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Thanks everyone for the comments and PMs. We arrived in GUZ yesterday morning. We came to the Yang's and Mr. Yang has been amazing to us. We went to go pick up hubby's Japanese Police Cert and had no problems except the security man didn't want to let me in. Haha. Came back and rested. Today Mr. Yang met us at 7:30 this morning to take us to have hubby's physical. We are so grateful that Mr. Yang accompanied us since we would have no clue where to go and what to do. Our friend also came in this morning. We just finished having lunch together and we are just hanging out. We decided to have his physical rushed since they said that the results will be ready on Monday afternoon, which is when we (mom, dad, and I) are going to ACH. So anyway. Hubby got 3 shots. He took it like a semi-man lol. Tomorrow mom and dad fly into GUZ.


Mr. Yang assured us that we have nothing to worry about and that our interview should go well. I think hubby really calmed down after hearing that. Both of us have been having stress-related, well...the runs. He said he feels a lot better now. Poor guy is so nervous that he will let me down. I told him that it doesn't matter what color paper he brings me, nothing can change the fact that I love him. :D

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Maybe a mod can move this for me to life together or something. It's not really about the interview stuffies anymore...


Picked up the medical today. Before we left the apartment, Darnell gave me a call. Nice surprise, thanks Darnell!


For those of you who read my tie post, I almost got it perfect, still kind of fat at the bottom, but I think it's pretty much NOT going anywhere. :D *accomplished feeling* Hehe.


Parents fly in tomorrow. There is a bus to the airport so we will ride that. Says it takes about 60 minutes and the place where it departs/arrives is about a 5ish minute walk from the consulate building.


Kind of tired. Woke up this morning at 5 am and it's almost 12 now. I guess I am finally understanding what everyone else who went before experienced. AHHHHH! LOL!

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