sept. 24th..hehe Hoping its sooner :-P


Congratulations to all those receiving the P3. Hopefully you will all have your Visas in time for the Christmas holidays!




If looking at the timeline we might get it by Christmas too as a Christmas present from the good old Santa. :thank_you_so_much:



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The P3 was sent the same day we received it. It has been about 2 weeks, and still no interview date. The DOS said it was not picked up yet.


Keeping fingers crossed for an early interview date...


Also, I heard that some people weren't even getting interview dates. That they would receive a letter saying they were not approved for a visa.


It was supposedly some new manner of deciding who gets a visa. The visa people at the consulate would just look at the P3 and then decide whether or not the visa applicant gets approved without even seeing the affidavit of support, etc.


Is this true?




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