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My fiancee K1 interview.


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Yes, get a lawyer in GZ immediately. Your fiancee should go to GZ and visit the four Immigration lawyers on the website as cited above plus the gentleman identified by Carl. She will have to judge who really seems like they can get the job done. A competent GZ immigration lawyer should be able to get the visa application held at the consulate, find out specifically why they are currently recommending denial (don't assume anything here), and determine what further evidence will cause GZ to reassess and grant the visa.


Good luck! Please let us know what happens.



Hi All,


I am back again at your request on updating my resolution. My fiancee did discuss the situation with your most recommended attorney in GZ. According to the attorney, one of the possible denial reason is our pictures taken together were insufficent - they want more photos of us taken in public areas like resorts and known landmarks. Seems that photos of us in a little village and houses did not cut it. There are doubts about me appearing much younger in the photos than my written age in the application statements. Strange but true.


The attorney ask for non-refundable 4K RMB deposit to start the case (resolving K-1 denial), about 25K when it is resolved in about 1-3 months. That roughly will cut me around US$4K for attorney fees alone. Also mentioned that K-3 visa will be less expensive but takes longer time should I want to go that way, meaning cancelling my K1 application. Attorneys and lawyers will put more efforts to forward your case for success, while applying direct are bound to fail for the majority of us, the way I see it. US immigation/visa dept handles tons of various applications and short staffed, so any one us can be just sidelined or even ignored. Attorneys and any related busineses closely assocciated with the consulate have better chance of putting your foot in their acceptable zone. So is the truth we will understand.


This are the latest info to date for me to share which I hope future visa applicants will take note, whichever way is helpful for CFL members. More will be posted later.


Take care,



All you PP fans take a look at plau's post carefully.


Does that sound like carefully considered legal advice? Does it even sound like the lawyer made an inquiry before questioning the photos? Does the fee structure sound reasonable? (This is GZ ... not NYC ... how many hours do you think might be involved?) Do people here feel a K3 switch is the right way to go at this time?


I wonder where plau got the idea for his final thoughts in the above quote?


I rest my case.


I have to say I'm extremely concerned by Ken and Jim's concerns as well. Unless I'm just dense, the overriding issue is the fact that GUZ believes she applied for another visa in July. Assuming she's telling the truth (I assume she is) then that's the problem, not where the damn pictures were taken!


I wouldn't give this lawyer a dime. I'd talk to one of the other ones, make sure they know exactly what reason for denial was, and make sure they get an answer for that. Either the other guy just scanned the case and gave some out-of-his-butt opinion, or he didn't look closely at it at all.


IMHO valuable time has been wasted on this first lawyer. Hopefully another one can pick up the ball and get some answers.

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Hi All,


My fiancee went for her interview in GZ with all the required documents. When she was called up to the window, after the polite greetings, the first words mentioned to her was that she had applied in July 07. When my fiancee honestly replied that this is a first time here from a far away small town, the interview told not to lie. Then followed by a few simple relationship questions and finally given a denial slip to go home. Of course she cried all the way home and cried for a few more days.


I do not know what went wrong or is it a mistaken id or computer error to accused my sweet fiancee of lying. Since I know her over the 2 yrs, it was her first visa application and first trip to GZ city, she just barely got her passport prior to the interview.


With your help, please direct me what option is best for her to succeed. Should I continue to persude the K1 or get married and apply for spouse visa? Will hiring a attorney be more successful?


Thank You for reading. Best wishes.



Just some thoughts here - when you petition for a K-1 in Jan '07, then July '07 is a reasonable timeframe for it to get to GUZ, where the visa application (the DS-156) is actually made. We need to see the timeline for the various steps.


The exhortation to not lie is a common one "Do you swear to tell the truth . . .". Is it possible that she misunderstood what he was saying, and simply got too flustered, or thrown off balance to continue the interview?


Just some thoughts



edit - I had forgotten some of the information you gave earlier (white slip, and that it was Sept when she got her P3), but it still might be helpful to go over the interview detail much more closely

Edited by Randy W (see edit history)
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There are some very good points made here by those usually very thoughtful/helpful CFL members who take the time to analyze these situations.


