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Feelings of Love

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I have a friend who is chinese . She gave me this advice, Give the relationship a year before you meet. Wait another year before you decide to marry. It did not go that slow with Yan and myself but something to think about. My friend was worried about scammers also.

When I went to China to meet Yan I also told her that marriage was an inportant decision and too inportant to think about marriage at that moment. I told her there was no way I would even discuss it until long after I returned home. Later she confessed to me that she was not ready to discuss marriage at that time as we hardly knew each other.Just take it slow. Both of you are well past being a teenager.

You have to be honest with her to a point of maybe loosing her as to what type a person you are . Be candid about some of your faults and see where the dice will play out.

I dated a chinese woman years before I met Yan so I was a bit trained before Yan and I got serious. My ex girlfriend even called Yan on several occasions and settled her nerves as to my intentions were. She said I was a good and honest person. That was a home run for me that you will not have. so yes you must show her by your actions. This does not mean throwing money around to impress her like you would an American date. Most Chinese women are thrifty to a fault,If you meet one that is not unless you are loaded think about running like hell......Yan made good money in China and had a life style better than most but she spent 3 hours on the internet one night trying to book us a hotel room for less than $40.00 and we often took a bus rather than spring for a taxi. On the flip side this week she bought a pair of pants at Wallmart for $2.50 . She was proud of herself walking out of that store.....THRIFTY....

Learn her culture if you marry you will live it maybe more than you would like :D Show her respect and kindness....After meeting Yans parents we were leaving and I carried most of the packages so Yan would not have to struggle. That was a most favorable in her family's eyes. (due to my previous training ) I understood this before hand.

I wish you all the luck....Go over there and enjoy yourself. If you find common ground with this woman and you think it will work out great. If not it is not the end of the world. If you like the culture and decide to try again there are many out there. You just have to land someone who is suitable for you..If you find the right one she will walk through hell for you......make no mistake Enjoy the ride my friend .

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