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Can we put the process on ice?

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Ai ya (the Chinese sound of exasperation)


One of the great things about this whole visa process is the opportunity to consider, REALLY CONSIDER, what is important.


After receiving the blue card due to Miss Wang's former status as a member of the CCP, I decided to have a little heart to heart with myself about just how important this relationship really is to me. Certainly a worthwhile topic to revisit from time to time. The answer I came up with is that it is important. Very important. Important enough to finish up the commitments I have here in the USA and go back to China. I can live just as easily there as I can here. She is important to me, she is not really that interested in coming to the USA anyway, so in service of the relationship and our life together, it is back to China for me.


In addition to being able to be together, we can really see where the relationship goes without her trying to adjust to a very foreign culture and a 90 day ax hovering over our heads. But, mostly, we just want to be together, and this is a way to be together. My Chinese needs to be brushed up anyway :)


Since we have already invested time and money into this whole K1 affair, I am reluctant to just drop it. There may already be a posting here in the forums about freezing the visa process at its current status, but I could not find it. If it is here, I'd appreciate the link to it, otherwise if anyone knows about the option of just putting the process on hold, I'd love to know about it.



Mr Bamboo

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Only thing at this point is to abandon the process.


The only delay I have seen is holding on responding to P3, the consulates tend to wait 1 year for P3 responce and then close the case.


I would go through the overcome, and get the K-1, at that time you have up to 6 months to use the K-1, during which time you can decide to use it or not. If not, you can always apply for a spousal visa DCF (Direct Consulate Filing) if you decide to just move to China, and perhaps marry there.


Note: If you do move to China, always maintain US domicile, and file returns every year, this will help you if you do decide to file for a spousal visa at the consulate.

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Since you have so much time invested in it it would be a shame not to see it through. Especially since the CCP issue is a fairly easy overcome. From what I have seen on this board it usually takes about 4 months. It will take a lot longer than that if you go to China, marry and have to start over. If you've made up your mind that you are going to live in China on a permanent basis and don't need to bring your bride to the states to visit friends or family then I suppose you could just shine it on and forget about the visa.

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bamboo - what about making the overcome for ccp membership? is that totally out of the question? You've got a blue slip, not a white slip.

And it was ONLY on the 6th of August - hey - time to get jumping !


She can overcome a blue slip - it would be useful to search this site with TheGoogle - go to www.google.com, enter 'site:candleforlove.com <<search terms>> ' in the search box. (removing the <<>> ).


This forces a search solely on CFL, and the search terms would be :

CCP overcome

Communist overcome


Don't have some despair - I know you are considering alternative things to do - but it is possible to overcome CCP membership , the Consulate in GUZ has given her some time to present the overcome, and a method to present the overcome - I say take advantage of it and actually MAKE the overcome.


I think the magical phrase is 'former status as a CCP member', with an emphasis on 'former'. You can help her to present the overcome evidence. It is, imo, 1000 times harder IF she held 'current' membership. Focus on 'former' - help her prepare the evidence, and have her submit the overcome evidence.

Edited by Darnell (see edit history)
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Mr Bamboo you need to get your head screwed on straight. My God man it is only blue. Just think of how much you both have invested up to this point. Go for the Gold and bring her home. Get married within the 90 days and get her the green card. Then you both can come and go and live where you want.

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Mr Bamboo you need to get your head screwed on straight. My God man it is only blue. Just think of how much you both have invested up to this point. Go for the Gold and bring her home. Get married within the 90 days and get her the green card. Then you both can come and go and live where you want.

Not necessarily, the green-card is for residence in the USA, if they were to move back to China after getting the card with the intent to live there permanently, this has the effect of abandoning the green-card. Now if they were to reside in the USA for 3 years after getting green-card and then applied for citizenship, and naturalized, THEN it would not matter where a US Citizen chooses to live, they would be welcomed back to the USA.
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Thanks everyone for the replies and encouragement!


I know that overcoming the CCP issue not difficult. It just takes time. It is not a show stopper.


What has happened for me is recognizing that I'm committed to this relationship and I can just as easily live in China as in the USA. In fact, there are plenty of benefits to living in China. Our goal is not to live in the USA, our goal is to be together.