As Randy and another member refers to here, I too, took note of earlier comments made by the OP in the absence of his placing of a more accurate timeline.


OP states (in essence) his case was filed in January of 2007 (note this was at a time when we were seeing fast processing, before the talk of the fee hikes). It appears he received the NOA-1 in mid January. Then the NOA-2 in September, with the petition forwarded to the NVC in September and then onto GUZ the same month, and then the P-3 in December.


It appears to me, that even when [factoring] in the RFE for his missing Bio page, there was apparently some significant issue with the USCIS data base, and review process early-on; as it appears to have languished at the regional service center for nearly 8 months before the NOA-2 was issued and then forwarded to the NVC.


I believe most who filed back at the first of last year, had their NOA-2¡¯s in 45 to 60 days ?? And many then, were through the entire process in 7.5 to 8.5 months.


It is my assessment only, that USCIS alerted on something in their data bases and/or review of the case file, which raised a flag, early in the process. This is what then led to the situation down stream at GUZ. When the file arrives at GUZ they obviously make assessments on any findings from the service center and/or the NVC and do their local investigative follow-up as necessary. Again, my opinion.


Also, I have the same questions (raised my Jim and others) over the assessment of the situation by this 'attorney'. I wonder if he spoke to the actual attorney or just one of the 'greeters' who have limited knowledge just pull the person in the door, without a true analysis of the case at hand.


This is something which is much deeper than the structure of the photos alone.


There is obviously more at play here.



Last, one more comment. We have had several come here with questions/issues of late, wherein there is no timeline posted on the signature portion of the member profile page. I think it is critical that all members post some sort of timeline, not only for other members to track mutual progress, but to also allow others to make reasonable assessments if a problem develops. Again, I can understand if one does not want to post a photo, or any specific identifying information, but the timeline is very important as a part of one's membership at CFL, IMO.

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If it were me, I'd be willing to spend $4K to resolve a white slip.. I easily spent more than that over the process.


I'd want to know I had the right lawyer for the job.. so can only hope that whoever the OP settles with can get the job done.


You can actually get a second lawyer involved to check on the 'reason'... just ask how much to find out about that... and then the second lawyer will represent the other person (ie: whoever retained the first lawyer--you or your fiancee--the other one retains the second lawyer.. then you don't have to submit any lawyer change forms...


The concern is the date issue and getting to the bottom of it... it doesn't sit well with me; and I hate to discount the VO/consulate as unable to determine if this is the right person or not... so best that I not comment further and get someone who can find out.

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In the post that seemed to offend you all I suggested was to objectively examine what plau had said after consultation with PP or someone in that office.



Took all of 2 minutes to see the VO talked about a previous application, and all the lawyer talked about was more pictures and the OP looking younger in them.


Now it is very possible that something is lost in the translation between the OP and his fiance, but these 2 statements arn't even close.


Bottom line is he/she (both) needs to satisify the VO, not the assumptions being made by the lawyer.


Plau, I hope you are talking on the phone directly to the lawyer in English. This is not the time for translations.

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I am interested in hearing more from plau on his case. As everyone else has stated, something is just not right.


In his OP, plau says:


the first words mentioned to her was that she had applied in July 07. When my fiancee honestly replied that this is a first time here from a far away small town, the interview told not to lie. Then followed by a few simple relationship questions and finally given a denial slip to go home.


After talking to the attorney, plau explains:


According to the attorney, one of the possible denial reason is our pictures taken together were insufficent - they want more photos of us taken in public areas like resorts and known landmarks. Seems that photos of us in a little village and houses did not cut it. There are doubts about me appearing much younger in the photos than my written age in the application statements.


Why is the attorney 'guessing' at 'one of the possible denial reasons' and not even asking for the white slip? And what exactly is on that white slip? If another application is the VO's 'first words', then to me, that is primary, and photos are secondary. Besides, arent photos and other relationship evidence usually handled as a blue slip, not a white?


Also, the VO told her not to 'lie' about this being the only petition. Even if it this were a case of mistaken identity, I would think the VO's are aware that there are many common names in China, and I would think the VO would give them a chance to clear it up the alleged second application.


