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Questions and Concerns: Preparing I-129F..

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I am just back from China after proposing to my beloved Huixian at the Temple to Heaven in Beijing.


My mom went with us and took many pictures.


I am going through the Checklist for the I-129F and I have a concern:


I don't have a lot of records of communication.


We first met in Zhengzhou in 2004, and I went back in 2005 after a year of phone calls, but not too many emails.


After the trip in 2005, we talked on the phone mostly, using a calling card on the web that I pay for online. I don't know if I can get records of my calls to her through the site.


And more recently, in the last year, we have been using MSN Messanger for video chats - because it is free and we actually get to SEE one another.


I have many pictures of us together in 2004 and 2005 and now of my proposal trip this month with me and my mother and her family.


I assume just the pictures over 3 different years are not enough. What can I do to prove further evidence of communication all this time?

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I am just back from China after proposing to my beloved Huixian at the Temple to Heaven in Beijing.


My mom went with us and took many pictures.


I am going through the Checklist for the I-129F and I have a concern:


I don't have a lot of records of communication.


We first met in Zhengzhou in 2004, and I went back in 2005 after a year of phone calls, but not too many emails.


After the trip in 2005, we talked on the phone mostly, using a calling card on the web that I pay for online. I don't know if I can get records of my calls to her through the site.


And more recently, in the last year, we have been using MSN Messanger for video chats - because it is free and we actually get to SEE one another.


I have many pictures of us together in 2004 and 2005 and now of my proposal trip this month with me and my mother and her family.


I assume just the pictures over 3 different years are not enough. What can I do to prove further evidence of communication all this time?

Most messenger programs store a log of chats, just make a few screen shots of the logs.


Our I-129F had 6 pictures together from my visit to China last summer, on was with my wife's family, I included a few sample emails, print of email log from my Gmail account, and screen shots of Skype log, we never used normal phones to talk, so had no phone records other than the screen shots of the skype log.


For the initial filing you don't need to provide much for communication records, just evidence that you have meet in the past 2 years. Copy of entry/exit stamps in passport, hotel receipts, itinerary, ATM usage in China, ETC, are more important for USCIS.


Now between filing and interview, use a traceable method of communications so that you can provide the record for the visa interview.


A Good guide for the I-129F package can be found here:



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