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good luck!! Chinese husbands are so much fun!! Hahahahaha!!! I like the peronality of a Chinese man way more than that of a western man!!!

What??? :angry: What IS the Candle coming to? :P ...a place where American women can come to bash us poor, helpless American men? :rotfl:


I for one welcome it, as it's about time! :lol: Bring it on. :)

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good luck!! Chinese husbands are so much fun!! Hahahahaha!!! I like the peronality of a Chinese man way more than that of a western man!!!

What??? :angry: What IS the Candle coming to? :bangin: ...a place where American women can come to bash us poor, helpless American men? :rotfl:


I for one welcome it, as it's about time! :lol: Bring it on. :harhar1:

I would have to second that us poor, helpless American men could use a good beating to keep us in our place :bangin: :mobrun:

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good luck!! Chinese husbands are so much fun!! Hahahahaha!!! I like the peronality of a Chinese man way more than that of a western man!!!

What??? :bangin: What IS the Candle coming to? :mobrun: ...a place where American women can come to bash us poor, helpless American men? :bangin:


I for one welcome it, as it's about time! :angry: Bring it on. :harhar1:



Haha! I've been reading candle for a while, even though I just joined recently. I'm glad that the USC women are starting to come out of the shadows! I love my Chinese hubby, wouldn't trade him for anything! Oh, by the way, we DCFed in Beijing, I am actually on a family visa here in China, but when I told the man that I planned to stay here until hubby's visa came through he just smiled and took my petition :rotfl:

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good luck!! Chinese husbands are so much fun!! Hahahahaha!!! I like the peronality of a Chinese man way more than that of a western man!!!

What??? :bangin: What IS the Candle coming to? :mobrun: ...a place where American women can come to bash us poor, helpless American men? :bangin:


I for one welcome it, as it's about time! :angry: Bring it on. :harhar1:


I'm with Dennis, it's about time american men get put on the hot seat. :rotfl: :lol: We've had the threads and seen american control freak men cryin' about their ex american wives takin' all their loot, prenups to keep those "money hungry" hordes of Chinese wimmen from our money, and we've seen the macho american cowboys poke fun at Chinese males.


I'm open to seein' american man take a few well deserved punches on the jaw...then again, I'm always open for a good laugh.


Please, lay it on the line and throw some punches ladies ;) It's about time :)


tsap seui

Can easily laugh at my owndamnself, and I'm good friends with two ex-wives...although, I often wonder why women even talk to most american men :P

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hahahahahahaha!!! I guess I cant say all western men are blah...but the young ones i think!!! I think Chinese men have more grasp on how life works and even how to be a man (even when very young- like my husband) he puts family before his friends and party life! And I like that! Hes not selfish and childish (unless its between us being funny sometimes) and is all about me and my son! And the best part is he listens to his parents and respects them 100% even when they are angry at him he stays quet and listens to the end and bows...and i love that respect, I want our son to grow up to be like his dad!!! Not saying my husband is always serious (hes so cute at most times) or a sissy boy, no way he has a very strong and has a powerful bite if somone pets him the wrong way, but to the elderly my self and his family he is very respectfull and i love that!

Its in the culture....I think for a western man to choose a Chinese wife is kinda the same, you find their actions and ways more apealing then the western stong headed woman.

I find it more apealing than the 23 year old frat boy who spends all his parents money and bar hops every night and goes with different girls!! (I know not all western boys are like that.....but those who are not are hard to come by especialy in my age group!)

Edited by Vanessa S. (see edit history)
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hahahahahahaha!!! I guess I cant say all western men are blah...but the young ones i think!!! I think Chinese men have more grasp on how life works and even how to be a man (even when very young- like my husband) he puts family before his friends and party life! And I like that! Hes not selfish and childish (unless its between us being funny sometimes) and is all about me and my son! And the best part is he listens to his parents and respects them 100% even when they are angry at him he stays quet and listens to the end and bows...and i love that respect, I want our son to grow up to be like his dad!!! Not saying my husband is always serious (hes so cute at most times) or a sissy boy, no way he has a very strong and has a powerful bite if somone pets him the wrong way, but to the elderly my self and his family he is very respectfull and i love that!

Its in the culture....I think for a western man to choose a Chinese wife is kinda the same, you find their actions and ways more apealing then the western stong headed woman.

I find it more apealing than the 23 year old frat boy who spends all his parents money and bar hops every night and goes with different girls!! (I know not all western boys are like that.....but those who are not are hard to come by especialy in my age group!)

Really good, poignant thoughts...well said and worth reading too, Vanessa.


It isn't often do we get to read - Why I Love Chinese Men - posts. And, quite honestly, we hear too often that American women just aren't interested in or won't give Chinese men a chance.


Too bad we didn't start this topic in a post that was titled DCF Info where it will most likely get passed by by most of us.


It has been suggested more than once here that we should help our Chinese brothers overcome any female shortage by offering our exwives to them. :)

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Great post Vanessa. I really liked hearing how your husband is, as compared to american males his age group.


You both are very lucky, best wishes to your future life together with the cute children.


Thanks for tellin' us.


tsap seui

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aww thanks guys!! I feel very happy that my feeling on my husband and his culture were heard!!

And haha on the 'give the ex-wives to them' thats kinda funny!! Makes me think about giving my single mom to a Chinese guy hahaha but omg I think she would drive him nuts since shes so loud and too strong (hence why shes single now..but shes a riot and I love her shes always a blast to be around!)......