Being the 'first issue'he mentions, along with telling her not to lie, it seems to me the VO is absolutely convinced, and that there is something serious in her file that is undeniably deniable.

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I am interested in hearing more from plau on his case. As everyone else has stated, something is just not right.


In his OP, plau says:


the first words mentioned to her was that she had applied in July 07. When my fiancee honestly replied that this is a first time here from a far away small town, the interview told not to lie. Then followed by a few simple relationship questions and finally given a denial slip to go home.


After talking to the attorney, plau explains:


According to the attorney, one of the possible denial reason is our pictures taken together were insufficent - they want more photos of us taken in public areas like resorts and known landmarks. Seems that photos of us in a little village and houses did not cut it. There are doubts about me appearing much younger in the photos than my written age in the application statements.


Why is the attorney 'guessing' at 'one of the possible denial reasons' and not even asking for the white slip? And what exactly is on that white slip? If another application is the VO's 'first words', then to me, that is primary, and photos are secondary. Besides, arent photos and other relationship evidence usually handled as a blue slip, not a white?


Also, the VO told her not to 'lie' about this being the only petition. Even if it this were a case of mistaken identity, I would think the VO's are aware that there are many common names in China, and I would think the VO would give them a chance to clear it up the alleged second application.


Being the 'first issue'he mentions, along with telling her not to lie, it seems to me the VO is absolutely convinced, and that there is something serious in her file that is undeniably deniable.


I can tell you from personal experience that photos play a MAJOR role in a bonafide relationship case. But as Plau's attorney said "one of the possible denial reasons" can mean one of several reasons.

Perhaps the attorney has the part about her allegedly being there in July 07 taken care of or he has already seen this as a none issue. Remember we are getting 3rd party information here and the OP might have been confused in his original post as to what his fiancee said.

And contrary to popular belief here on CFL, a VO can use only a hunch and does not have to have hardcore evidence to issue the white slip. One needs to remember that a VO can lose his job by allowing scammers into the US. But the VO has nothing to lose from denying an innocent couple their visa.

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tsap seui stated it better than I can so I won't add much to it. I know you have somewhat of an axe to grind with PP Jim but I know for a fact that many others have been satisfied with his service. The OP needs a lawyer fast and doesn't have time for bargain basement shopping. PP is just one of many lawyers in GZ. On this board he is more of a known entity than others. I don't recall anyone saying to the OP, "use PP" His contact info was posted because it isn't specifically on the list on the GZ link.

Now let's get back on topic instead of highjacking the OP's thread with silly arguements.

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Hi All,


My fiancee went for her interview in GZ with all the required documents. When she was called up to the window, after the polite greetings, the first words mentioned to her was that she had applied in July 07. When my fiancee honestly replied that this is a first time here from a far away small town, the interview told not to lie. Then followed by a few simple relationship questions and finally given a denial slip to go home. Of course she cried all the way home and cried for a few more days.


I do not know what went wrong or is it a mistaken id or computer error to accused my sweet fiancee of lying. Since I know her over the 2 yrs, it was her first visa application and first trip to GZ city, she just barely got her passport prior to the interview.


With your help, please direct me what option is best for her to succeed. Should I continue to persude the K1 or get married and apply for spouse visa? Will hiring a attorney be more successful?


Thank You for reading. Best wishes.



Sorry for the lateness but here's my timeline which I finally gathered up.


April 2006 - Met fiance during a trip to ancestor's home.

1/18/2007 - USCIS notice of I-129F & application fees received.

6/27/2007 - Notice of decision - requires my missing G-325A plus $385. (my bad I mistaken left it out in the first place).

7/17/2007 - USCIS notice of G-325A and payment received.

7/23/2007 - I-129F approval and notice of forwarding to NVC.

8/20/2007 - NVC approval and stated it will be forward to Guangzhou.

9/??/2007 - Fiance receives K-1 package from GZ.

10/??/2007 - Fiance returned all required documents.

Late December 2007 - Fiance received interview date and reference #.

1/9/2008 - Fiance accused of previouly applied in the interview opening sentence and given the white slip after a few short questions.


I would wonder how GZ consulate gave her a interview date if they stated she had applied in June 2007? How they manage their database is a big question to me.


