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A few words to all you hopefuls

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Am i out of line to say that it sounds like you don't know or trust your SO enough?




Yes - I believe Wally would have answered that he knew and trusted his SO enough to sign it.


It has nothing to do with trusting your SO - it is a promise you make to the US government in the event that your trust might be misplaced.

Not sure I agree.. why worry about the form if one truly feels the relationship is not going to get to that point... if there is the smallest doubt about the outcome of the relationship, then I can understand worrying about signing the form... But I understand what your saying.. the form in and of itself can be a worry...

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I am going through a divorce right now. My wifes attorney is trying to use the I-134 Form for spousal support of $800 per month from for one year from me. I have heard this Document is not binding. Is there any anywhere I can find some information on this subject. Like a court ruling.



Thomas, I was going to get to your PM, but since you posted in here too, I'll reply here so others can see it as well.


It's not a direct ruling on I-134. It was part of the ruling on I-864. It's in one of the links I provided above. Have your lawyer read those two links. One of the judges ruled that the I-864 is legally enforcable but that the I-134 was NOT enforcable. Your lawyer should be able to cite that ruling in your divorce proceeding.


Good luck!

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My ex-wife and I were advised by our attorney to tape record conversations with her ex by connecting a recorder to the phone line. He advised that it is permissable to record ANY communication to which you are a party (without notifying the other party), and the evidence IS admissable in court.

Actually it depends on which state you are in as to what is legal and who must be aware of the recording. List of reconding laws for each state

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