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China gymnastics gets too much bad rap!

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Guest Mike and Lily

Also, when they display the medal count, they put China as #1, because they only count golds, not the total medals!

I noticed that too... but in all truth, what counts more? The number of total medals, or the number of gold medals only? I think is just in the eye of the beholder. ;)


I read somewhere that most every country in the world counts the gold medal tally as the actual count...but the US counts total medals...kind of like the metric vs english system...The US is right and the rest of the world is wrong... :(


Of course we are! That is why we impose our ideals and political systems on the rest of the world. Haven't you learned that by now! ;)

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Also, when they display the medal count, they put China as #1, because they only count golds, not the total medals!

I noticed that too... but in all truth, what counts more? The number of total medals, or the number of gold medals only? I think is just in the eye of the beholder. ;)


I read somewhere that most every country in the world counts the gold medal tally as the actual count...but the US counts total medals...kind of like the metric vs english system...The US is right and the rest of the world is wrong... ;)

Of course the US is always right, just ask us... :(

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Also, when they display the medal count, they put China as #1, because they only count golds, not the total medals!

I noticed that too... but in all truth, what counts more? The number of total medals, or the number of gold medals only? I think is just in the eye of the beholder. :P


I read somewhere that most every country in the world counts the gold medal tally as the actual count...but the US counts total medals...kind of like the metric vs english system...The US is right and the rest of the world is wrong... :)

Of course the US is always right, just ask us... :(


Lee I told my wife this.........bad move on my part! ;) ;)

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Of course we are! That is why we impose our ideals and political systems on the rest of the world. Haven't you learned that by now! ;)


Boy, you shore said a mouthful there Mike. Heck, I was blindly lead into the rape and destruction of a country that we wanted to impose ourideals and political systems on.


If you could have seen the way our senior military leaders lied through their teeth and helped place corrupt south Vietnam leaders into power...oh well. I'll just write a book about it while I'm in China. :(


tsap seui

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Why do they call these kid games "Olympics"?


It should be named "Controversary". :) ...They are cheating, we cheat too but HOW can THEY get away with it, the Russian "women" have beards, the Chinese women are too young, those guys are taking steroids, that ball was in bounds, the judges are biased....on and on ad pukem... :P


I am very happy the Chinese are doing good and they get to enjoy national pride, and yes, it's such a shame that the american kids aren't coming home with EVER... SINGLE... gold medal. Life just sucks sometimes doesn't it? These kiddie games are so important, why aren't we winning everything...oh yeah, it's because everyone else is cheating. :lol: :lol:




tsap seui


Yes, I think that there will always be two camps, those that see the cheating as a problem and those that see noticing the cheating as the problem. Whether it's Olympics, politics, foreign policy, those two camps don't seem to approach dishonesty in the same way. To each his own! :P


I'm happy the Chinese are doing well also. I suggested to my sweetheart that it would be nice if China and US finished with the same medal count. She looked at me like I was crazy and said no, China should have more! At least I tried for a little compromise there! :lol:


I also noted at one point that China had more Gold and US more medals. She said China don't care about being number 2 or number 3, only care number 1! :lol:

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It's very clear (65-61) that the determination of which country wins (65-61) the Olympics relies on total medal count (65-61) vice some other measure like how many bronze medals or how many gold medals. There are some irrefutable (65-61) unbiased (65-61) references (65-61) for this but I can't find them right now. Of course in the future, just like the positions of Presidential candidates, the irrefutable unbiased references could evolve (A<:lol: if underlying conditions change. In any case I know that the free world will rejoice when the host nation has secured its place as first runner-up.



:lol: :P

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Then there's the age issue on the Chinese women's gymnastics team. I am quite sure that they are under age ... why?


1. Sources like this are hard to refute.


2. Countries do this ... I have personal knowledge. I had an ongoing business relationship with a moderately high ranking royal in an unnamed country. This guy's hobby was to run the youth soccer program and specifically the select national teams that competed internationally. He was always fielding boys 1, 2, or even 3 years older than the maximum age for a particular bracket. The boys were issued passports with false birth dates by that country's official passport agency. In my opinion, it is very likely that China has issued false passports for their child gymnasts.


The Chinese women's gymnastics team

Berry Bonds

Mark McGwire


Maybe three peas in a pod??


Everyone knew Mark McGwire and Berry Bonds were cheating when they set their individual records, but it could not be proven. But all you had to do was to use your eyes and look at them and you knew they where cheating to reach their goals.


Now as time has passed, McGwire and Bonds still have their records, but no one wants anything to do with them, except in the towns where they played. People who live outside of St. Louis and San Francisco look at McGwire and Bonds' accomplishments with disgust now. As an example McGwire received only 23.5% of the 2007 Hall of Fame votes and he needed 75%. In 2008 McGwire received only 23.6% of the votes and it is now doubtful he will ever get into the Hall of Fame.


McGwire and Bonds are suffering a massive self-induced Hall of Fame snub that will last forever. It seems like the Chinese women's gymnastics team will suffer the same fate. They will be loved in China, but everywhere else looked at as cheaters.

Edited by Bigguy_33 (see edit history)
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Guest ShaQuaNew

McGwire and Bonds are suffering a massive self-induced Hall of Fame snub that will last forever. It seems like the Chinese women's gymnastics team will suffer the same fate. They will be loved in China, but everywhere else looked at as cheaters.


You're not just a "little" wrong about this, but rather you're completely and utterly mistaken!


The China Womens gymnastics team did nothing to deserve with being compared with the likes of illegal drug users like Mark McGwire and Barry Bonds. The young ladies from China have NOT cheated, nor did they disobey any rules. They complied with every request and regulation issued by the International Olympic Committee. The ladies of China simply out performed their competitors and did it without the use of artificial enhancements like illegal drugs.



