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China:A Nation Of Scams

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Sacha Matuszak's new article:



About REDICULOUS 750rmb china "L" visa fee and China's lame excuse for sticking it to Americans only.

China is following the US policy on visas which is known as reciprocity. They US has a price tag on visa's for Chinese citizens visiting the US of $100 for many visa types and for China to follow suite is only reasonable.


You will notice that all other countries have a much lower price, but only because the US jacked the prices of visa's up does China have a separate price schedule for US Only.


If you want to gripe at someone try taking it up with the US DOS who set the fee in the first place.

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I don't blame them a bit for following our lead.


Throwing around words like childish, cheating and lying as this guy does in the article is a perfect example of the "Ugly, arrogant" American attitude that we've come to be known for around the world.


And I'll just add that I find the title of this thread insulting as well.

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