Given the advice here I think we will continue the process and get the K1. If we want to use it, then we will. If not, then we have the choice of letting lapse after six months.


I realize that the process of getting the visa is only the first step in a long and involved process of allowing her to stay in the USA. There is much more to the process AFTER we get her to the USA.


I'm actually grateful to the INS for this opportunity to re-evaluate what is really important. I've missed China these past three years since returning to the States, and look forward to an Asian life again!

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My ol' floopy Aussie hat is off to ya Mr. Bamboo. :)


You really have a pretty simple overcome, some more time...yes, but I don't know of a case that a former "commie" didn't get the visa.


My hat is off to you because this made you think just where your priorities are in your relationship, and look at your choice. ;) Good on ya, man.


The only benefit I see to getting that visa, since you said, "she is not really that interested in coming to the USA anyway", is that if you go through with it, in time, she will have more freedom to travel...if you choose.


I was faced, with an AP blue slip at the K-1 interview, with waiting for 300 days and the distinct possibility that my lil' rabbit would get denied. She did get denied after those 300 days.


I had 10 months to search myself while we waited on God only knows what those american people in Guangzhou were looking at. It took me less than 10 seconds (on the afternoon of her interview) to figure out, where and to who, my priorities were with. :lol: We just paid in full for a new house in China last week.


You're so close to the green freedom to travel card, ya might as well let them give it to you and open up that door for the future.


Good luck to you both.


tsap seui


Sometimes I have to wonder if Joseph McCarthy is president of the united states and the cold war is still in effect. :lol:

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My ol' floopy Aussie hat is off to ya Mr. Bamboo. :)


You really have a pretty simple overcome, some more time...yes, but I don't know of a case that a former "commie" didn't get the visa.


My hat is off to you because this made you think just where your priorities are in your relationship, and look at your choice. ;) Good on ya, man.


The only benefit I see to getting that visa, since you said, "she is not really that interested in coming to the USA anyway", is that if you go through with it, in time, she will have more freedom to travel...if you choose.


I was faced, with an AP blue slip at the K-1 interview, with waiting for 300 days and the distinct possibility that my lil' rabbit would get denied. She did get denied after those 300 days.


I had 10 months to search myself while we waited on God only knows what those american people in Guangzhou were looking at. It took me less than 10 seconds (on the afternoon of her interview) to figure out, where and to who, my priorities were with. :lol: We just paid in full for a new house in China last week.


You're so close to the green freedom to travel card, ya might as well let them give it to you and open up that door for the future.


Good luck to you both.


tsap seui


Sometimes I have to wonder if Joseph McCarthy is president of the united states and the cold war is still in effect. :P


Thanks for the tip of the floopy Aussie hat, mate! Sometimes life is about getting around to asking right questions; the answers to them are completely transformative too.


Congratulations on your home in the middle kingdom, ¹§Ï²¹§Ï²Äã! So, where in China are you living? At the moment the question on my table is WHERE I'm going in China (other than next to Miss Wang! B) ) I've got some ideas as I've spent time in Beijing, Nanjing, Chengdu, Kunming and Shanghai in the past. Each place offers its unique opportunities. I'm looking forward to this next step of the journey (and the delicious food as well!)


Mr Bamboo

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Thanks for the tip of the floopy Aussie hat, mate! Sometimes life is about getting around to asking right questions; the answers to them are completely transformative too.


Congratulations on your home in the middle kingdom, ¹§Ï²¹§Ï²Äã! So, where in China are you living? At the moment the question on my table is WHERE I'm going in China (other than next to Miss Wang! :huh: ) I've got some ideas as I've spent time in Beijing, Nanjing, Chengdu, Kunming and Shanghai in the past. Each place offers its unique opportunities. I'm looking forward to this next step of the journey (and the delicious food as well!)


Mr Bamboo


Sorry if I made it look like I was currently living in Chinatucky. I am still in the mountains of Pennsyltucky. We had our interview in late July of 2007 and were finally denied in mid-May of this year. I started seeing most AP blue slippers were getting denied, so early this year I put the house I and my crew had completely renovated last year, as a surprise for my lady when she would have arrived in August last year, on the market, and it's sale closed in mid-July this year.