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McGwire and Bonds are suffering a massive self-induced Hall of Fame snub that will last forever. It seems like the Chinese women's gymnastics team will suffer the same fate. They will be loved in China, but everywhere else looked at as cheaters.


You're not just a "little" wrong about this, but rather you're completely and utterly mistaken!


The China Womens gymnastics team did nothing to deserve with being compared with the likes of illegal drug users like Mark McGwire and Barry Bonds. The young ladies from China have NOT cheated, nor did they disobey any rules. They complied with every request and regulation issued by the International Olympic Committee. The ladies of China simply out performed their competitors and did it without the use of artificial enhancements like illegal drugs.



Truly Jesse, Bigguy's post was over the top and not even worth comment, IMO.

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Guest ShaQuaNew

Truly Jesse, Bigguy's post was over the top and not even worth comment, IMO.


Perhaps there are times when ignoring such assinine commentary might be appropriate. IMO this wasn't one of those times.....



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Guest WenDylan

Truly Jesse, Bigguy's post was over the top and not even worth comment, IMO.


Perhaps there are times when ignoring such assinine commentary might be appropriate. IMO this wasn't one of those times.....



I am tired of the arguments about the Chinese girls. They did a great job, and won rightfully so... the better Olympic performers in my modest opinion. I am sad that we did not get gold, but no use crying over spilt milk. :eyebrow:

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McGwire and Bonds are suffering a massive self-induced Hall of Fame snub that will last forever. It seems like the Chinese women's gymnastics team will suffer the same fate. They will be loved in China, but everywhere else looked at as cheaters.


You're not just a "little" wrong about this, but rather you're completely and utterly mistaken!


The China Womens gymnastics team did nothing to deserve with being compared with the likes of illegal drug users like Mark McGwire and Barry Bonds. The young ladies from China have NOT cheated, nor did they disobey any rules. They complied with every request and regulation issued by the International Olympic Committee. The ladies of China simply out performed their competitors and did it without the use of artificial enhancements like illegal drugs.




The girls themselves didn't cheat and are great athletes. The Chinese officials who train/control them apparently did cheat however. There's quite a bit of evidence to show they flouted the rules and falsified passports so some of the girls could compete.


If they were under the allowable age limit as if appears some were, did that give them a competetive advantage over the others who were within the limits? I think that's a question best answered by those more expert on gymnastics than us. But the rules are obviously in place for some reason. And as long as they ARE there, EVERYONE should be expected to comply with them.


To compare the Chinese gymnasts themselves to Bonds and McGwire and their ilk is illogical. But to dismiss the issue by saying that they complied with every request and regulation issued by the IOC is a bit misleading. Someone apparently didn't comply with every regulation. And while that someone may have been the adults in charge, I doubt the athletes themselves are unaware of the age limits or their own ages.


Did the Chinese girls out-perform the other gymnasts head-to-head on a purely athletic and/or artistic level? Absolutely, at least in some cases. So why not just throw out the age limits and let them all compete against each other woman to woman? From a mere observer's perspective that would be my suggestion. But that brings us back to why the rules are in place to begin with.


I don't think the Chinese women's gymnasts themselves will suffer the harsh judgement of history as McGgwire, Bonds etal have. But I do believe the Chinese gymnastics program and those who control it will suffer that fate. And if the allegations are true, they should.

Edited by IllinoisDave (see edit history)
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The travesty continued in the scoring that produced a "tie" on uneven bars .... sigh


Just my opinion of course.

Both IOC and FIG investigated the age complaint and cleared the athletes to compete, if anyone has evidence to the contrary produce it to the IOC and FIG.


But you're right the US should just quit the Olympics and anything associated with FIG and start up their own games where they can dictate the rules and modify them based on their performance.


It doesn't matter that the rules were put into place after the last Olympics it's just not fair if you lost the tiebreaker and are American. It doesn't matter that the judges could not be from the competing countries and what was left in the pool had much less experience in judging the sport, yeah we should have had good old Americans judging the competition. It doesn't matter that the NBC commentator decided to judge the games on who they thought should have won because anything less would be un-American or un-Russian-American.


Personally I'm getting pretty sick of the American arrogance, especially the Russian-American arrogance, that claims everyone cheated as an explanation for them not earning the Gold, but you'll notice the coach and commentator husband have everything to lose if American parents think they can't produce Gold medal winners at their Texas training camp.


But then I guess Americans are the only ones fit to win anything because their better than everyone else.... :offtopic:

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The travesty continued in the scoring that produced a "tie" on uneven bars .... sigh


Just my opinion of course.

Both IOC and FIG investigated the age complaint and cleared the athletes to compete, if anyone has evidence to the contrary produce it to the IOC and FIG.


But you're right the US should just quit the Olympics and anything associated with FIG and start up their own games where they can dictate the rules and modify them based on their performance.


It doesn't matter that the rules were put into place after the last Olympics it's just not fair if you lost the tiebreaker and are American. It doesn't matter that the judges could not be from the competing countries and what was left in the pool had much less experience in judging the sport, yeah we should have had good old Americans judging the competition. It doesn't matter that the NBC commentator decided to judge the games on who they thought should have won because anything less would be un-American or un-Russian-American.


Personally I'm getting pretty sick of the American arrogance, especially the Russian-American arrogance, that claims everyone cheated as an explanation for them not earning the Gold, but you'll notice the coach and commentator husband have everything to lose if American parents think they can't produce Gold medal winners at their Texas training camp.


But then I guess Americans are the only ones fit to win anything because their better than everyone else.... :lol:


TELL EM' LEE!!!! :lol:


If we spent half the time worrying about the 3 fingers we have pointing back at us when we point our Uncle Sam finger at others, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in today. :)


tsap seui

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