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InfoPass Today - Sun Came Out

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Lao Po and I went for an InfoPass Appointment today to obtain an I-539 form to extend her K3 Visa. The IO was very nice (Chinese Lady) and explained to us how to put our package together and where to file. :)


Before ending our appointment she asked if we had and other questions.....so I asked if she would please check our case on her computer. She asked for our A# and then went to the computer. All we could really do is try to read her face as she spent some time clicking and moving mouse around. :huh: Then some unexpected words came forth from her mouth. "Your case cleared security/namecheck on December 15th." :D


She asked if we could wait another 30 minutes for her to pull our file and look into it....of course we said we could. Some time later she called us up and told us that she would be putting it on the desk of the IO in charge of our case (the gentleman who interview us) and he would review and make the decision next week. She said everything looked good, no apparent bumps in the road.


Sooooo woooo whooooo! :redblob: :CopBust: :redblob: :CopBust:


Should be getting word of some kind within the next few weeks or months! And that's good news. We won't be shelloing out an additional $200 for the K3 Visa Extension nor will we be shelling out $180 for EAD Renewal! :cheering:


We know we aren't outta the woods yet....not until we get our Welcome to America Letter and the Green Card which should follow. But you know....we're jazzed! Santa delivered! :santa:


PapaBear B)

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