As well, in January I opened a service connected claim with the VA. Now, it looks like within a month I should be getting my C&P exam. Altogether I sent in over 5 pounds of evidence for my claim.


Plus, in January, I sold off most everything I owned in the states. I'm dead serious with my move to China. The weekend after Labor Day I'm having a large, advertised, yard sale to sell off most all of my contractors tools and most everything else I own...and no longer need. Just keeping my hand tools and gonna rent whatever I need for jobs until I leave.


The VA claim is what's keeping me here as it will eventually give me, if not from my first hearing, a converted to rmb income of almost 32,000 monthly rmb. And, this month marks 288 months ago that the VA wrongly denied me for this claim...I have two soldiers rights activists type lawyers that are chompin' at the bit to pay off their law school debts if we can win that case, after we get the monthly award.


Yeah, I need to stay here for a bit more and see this stuff though. The lil' rabbit bought the house and put the rest of the money in the bank. :lol: She tells me, "my job fix China house and prepare you go China live, your job work soldier doctor (VA)."


It will be later next year that I'll go over and live in our Shenyang area house. Maybe in 2011 well make a DCF attempt when our "son" gets closer to finishing high school. If that DCF fails or if we have forgotten about america we will move to Dalian. In the meantime we will be heading down under to see and laugh with my friends in New Zealand and Australia.


It's pretty funny...I started out only trying to bring her over here, I had forgotten about that 1984 VA claim and would have been content to live out my days without it....now...Uncle Sam can damn well pay for me to live in China and travel down under.


The DOS denied us for who knows what and they said the lil' rabbit did not "prove a bona fide relationship at the interview" ;)....well, bona fide relationship THIS Uncle Scam. :o And thank you VERY MUCH!!! :Dah:


I spent 2 very lousy weeks in hot steamy Guangzhou and 4 days in Beijing when I first met the lil' rabbit, the other 3 months worth of my visits were up in the Shenyang area, so I'm not well versed on everything China. The lil' rabbit hates hot everyday and likes the changes of the seasons. Her weather is very similar to what we have in this part of Pennsylvania, so it won't be any change for me really.


I really plan on writing a couple of books about flying helicopters in Cambodia and Vietnam, our life, and I want to play music again. Gonna take my bass guitar over and once I can get my chops back I'd like to get together with some Chinese musicians and play some Chinese funk music. :wub:


I wish you the best Bamboo, and anyone else in AP blues, the white slippers, and CCP trouble.


Denial is only a word, and it's a river in some place I never care to see. It is NOT an ending...IT IS A BEGINNING!!!!


Like Bamboo says..and all that good food too...YUMMMY


tsap seui

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I think you've made a good choice to continue the visa process.


One thing this brings up is how GZ would process a request to cancel the visa process after issuing a blue slip. I haven't heard of anyone doing that, but I would guess that they would probably change the blue slip to a white slip and show the evidence for the blue slip as being reinforced by the request to cancel the petition. It would be an easy thing for them to document and probably show up as a denial for the beneficiary which would hamper any future application.


This is one of the benefits of the process, once something goes wrong the process considers you guilty until you prove yourself innocent. :lol:

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Thanks for the tip of the floopy Aussie hat, mate! Sometimes life is about getting around to asking right questions; the answers to them are completely transformative too.


Congratulations on your home in the middle kingdom, ¹§Ï²¹§Ï²Äã! So, where in China are you living? At the moment the question on my table is WHERE I'm going in China (other than next to Miss Wang! B) ) I've got some ideas as I've spent time in Beijing, Nanjing, Chengdu, Kunming and Shanghai in the past. Each place offers its unique opportunities. I'm looking forward to this next step of the journey (and the delicious food as well!)


Mr Bamboo


Sorry if I made it look like I was currently living in Chinatucky. I am still in the mountains of Pennsyltucky. We had our interview in late July of 2007 and were finally denied in mid-May of this year. I started seeing most AP blue slippers were getting denied, so early this year I put the house I and my crew had completely renovated last year, as a surprise for my lady when she would have arrived in August last year, on the market, and it's sale closed in mid-July this year.