At this moment we decided not to have attorney look at the K-1 denial case due to lack of finiancial funds. I decided to start over by getting married and go K-3. It will take longer but at best it gives us time to understand the whole process. Maybe my bad I rushed in too soon, too much confidence after reading others success stories.


Again I thank you all for the suggestions and help, I still welcome your suggestions and positive comments.


best wishes to you and yours - all CFL members.

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Hi All,


My fiancee went for her interview in GZ with all the required documents. When she was called up to the window, after the polite greetings, the first words mentioned to her was that she had applied in July 07. When my fiancee honestly replied that this is a first time here from a far away small town, the interview told not to lie. Then followed by a few simple relationship questions and finally given a denial slip to go home. Of course she cried all the way home and cried for a few more days.


I do not know what went wrong or is it a mistaken id or computer error to accused my sweet fiancee of lying. Since I know her over the 2 yrs, it was her first visa application and first trip to GZ city, she just barely got her passport prior to the interview.


With your help, please direct me what option is best for her to succeed. Should I continue to persude the K1 or get married and apply for spouse visa? Will hiring a attorney be more successful?


Thank You for reading. Best wishes.



Sorry for the lateness but here's my timeline which I finally gathered up.


April 2006 - Met fiance during a trip to ancestor's home.

1/18/2007 - USCIS notice of I-129F & application fees received.

6/27/2007 - Notice of decision - requires my missing G-325A plus $385. (my bad I mistaken left it out in the first place).

7/17/2007 - USCIS notice of G-325A and payment received.

7/23/2007 - I-129F approval and notice of forwarding to NVC.

8/20/2007 - NVC approval and stated it will be forward to Guangzhou.

9/??/2007 - Fiance receives K-1 package from GZ.

10/??/2007 - Fiance returned all required documents.

Late December 2007 - Fiance received interview date and reference #.

1/9/2008 - Fiance accused of previouly applied in the interview opening sentence and given the white slip after a few short questions.


I would wonder how GZ consulate gave her a interview date if they stated she had applied in June 2007? How they manage their database is a big question to me.


At this moment we decided not to have attorney look at the K-1 denial case due to lack of finiancial funds. I decided to start over by getting married and go K-3. It will take longer but at best it gives us time to understand the whole process. Maybe my bad I rushed in too soon, too much confidence after reading others success stories.


Again I thank you all for the suggestions and help, I still welcome your suggestions and positive comments.


best wishes to you and yours - all CFL members.

Plau I sincerely wish you the best of luck in your situation. I totally understand how finances can be a big burden. But I want you to read this article: http://www.ilw.com/articles/2006,0323-ellis.shtm.


I chose to do the same thing you are doing although our reasons for the white slip may differ. Please read this article so you can understand what can happen. And as always let us know how we can help.

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Thanks for putting it together plau! You can make your timeline permanent by going to the top of this page and clicking on 'My Controls'. Then do 'Edit Signature' and you can paste your timeline in the text box and it will become part of every post, and we can refer to it anytime you make a new post.


I hope we can help you and wish you the best of luck!

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At this moment we decided not to have attorney look at the K-1 denial case due to lack of finiancial funds. I decided to start over by getting married and go K-3. It will take longer but at best it gives us time to understand the whole process. Maybe my bad I rushed in too soon, too much confidence after reading others success stories.


Again I thank you all for the suggestions and help, I still welcome your suggestions and positive comments.


best wishes to you and yours - all CFL members.


Plau I sincerely wish you the best of luck in your situation. I totally understand how finances can be a big burden. But I want you to read this article: http://www.ilw.com/articles/2006,0323-ellis.shtm.


I chose to do the same thing you are doing although our reasons for the white slip may differ. Please read this article so you can understand what can happen. And as always let us know how we can help.


Plau, please read that link carefully. Going K-3 will not necessarily make an approval any easier. It may only succeed in making it longer. The reasons for the denial are still there and will not go away. If your sweet heart is wrongly accused of having applied for a visa before then you need to clear that up. I'm afraid you are going to need an attorney regardless of which way you go.

Good luck

Edited by warpedbored (see edit history)
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