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co-sponsor Question.

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Hey everyone!> Hope all are doing well in this new year. Well I have a question about the co-sponsor plan.


Is this bad? Has anyone heard of people getting denied because of this?


I don't make the limit for the tax requirements since I was going to college, then living in China teaching English for only 8,000rmb a month. That's not so good.


But I do have a new job planned for when I arrive back to the US since Im currently in China visiting my fiancee for two months.


Anyways, point is I can have a new job that makes enough money a year for when I return but it wont make any difference to my current tax returns for 2007. Only the next years tax returns will qualify.


So I know I need my parents as a co-sponsor. I hope this is looked down upon.


Thanks for any advice or news from past cases regarding this matter.

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I had this same issue so I had my mother co-sponsor. In addition I obtained a letter of employment from my company stating starting date and salary, etc. and everything ended up fine.


(I also may have mentioned in my cover letter or "intent to marry letter" the details of my late employment which resulted in my lower earnings for the year. It seemed like a while ago so I don't quite remember - anyway the extra explanation is probably not needed.)

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