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Shenzhen K-1, the Chinese would be hard pressed and disappointed to check out my "American" clothes. :blahblah1: Other then an occassional pair of light blue or black Levis all my shirts are from Australia, New Zealand, or Chinese silk, all my shorts are Aussie or Russian made, and my shoes are China or Aussie made. Flip flops...kiwi's finest. Roo skin hats...grown in Oz. On my second trip in January, I wore a leather Aussie hat that has either a snake or croc 4" wide strip going front to back in the center of it...man, the Chinese REALLY eye balled that hat.


Once had an American in Beijing come up and ask me if I was Russian or Greek...I laughed and told him, I have no clue anymore. When I'm in Oz, standin' around with some Aussie mates, I'll get tourists come up and ask me for directions, then we all get a big laugh when they hear my "hillbilly yank" accent.


Life is really funny, especially when you march to your own wacky drummer.


tsap seui, with a grin

Edited by tsap seui (see edit history)
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Shenzhen K-1, the Chinese would be hard pressed and disappointed to check out my "American" clothes. :gathering: Other then an occassional pair of light blue or black Levis all my shirts are from Australia, New Zealand, or Chinese silk, all my shorts are Aussie or Russian made, and my shoes are China or Aussie made. Flip flops...kiwi's finest. Roo skin hats...grown in Oz. On my second trip in January, I wore a leather Aussie hat that has either a snake or croc 4" wide strip going front to back in the center of it...man, the Chinese REALLY eye balled that hat.


Once had an American in Beijing come up and ask me if I was Russian or Greek...I laughed and told him, I have no clue anymore. When I'm in Oz, standin' around with some Aussie mates, I'll get tourists come up and ask me for directions, then we all get a big laugh when they hear my "hillbilly yank" accent.


Life is really funny, especially when you march to your own wacky drummer.


tsap seui, with a grin


Nows I nose why lil rabbitt didn't want you to be seen :blahblah1: :surrender:

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Nows I nose why lil rabbitt didn't want you to be seen :rotfl: :rotfl:




Cuzin' Chawls Bob, I dread the day that the lil' rabbit sees Larry the Cable Guy and realizes that is who she married, and lawd hep me if she ever sees the 3 Stooges.


As it is, she keeps buyin' me them "stuffed shirt" dress coats like you see on TV at a yankee funeral or somethin'. I keep askin' her, "Who died, why do I have to wear this clown coat?" And I tell her that that stuffed shirt type coat is gonna clash with my shorts, pink flamingo shirts, and flip flops. Ya think maybe the Chinese don't understand proper fashion? I sumtimes don't think she realizes just what a cock o' the walk kinda guy she got in me when she met me in the Beijing airport. :lol:


If "those people" in GUZ let her come over to Pennsyltucky I hope she doesn't have a problem with my beloved rusted out '62 Studybaker sittin' on blocks out front of my hauled in mansion on wheels, shucks, it's a purdier view then Bubba Hilligass's outhouse sittin' behind it...And I hope she 'preciates the 57 yard flamingos I've got planted around the yard. Those baby's took me awhile to stick in the ground. It seems like the metal legs have gotten thinner on them or sumthin'.


tsap seui

cock adoodle do

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