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Interview Scheduling

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We are currently waiting for our interview day to be assigned but everytime I ask DOS what the procedure is for this I get a different response.


I have been told that they schedule interviews from the first of the month to the tenth for interviews the following month.


I have been told that they schedule them at all times throughout the month as they see days open for appointments.


Many of you have been through this so I am hopeful you can shed some light on this for us. I know we have no control over the timing of this process, i just want to understand how it works.


Thanks for your help!



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Welcome to Candle! I am not sure either, I have heard that they schedule on or around the 15th. It ended up being true for us as we confirmed our interview a bit after that time of the month. Of course, I really don't know if anyone really knows what goes on in GUZ.


Hang tight, I am sure you will get the good news soon. Possibly any day now!! Good luck with everything!

Edited by xiaofeizhu (see edit history)
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Typically in the past it has gone something like this -


They will begin scheduling interviews for the last week of Sept around July 22. They move backward through the month, and will usually finish scheduling for Sept by the 1st or 2nd week of August. Worst case (shortest notice) would be an interview on Sept 1 scheduled on Aug 15 (2 weeks notice), but this is rare.

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Typically in the past it has gone something like this -


They will begin scheduling interviews for the last week of Sept around July 22. They move backward through the month, and will usually finish scheduling for Sept by the 1st or 2nd week of August. Worst case (shortest notice) would be an interview on Sept 1 scheduled on Aug 15 (2 weeks notice), but this is rare.


Thank you for the reply. If I understand it correctly based on our eligible date of 6/27/08 we are looking at a september interview.


What is the logic behind starting at the end of the month and working back to the start of the month?


Do they set the interviews by first eligible or by some other factor?


How long - how many days is typical or average for most to wait from the eligible date to the assigned interview date?


Thanks again for any responses.



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Welcome to Candle! I am not sure either, I have heard that they schedule on or around the 15th. It ended up being true for us as we confirmed our interview a bit after that time of the month. Of course, I really don't know if anyone really knows what goes on in GUZ.


Hang tight, I am sure you will get the good news soon. Possibly any day now!! Good luck with everything!


Thanks for your reply...........I have read some of your posts and I hope everything can go well for your interview. Good Luck!



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Typically in the past it has gone something like this -


They will begin scheduling interviews for the last week of Sept around July 22. They move backward through the month, and will usually finish scheduling for Sept by the 1st or 2nd week of August. Worst case (shortest notice) would be an interview on Sept 1 scheduled on Aug 15 (2 weeks notice), but this is rare.



Yes, this was how it was in our case. Notice of interview received on May 15th, for an interview date on the first work day of June, Monday June 2nd. That was 17 days notice.


As to why back to front.....??? This is their internal procedure and has been for some time now.


I think it is a combination of first in line on returning the P-3 forms and then if their internal Consulate processing is complete. Once we returned our P-3 and it was received at Shamian Island, the next step (P-4) came fairly fast.

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Hello. We are in the same timeframe as you. We were loaded as "eligible for interview" a couple of days before you and are also waiting for the interview date. I called today and no interview date had been set but I got a very helpful woman on the phone that said they had been trying to only set interview dates on the weekends and since last weekend was a holiday weekend nobody was working to set interviews. If anyone else has some updates I would love to read them.


We are currently waiting for our interview day to be assigned but everytime I ask DOS what the procedure is for this I get a different response.


I have been told that they schedule interviews from the first of the month to the tenth for interviews the following month.


I have been told that they schedule them at all times throughout the month as they see days open for appointments.


Many of you have been through this so I am hopeful you can shed some light on this for us. I know we have no control over the timing of this process, i just want to understand how it works.


Thanks for your help!



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Hello. We are in the same timeframe as you. We were loaded as "eligible for interview" a couple of days before you and are also waiting for the interview date. I called today and no interview date had been set but I got a very helpful woman on the phone that said they had been trying to only set interview dates on the weekends and since last weekend was a holiday weekend nobody was working to set interviews. If anyone else has some updates I would love to read them.


We are currently waiting for our interview day to be assigned but everytime I ask DOS what the procedure is for this I get a different response.


I have been told that they schedule interviews from the first of the month to the tenth for interviews the following month.


I have been told that they schedule them at all times throughout the month as they see days open for appointments.


Many of you have been through this so I am hopeful you can shed some light on this for us. I know we have no control over the timing of this process, i just want to understand how it works.


Thanks for your help!





