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Beijing to Open Giant Terminal # 3

Guest Tony n Terrific

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Guest Tony n Terrific

It's nice to see a country able to build infrastructure. They have been trying to expand LAX for decades without success. I am reminded of that fact every time I go through LAX hell and arrive at Baiyun airport heaven on the other side!

Sounds like many of our airports in the US. They have a hell of a time expanding because no body wants the extra noise, but then turn around and complain when they try to fly some where.


Welcome to Chicago............they tore down the first house yesterday even with a pending law suit about the airport expansion!! :roller: :harhar1:


There's no such thing as an airport expansion without a lawsuit in the USA.

That is so true............


We have had our share of lawsuits here in Michigan over it. The truth is most of the US airports were built years ago and nobody saw the need for larger airports and they got boxed in by building around them. Now look at what we have. Under sized and no easy way to expand them without somebody having to lose a home.

True so true.

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