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American breakfast or Chinese breakfast?

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We alter between cereal and noodle soup for breakfast. Rarely we have eggs and toast. She says she likes cereal with milk and besides being healthy it is easier to make in the morning than noodles.


My favorite breakfast is still Japanese. Miso soup, natto mixed with green onion, mustard and egg on rice with a piece of grilled fish on the side topped with grated radish and soy sauce. MMMmmmmmm my favorite. ut this is not available in most Japanese restaurants.


Maybe I should suggest we hire a Japanese maid :lol: :bangin:

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:bangin: Trigg & Lilac I have more majors than both of you, so there.


Trigg we can all see the love tap in the ID photo.


Lilac keep posting please. Often I agree with you and always like your input. Without it it might get boring around here.


While people often react to posts in CFL, differring views I believe is why so many guests show up here. It helps others even if the regulars here often are stuck in the discussion. Besides we are an entertaining group aren't we? :lol:

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Then you will understand that I am smart enough to understand you as I have a multi major bachelors in psych/soc/bio/crim-Masters in School Psych and a PhD in Clinical.


Intersting study subjects


So what did you have for breakfast this morning :bangin:


Ever limit out on sea trout before noon? I have :lol:

He is having the same as me a few cups of coffee and a cig or two..

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I don't think she said anything bad, all she did was express her opinion. Isn't that what we are all here for? To listen and understand from both sides of the track. We all have opinions so if you don't like what people say, I guess don't write the post. Like the old saying,"if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen"


Well stated and right on.

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We alter between cereal and noodle soup for breakfast. Rarely we have eggs and toast. She says she likes cereal with milk and besides being healthy it is easier to make in the morning than noodles.


My favorite breakfast is still Japanese. Miso soup, natto mixed with green onion, mustard and egg on rice with a piece of grilled fish on the side topped with grated radish and soy sauce. MMMmmmmmm my favorite. ut this is not available in most Japanese restaurants.


Maybe I should suggest we hire a Japanese maid :D :yahoo:

YECK!!!!!!!! You had me with the miso soup, grilled fish and rice but natto? anything that smells like carrion left out in the sun for a week can't be fit to eat. But then again this is coming from a guy who likes durian fruit. For those of you who have never smelled natto it bears a striking resemblance to those stinky tofu sticks you find on vendor stands in China only worse.

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I think there is some kind of arguement going on here. This topic has turned into something else instead of American breakfast or Chinese breakfast.


You must admit, a lot of guys here dont like the reality check until it is too late.


As a woman, and a Chinese myself, I can read very obvious that Ken's wife doesnt like him, not American breakfast. I will tell you guys why. Because in Chinese culture, if a woman married a man willingly and happily, she will like everything her husband likes, at least she will not say anything or do anything in a confrontedly way to her husband. Unfortunately, she is doing that to him.


So you guys, just want to say everything is peaches and cream even if there is a red flag.


Some people actually are acting in a mean way unintentionally because instead of helping Ken realize the truth and remind him to do more communication with his wife in order to solve all the future problems, you just hide all from him.


So what will be the consequences? After spending tons of money and energy to bring her here, she might disappear in the airport, another missing wife. Is that what you want to happen to him?


I dont want to offend anyone. Maybe, I am wrong, because miracle does happen, doesnt it?


Hello Ms lilac:


I don't think that you should become the unauthorized staff psychiatrist or fortune teller for CFL members, and create hell here !


You may know a thing or two about China, but you have not learned a thing about US culture. It is highly impolite and rude to tell someone's face in front of several hundred strangers that you two do not like each other and you will have a divorce in 1-2 years, even if that is true. Here, you do not even know us and you make a prediction ! It is outrageous ! !


I am sure that you had a divorce. How did that happen, the fortune telling person? Your husband had a divorce. How could you trust him? He could divorce you next year! How do you know?


If I say that I am a fortune telling gypsy, and you two are going to die in a car accident within one year, would that make you happy knowing the reality in advance, or would that affect you in any other way regarless of the fact that it is true or not.


Would you look at your husband and say " Honey, you are wearing red today. It represents blood. You will bleed to death today", even if it going to be true?