Thanks for the reply. It is nice to chat with someone who is in the same position as us. The weekend thing I have not been told but if it is true that would be great.

I will let you know when we get the interview date set and what the date is. If you could do the same for me it would be great. Who knows, maybe we end up there at the same time.

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What is the logic behind starting at the end of the month and working back to the start of the month?



Logic? Corey ... you gotta recalibrate dude! Logic doesn't apply. Just slavishly do what they ask of you and eventually success will be yours.


Believe me ... it's worth it!



You are right.....I must have bumped my head! I will of course provide them what they want and when they want it to be sure this process goes as smooth as possible. I am also certain the wait will be more then worth it, she is a wonderful girl with a kind heart. I have read about so many others and how great they feel to be together and married.....soon...very soon we will add our names to that long list.


Thanks for setting me straight!

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I would expect that you will 'hear' rather soon now. If you would like, you can look at the first page of Circling Guz thread for other time lines:



I just used a hammer, it was a lot easier than running into something with my head :)


Best of luck, David


Thanks for the link it helps a lot. I will go to Home Depot tomorrow and by a hammer to try your method! :lol: :D


I hope everything goes very well for you with your interview. Good Luck!

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Hopefully what the lady said about scheduling interviews over the weekend now is true and there is good news for us both on Monday because I called today and no interview yet. Our "eligible for Interview" date was 06/24 so something should be happening soon.


Hello. We are in the same timeframe as you. We were loaded as "eligible for interview" a couple of days before you and are also waiting for the interview date. I called today and no interview date had been set but I got a very helpful woman on the phone that said they had been trying to only set interview dates on the weekends and since last weekend was a holiday weekend nobody was working to set interviews. If anyone else has some updates I would love to read them.


We are currently waiting for our interview day to be assigned but everytime I ask DOS what the procedure is for this I get a different response.


I have been told that they schedule interviews from the first of the month to the tenth for interviews the following month.


I have been told that they schedule them at all times throughout the month as they see days open for appointments.


Many of you have been through this so I am hopeful you can shed some light on this for us. I know we have no control over the timing of this process, i just want to understand how it works.


Thanks for your help!





Thanks for the reply. It is nice to chat with someone who is in the same position as us. The weekend thing I have not been told but if it is true that would be great.

I will let you know when we get the interview date set and what the date is. If you could do the same for me it would be great. Who knows, maybe we end up there at the same time.

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We are currently waiting for our interview day to be assigned but everytime I ask DOS what the procedure is for this I get a different response.


I have been told that they schedule interviews from the first of the month to the tenth for interviews the following month.


I have been told that they schedule them at all times throughout the month as they see days open for appointments.


Many of you have been through this so I am hopeful you can shed some light on this for us. I know we have no control over the timing of this process, i just want to understand how it works.


Thanks for your help!




We have been waiting quite a while as well. I'd call to bother the DOS folks on a regular basis. Finally, on Tuesday, I found out the interview was scheduled. I thought it would be early Sept, but no.....

It's Aug 6th?!?


At the moment I am scrambling to finish up the kitchen sink of documentation. Originally, I was going to fly there and hand deliver to the delightful Miss Wang, but now that looks unlikely due to scheduling problems with work.


I'm delighted she will soon get her interview, but lack of time to prepare is a bit of a frustration. Well, hopefully that will all get resolved on Aug 6th!


As ever, this is a lesson in patience and perseverance


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We are currently waiting for our interview day to be assigned but everytime I ask DOS what the procedure is for this I get a different response.


I have been told that they schedule interviews from the first of the month to the tenth for interviews the following month.


I have been told that they schedule them at all times throughout the month as they see days open for appointments.


Many of you have been through this so I am hopeful you can shed some light on this for us. I know we have no control over the timing of this process, i just want to understand how it works.


Thanks for your help!




We have been waiting quite a while as well. I'd call to bother the DOS folks on a regular basis. Finally, on Tuesday, I found out the interview was scheduled. I thought it would be early Sept, but no.....

It's Aug 6th?!?


At the moment I am scrambling to finish up the kitchen sink of documentation. Originally, I was going to fly there and hand deliver to the delightful Miss Wang, but now that looks unlikely due to scheduling problems with work.


I'm delighted she will soon get her interview, but lack of time to prepare is a bit of a frustration. Well, hopefully that will all get resolved on Aug 6th!


As ever, this is a lesson in patience and perseverance




I understand completely! Sorry you can't be there. I also was not sure about going for the interview but I just couldn't resist going.


Good Luck on the 6th!



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