Edited by Vanessa S. (see edit history)
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hahahahahahaha!!! I guess I cant say all western men are blah...but the young ones i think!!! I think Chinese men have more grasp on how life works and even how to be a man (even when very young- like my husband) he puts family before his friends and party life! And I like that! Hes not selfish and childish (unless its between us being funny sometimes) and is all about me and my son! And the best part is he listens to his parents and respects them 100% even when they are angry at him he stays quet and listens to the end and bows...and i love that respect, I want our son to grow up to be like his dad!!! Not saying my husband is always serious (hes so cute at most times) or a sissy boy, no way he has a very strong and has a powerful bite if somone pets him the wrong way, but to the elderly my self and his family he is very respectfull and i love that!

Its in the culture....I think for a western man to choose a Chinese wife is kinda the same, you find their actions and ways more apealing then the western stong headed woman.

I find it more apealing than the 23 year old frat boy who spends all his parents money and bar hops every night and goes with different girls!! (I know not all western boys are like that.....but those who are not are hard to come by especialy in my age group!)


I SECOND!! I SECOND!! hehe I COMPLETELY agree. Do you know the song "When a Man Loves a Woman" and there's that like that says "turn his back on his best friend if he puts her down" or something like that. Not saying his best friend put me down and now they're not friends, BUT he totally would choose his friends over me. Especially when I first came to China. His mom talks about it ALL the time. When he was in high school, he sometimes didn't even go home or came home really late. His mom is so proud of him now and thanks me all the time. LOL. I also want to add that when my husband and I were in Japan, my husband worked like a dog. He worked sometimes from 8 am to 4 am the next morning like over half the week. (2 jobs, back to back). I know we didn't have as much time together as most other couples, but I always went to the restaurant he worked at so we would talk anyway (it was a small restaurant, and the boss was totally cool and always gave me free food lol). I know in America there are laws against that, but I think Chinese men are really hard working. I don't want to say workaholic but for example they'd choose over time over friend time because it will benifit their wife in the long run.

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hahahahahahaha!!! I guess I cant say all western men are blah...but the young ones i think!!! I think Chinese men have more grasp on how life works and even how to be a man (even when very young- like my husband) he puts family before his friends and party life! And I like that! Hes not selfish and childish (unless its between us being funny sometimes) and is all about me and my son! And the best part is he listens to his parents and respects them 100% even when they are angry at him he stays quet and listens to the end and bows...and i love that respect, I want our son to grow up to be like his dad!!! Not saying my husband is always serious (hes so cute at most times) or a sissy boy, no way he has a very strong and has a powerful bite if somone pets him the wrong way, but to the elderly my self and his family he is very respectfull and i love that!

Its in the culture....I think for a western man to choose a Chinese wife is kinda the same, you find their actions and ways more apealing then the western stong headed woman.

I find it more apealing than the 23 year old frat boy who spends all his parents money and bar hops every night and goes with different girls!! (I know not all western boys are like that.....but those who are not are hard to come by especialy in my age group!)


I SECOND!! I SECOND!! hehe I COMPLETELY agree. Do you know the song "When a Man Loves a Woman" and there's that like that says "turn his back on his best friend if he puts her down" or something like that. Not saying his best friend put me down and now they're not friends, BUT he totally would choose his friends over me. Especially when I first came to China. His mom talks about it ALL the time. When he was in high school, he sometimes didn't even go home or came home really late. His mom is so proud of him now and thanks me all the time. LOL. I also want to add that when my husband and I were in Japan, my husband worked like a dog. He worked sometimes from 8 am to 4 am the next morning like over half the week. (2 jobs, back to back). I know we didn't have as much time together as most other couples, but I always went to the restaurant he worked at so we would talk anyway (it was a small restaurant, and the boss was totally cool and always gave me free food lol). I know in America there are laws against that, but I think Chinese men are really hard working. I don't want to say workaholic but for example they'd choose over time over friend time because it will benifit their wife in the long run.

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hahahahahahaha!!! I guess I cant say all western men are blah...but the young ones i think!!! I think Chinese men have more grasp on how life works and even how to be a man (even when very young- like my husband) he puts family before his friends and party life! And I like that! Hes not selfish and childish (unless its between us being funny sometimes) and is all about me and my son! And the best part is he listens to his parents and respects them 100% even when they are angry at him he stays quet and listens to the end and bows...and i love that respect, I want our son to grow up to be like his dad!!! Not saying my husband is always serious (hes so cute at most times) or a sissy boy, no way he has a very strong and has a powerful bite if somone pets him the wrong way, but to the elderly my self and his family he is very respectfull and i love that!

Its in the culture....I think for a western man to choose a Chinese wife is kinda the same, you find their actions and ways more apealing then the western stong headed woman.

I find it more apealing than the 23 year old frat boy who spends all his parents money and bar hops every night and goes with different girls!! (I know not all western boys are like that.....but those who are not are hard to come by especialy in my age group!)


I SECOND!! I SECOND!! hehe I COMPLETELY agree. Do you know the song "When a Man Loves a Woman" and there's that like that says "turn his back on his best friend if he puts her down" or something like that. Not saying his best friend put me down and now they're not friends, BUT he totally would choose his friends over me. Especially when I first came to China. His mom talks about it ALL the time. When he was in high school, he sometimes didn't even go home or came home really late. His mom is so proud of him now and thanks me all the time. LOL. I also want to add that when my husband and I were in Japan, my husband worked like a dog. He worked sometimes from 8 am to 4 am the next morning like over half the week. (2 jobs, back to back). I know we didn't have as much time together as most other couples, but I always went to the restaurant he worked at so we would talk anyway (it was a small restaurant, and the boss was totally cool and always gave me free food lol). I know in America there are laws against that, but I think Chinese men are really hard working. I don't want to say workaholic but for example they'd choose over time over friend time because it will benifit their wife in the long run.

Thank you for writing.....and I think congratulations! I am happy for you that your journey with waiting is nearly over. I appreciate the support.....when you go over to the states...don't forget us!


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