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world view differences

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I like to take a multi-layered approach; split my time between the philosophy, culture, old stores, old poems, modern language and character study. In the end, until one applies it in some sort of application, I think as Jason suggests (you don't just know a word but how to use it and get the cultural aspect of it), then It's just book study. Maybe to a fault, I look for it all in the people by observing their behavior and interaction since if they can embody it, then they serve equally as a model of how to apply it all.


I also do agree how language shapes thought and there are examples of that but I feel that this is maybe the hardest nut to crack, so I try to spend time looking at the characters in relation to the philosophy and poems I read and less in regards to attempting fluency [for now].


Sometimes when I ask my wife subtle questions on grammar or structure she will simply say, 'don't worry about detail, just memorize'... and there you go; chinese rote method minus the critical thinking which most of us know exists... but in the end, they still are expert at mingling together all the aspects to create a unique culture and way of life.

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