Do I need to say any more?

:D :lol: :D :redblob: :redblob:



I see that you looked at my reply. You did not say anything. You had no explanation, you had no logic and you had no justification for what you wrote.


You said that some people here are acting in a mean way (by not insulting me like you did?). Actually the only person acting in a mean way was you!


It seems you still did not understand the implications of what you said. Let me give you another example.


Let us say that someone comes to your house and meets you and your husband. He tells you: " Instead of walking forward, you were walking towards the left. That means you don't love your husband. You married him only for his money! When he loses all his money and when incomes goes below poverty line, "you will run away to the airport", the way you described or you will run away to your boy friend! "


Then he turns to your husband and says: Your friends are not helping you. You have to have a reality check. You have to look for red flags. Everything is not peaches and cream! You have to have communication. etc. It will be a miracle is ever likes you! (Sounds like you. Doesn't he?)


Would you adore him, worship him like a sooth sayer, and make him your best family friend, because he is not mean to you like many of your other friends, because he is so "intelligent " and helpful, because of him openness and his "knowledge", or would you just kick him out of the house, or call the police and have him arrested? I would do the later!


The fact remains. By writing what you did, you insulted me and my wife in front of my friends and thousands of CFL members. And you have no shame!!


The least you can do is to admit your wrong doings and apologize!


I am waiting ! !



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I think there is some kind of arguement going on here. This topic has turned into something else instead of American breakfast or Chinese breakfast.


You must admit, a lot of guys here dont like the reality check until it is too late.


As a woman, and a Chinese myself, I can read very obvious that Ken's wife doesnt like him, not American breakfast. I will tell you guys why. Because in Chinese culture, if a woman married a man willingly and happily, she will like everything her husband likes, at least she will not say anything or do anything in a confrontedly way to her husband. Unfortunately, she is doing that to him.


So you guys, just want to say everything is peaches and cream even if there is a red flag.


Some people actually are acting in a mean way unintentionally because instead of helping Ken realize the truth and remind him to do more communication with his wife in order to solve all the future problems, you just hide all from him.


So what will be the consequences? After spending tons of money and energy to bring her here, she might disappear in the airport, another missing wife. Is that what you want to happen to him?


I dont want to offend anyone. Maybe, I am wrong, because miracle does happen, doesnt it?


That's a pretty strong condemnation of Ken's relationship with his wife. Don't you think that you're making some black and white assumptions here that don't apply to most relationships? My wife certainly doesn't like everything that I like, but I know she loves me. She married me because she loves me, not because I agree to take care of her in exchange for a lifetime of service. My wife confronts me on many things quite frequently, and I still love her dearly. Not all Chinese wives are so "shu nu" (ÊçÅ®)that they agree to give up all their goals and ambitions just to be at the service of their husbands.


Thanks Mike. At least I have some supporting me and understanding my position.



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I don't think she said anything bad, all she did was express her opinion. Isn't that what we are all here for? To listen and understand from both sides of the track. We all have opinions so if you don't like what people say, I guess don't write the post. Like the old saying,"if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen"


Well stated and right on.



Jim and John: I am sorry to see that you are only her side!


My point is this: Expressing an opinion and and insulting are two different things. What she did was an insult even if it could have been an opinion. She did something with complete disregard to ones emotions and feelings!


For example, if one of your "not so friendly" neighbor comes up to you says "You are ugly and stupid". Then he turns to your wife and says; Actually your are uglier and more stupid. Oh! you really make a great match. Would you tolerate such an outrageous insult? You would not just say that it is his opinion and it is OK for him to do it. Even Mother Theresa and Gandhi would find it very difficult to discount that as a mere opinion and ignore it.


What do you say?



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I think there is some kind of arguement going on here. This topic has turned into something else instead of American breakfast or Chinese breakfast.


You must admit, a lot of guys here dont like the reality check until it is too late.


As a woman, and a Chinese myself, I can read very obvious that Ken's wife doesnt like him, not American breakfast. I will tell you guys why. Because in Chinese culture, if a woman married a man willingly and happily, she will like everything her husband likes, at least she will not say anything or do anything in a confrontedly way to her husband. Unfortunately, she is doing that to him.


