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I-751, Name Change

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We are a little different than most of you guys. I am the wife and the USC. My husband is the chinese citizen. Upon returning to the US I changed my name to my husband's family name. So, on the I-751, where it asks for my name it never gives an option for maiden name. I assume they will figure it out since my social and birthdate are the same as before, right? And, my middle name is what my maiden name was. Do you guys think I am doing this the correct way? Thanks for the help! I really do appreciate it!

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This sounds right.


If you haven't changed your name with SSA you need to do it now.



Thanks!!! I've had my name changed on both my driver's license and my social security card since right after we arrived. So, everything we have for evidence is in my married name. I think we will be ok. Thanks!

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I believe what you said is right; it seems to me they could figure it out from your papers, and there's some question that says was this marriage the same one you originally came on ... something like that. And besides, it's him (as the immigrating spouse) that they're looking into for increased benefits, so will want to make sure they have the right name for him .... so I think what you said is right.


Anyway, I also have an interesting anecdote about name changes that I'd like to add (that does nothing to address your question - sorry !)


I'm friends with a couple that met in China and married, and like you the wife is the USC and the husband is the Chinese citizen (or was .. they're both USC now ...) Anyway, since it's not a common practice for Chinese women to change their names (mine didn't), but it is for a lot of a American women, the woman changed her name when they got married, by taking her husband's Chinese surname "Cai" (which we all know is pronounced "Tsai"). Anyway, when the husband took US citizenship, he thought his name was too difficult for Americans to say, so he took an English given name, and changed his last name to "Chai." So, now, despite her taking his name when they married, they have different last names. Go figure.

Edited by NY-Viking (see edit history)
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That's funny! I will tell my husband that I hope he does not do this. Our last name is Tie, in chinese it is pronounced "tia" but Americans say Tie like a necktie. I always tell my husband we should have a son and name him Beau Tie. :angry: He doesn't appreciate that very much.

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That's funny! I will tell my husband that I hope he does not do this. Our last name is Tie, in chinese it is pronounced "tia" but Americans say Tie like a necktie. I always tell my husband we should have a son and name him Beau Tie. :roller: He doesn't appreciate that very much.

Just tell him you could've suggested "Railroad". :P

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