As well, in January I opened a service connected claim with the VA. Now, it looks like within a month I should be getting my C&P exam. Altogether I sent in over 5 pounds of evidence for my claim.


Plus, in January, I sold off most everything I owned in the states. I'm dead serious with my move to China. The weekend after Labor Day I'm having a large, advertised, yard sale to sell off most all of my contractors tools and most everything else I own...and no longer need. Just keeping my hand tools and gonna rent whatever I need for jobs until I leave.


The VA claim is what's keeping me here as it will eventually give me, if not from my first hearing, a converted to rmb income of almost 32,000 monthly rmb. And, this month marks 288 months ago that the VA wrongly denied me for this claim...I have two soldiers rights activists type lawyers that are chompin' at the bit to pay off their law school debts if we can win that case, after we get the monthly award.


Yeah, I need to stay here for a bit more and see this stuff though. The lil' rabbit bought the house and put the rest of the money in the bank. :yay: She tells me, "my job fix China house and prepare you go China live, your job work soldier doctor (VA)."


It will be later next year that I'll go over and live in our Shenyang area house. Maybe in 2011 well make a DCF attempt when our "son" gets closer to finishing high school. If that DCF fails or if we have forgotten about america we will move to Dalian. In the meantime we will be heading down under to see and laugh with my friends in New Zealand and Australia.


It's pretty funny...I started out only trying to bring her over here, I had forgotten about that 1984 VA claim and would have been content to live out my days without it....now...Uncle Sam can damn well pay for me to live in China and travel down under.


The DOS denied us for who knows what and they said the lil' rabbit did not "prove a bona fide relationship at the interview" :lol:....well, bona fide relationship THIS Uncle Scam. :yay: And thank you VERY MUCH!!! ;)


I spent 2 very lousy weeks in hot steamy Guangzhou and 4 days in Beijing when I first met the lil' rabbit, the other 3 months worth of my visits were up in the Shenyang area, so I'm not well versed on everything China. The lil' rabbit hates hot everyday and likes the changes of the seasons. Her weather is very similar to what we have in this part of Pennsylvania, so it won't be any change for me really.


I really plan on writing a couple of books about flying helicopters in Cambodia and Vietnam, our life, and I want to play music again. Gonna take my bass guitar over and once I can get my chops back I'd like to get together with some Chinese musicians and play some Chinese funk music. :)


I wish you the best Bamboo, and anyone else in AP blues, the white slippers, and CCP trouble.


Denial is only a word, and it's a river in some place I never care to see. It is NOT an ending...IT IS A BEGINNING!!!!


Like Bamboo says..and all that good food too...YUMMMY


tsap seui


Yes, sometimes adversity and a closed door gives us a different view of a horizon of opportunity. It is interesting to me that our government views any potential visa visitor to the USA as a potential illegal immigrant. Sure, some people would take advantage of that kind of opportunity, but many are quite happy just visiting. They love their homeland, much like we love ours, they are reluctant to leave their family and familiar surroundings. Much like many Americans "don't see a need to go to other countries, because ours is so big and there is so much to see here."


I have no ill feelings toward my country, I'm sad that I can not bring a loved one to this "land of opportunity" without us both being treated as suspect.


I feel lucky that i have the option of a life in China. Where I live is not nearly as important as who it is that I'm living it with!

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I think you've made a good choice to continue the visa process.


One thing this brings up is how GZ would process a request to cancel the visa process after issuing a blue slip. I haven't heard of anyone doing that, but I would guess that they would probably change the blue slip to a white slip and show the evidence for the blue slip as being reinforced by the request to cancel the petition. It would be an easy thing for them to document and probably show up as a denial for the beneficiary which would hamper any future application.


This is one of the benefits of the process, once something goes wrong the process considers you guilty until you prove yourself innocent. :lol:





A really good point that you make. That in quitting the process it would amount to an admission of guilt. I think I will have to have a talk with the consulate when I get back to China. Get their take on it. Thanks for the head's up on this!


Mr. Bamboo

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