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Never Lose Hope !!

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I was already past the P-2 stage when I found CFL. When I found CFL I started to read posts from people well up ahead of me. I started reading the blue slip and white slip peoples threads, as well as spending hundreds of hours researching the FAQ's...to include blue slip overcome evidence.


Those blue slip threads scared the living hell oot of me, but they also insired me to work harder at the same time. Sometimes fear pushes a person to work harder to attain success, but, for some it deflates them. In the end, if my girlfriend would have gotten a blue slip that asked for more evidence she would, probably, have been able to over come her blue slip at the interview window, as she had everything the VO could have asked her for as far as overcome evidence, right there in her briefcase. Actually, when she saw a blue slip being pulled out, she quickly grabbed the "blue slip" folder out of her briefcase and asked the VO what she needed.


It's good that Roger gave his moral boost in this thread, as the reality is that most people DO just waltz through and get the visa like it's no big deal, and they wonder what all the fuss was about. The reality is that anyone, at anytime, could just as easily get a blue slip or worse, no matter who you are. But, does that mean you should lose your inspiration and hopes for the future? No!!!!


Hang in there, do your research, your loved one is gonna do just fine at the interview.


Fairdinkum, I am.


tsap seui

Edited by tsap seui (see edit history)
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