So you guys, just want to say everything is peaches and cream even if there is a red flag.


Some people actually are acting in a mean way unintentionally because instead of helping Ken realize the truth and remind him to do more communication with his wife in order to solve all the future problems, you just hide all from him.


So what will be the consequences? After spending tons of money and energy to bring her here, she might disappear in the airport, another missing wife. Is that what you want to happen to him?


I dont want to offend anyone. Maybe, I am wrong, because miracle does happen, doesnt it?


Hello Ms lilac:


I don't think that you should become the unauthorized staff psychiatrist or fortune teller for CFL members, and create hell here !


You may know a thing or two about China, but you have not learned a thing about US culture. It is highly impolite and rude to tell someone's face in front of several hundred strangers that you two do not like each other and you will have a divorce in 1-2 years, even if that is true. Here, you do not even know us and you make a prediction ! It is outrageous ! !


I am sure that you had a divorce. How did that happen, the fortune telling person? Your husband had a divorce. How could you trust him? He could divorce you next year! How do you know?


If I say that I am a fortune telling gypsy, and you two are going to die in a car accident within one year, would that make you happy knowing the reality in advance, or would that affect you in any other way regarless of the fact that it is true or not.


Would you look at your husband and say " Honey, you are wearing red today. It represents blood. You will bleed to death today", even if it going to be true?


Do I need to say any more?

I don't think she said anything bad, all she did was express her opinion. Isn't that what we are all here for? To listen and understand from both sides of the track. We all have opinions so if you don't like what people say, I guess don't write the post. Like the old saying,"if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen"


John: I am sorry to see that you are on her side.


I do not know what you are thinking, but what I am thinking is that she has no right to make negative personal remarks on me and my wife and in connection with a discussion about food. And further more, she feels no guild in doing so.


About getting out of the kitchen business: I did not go to her kitchen. She came to my kitchen and set it on fire to make it hot. Do you want me to run away from it? I have to stay and put it off. Would you run away from your kitchen when somebody sets that on fire?


I had to show my view point to you, because your support was more for her than towards me.



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I don't think she said anything bad, all she did was express her opinion. Isn't that what we are all here for? To listen and understand from both sides of the track. We all have opinions so if you don't like what people say, I guess don't write the post. Like the old saying,"if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen"


Well stated and right on.



Jim and John: I am sorry to see that you are only her side!


My point is this: Expressing an opinion and and insulting are two different things. What she did was an insult even if it could have been an opinion. She did something with complete disregard to ones emotions and feelings!


For example, if one of your "not so friendly" neighbor comes up to you says "You are ugly and stupid". Then he turns to your wife and says; Actually your are uglier and more stupid. Oh! you really make a great match. Would you tolerate such an outrageous insult? You would not just say that it is his opinion and it is OK for him to do it. Even Mother Theresa and Gandhi would find it very difficult to discount that as a mere opinion and ignore it.


What do you say?




Ken ... I am not "only on her side". In my view, she made a reasonable post of her opinion. I don't see any insults. Relax!

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Guest WenDylan

We alter between cereal and noodle soup for breakfast. Rarely we have eggs and toast. She says she likes cereal with milk and besides being healthy it is easier to make in the morning than noodles.


My favorite breakfast is still Japanese. Miso soup, natto mixed with green onion, mustard and egg on rice with a piece of grilled fish on the side topped with grated radish and soy sauce. MMMmmmmmm my favorite. ut this is not available in most Japanese restaurants.


Maybe I should suggest we hire a Japanese maid :P :lol:


We change between everything. I am not a breakfast person, however that works quite well because we usually have lunch, lunch, and dinner.


Unless that day is dinner, lunch, dinner. Haha.


I think that the American foods we have suite both of us quite well and she really likes it. The Chinese soups that are served, however are a different story. I tend to not like soups. However if I must I like my soups salty and preferably with soy sauce (even saltier). I don't really like sweet soups and she does. Those might be the days I sleep in though. :P

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