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213A, I didnt submitt with 1040's, why co sponsor

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About the time line and divorce: I had been divorced 11 months before filed 129-F. In my evolution of relationship I mentioned that we dated once while my divorce was in process, but we didn't become "boyfriend/girlfriend" until I went for holiday with her seven months after the "first date", and 2 months after divorce was finalized. I have four trips that were specifically made with the intention of seeing her. Three one week vacations, and one long weekend. I was working in a nearby country and flew in for the weekend. I met with her on other occasions prior to our holidays while I was in China working and she worked at a bar I frequented. I have a total of 20 entries to China, is it possible that that is having an influence on this all. I also knew that the age difference could be an issue and discussed it in my relationship statement to be submitted at overcome.


I have three children that are partially dependent on me and one that is now independent, but does appear on my 2006 taxes. The 1-134 has space for 3 dependents in question 8. I will need 4 if I include the 20 year old. From one posting it sounds like I need to also put SO in this question. I did not include SO in question 8 on first attempt.

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I just looked at the I-134 Q.8 to refresh my mind.. she does NOT go here... although she would be a considered in the financial threadhold; maybe the VO counted it all up as a family unit of 4 (~$26,000)...


So not sure if your 189% is looking at this number? (so still confused why they said you didn't have enough, unless the I-134 was filled out wrong in their eyes; they are not going to fix it, just take what you have stated).


Is she previous married? If yes, did they ask anything about that?


Do you have the exact questions and responses to the interview?


As for all your trips: Is this all explained in your letter? But maybe with all those entries, they wanted more explanation... a high number of entries will clearly be outside the norm.


And you said you discussed the age difference in the relationship statement; I would not state this issue of it or raise it in the letter, it just may look like your defensive over the issue (even if your honestly just objective).

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The 189% is bases on total of 6. Myself, SO, 3 partially dependents children, and 1 partially dependent child that is now independent but will include because she is on my 2006 taxes.


I agree VO dismissed my 1-134 on a technicality and not on the merits of my ability to meet requirements. I did not include my 1040 or SSN which I believe is required by code.

Although proof of support is not required by code either for the K-1. So frustrating, I thought that after having the case for 11 months THEY would have gotten my 1040's by now and be checking to make sure SO wasn't going to run or a spy and I wasn't trafficking or profiting.(sorry for they vent, if anybody thinks I need some more tough love, give it to me)


SO has no prior marriage.


I will call tonight and get the exact questions at interview. I just remember SO saying VO kept asking why didn't I send 1040's.

Edited by thebrennan6 (see edit history)
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I just remember SO saying VO kept asking why didn't I send 1040's.

Interesting... I think that the absence of the taxes put in the VOs mind that you didn't have enough to cover what was going on here; which is true: If a VO asks for something, it's needed!


Frankly, I think that once you resubmit the financials with taxes and employer letter, they will accept that but you might want to have the co-sponsor just to have done what they asked for.


I would write a cover letter to explain the enclosures and that you hope your financials are sufficient on their own, but have a co-sponsor if they feel this is necessary...

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