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An Asian View of Cultural Differences

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We live in time. You live in space.

We are always at rest. You are always on the move.

We are passive. You are aggressive.

We like to contemplate. You like to act.

We accept the world as it is. You try to change it according to your blueprint.

We live in peace with nature. You try to impose your will on her.

Religion is our first love. Technology is your passion.

We delight to think about the meaning to life. You delight in physics.

We believe in silence. You believe in the freedom of speech.

We lapse into meditation. You strive to articulate.

We marry first, then love. You love first, then marry.

Our marriage is the beginning of a love affair. Your marriage is the happy end of a romance.

It is an indissoluble bond. It is a contract.

Our love is mute. Your love is vocal.

We try to conceal it from the world. Your delight is in showing it to others.

Self-denial is a secret to our survival. Self-assertiveness is the key to your success.

We are taught from the cradle to want less and less. You are urged everyday to want more and more.

We glorify austerity and renunciation. You emphasize gracious living and enjoyment.

Poverty is to us a badge of spiritual elevation. It is to you a sign of degradation.

In the sunset years of our life we renounce the world and prepare for the hereafter. You retire to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Edited by yyp (see edit history)
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I find very little knowledge of Taoism or Buddhism left in China. I have explained much more to those I speak with than i have seen from them. I have visited so many temples and seen the worshipers and found most are there for good luck and good business deals(not unlike our own churches, most are there for friends, connections and social interactions of like minded people). The temples in China are great adn I love the time in them, but the average person does not know much of the religion. I have not been able to speak much with the Monks. In the South West near Thailand, I find more monks and people that know a little of path.




I am sad that it seems China has lost a little of its great heritage. I know that us americans can not really say much, we also have lost some of our heritage.

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