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Police Certificates

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OK this is what I reas on the US DOS website regarding Police certificate or Certificate of No-Criminal Conviction (CNCC)



Available from the Hong Kong police only to an applicant upon his and/or her written request, for whom there is no criminal record, and delivered in person or by mail. The written request should be addressed to the Commission of Police, (Attention EO CNCC), B-1 Floor, Trade and Industry Department Tower, 700 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. The request should provide the applicant¡¯s full name, date of birth, and must be accompanied by:


(1) A bank draft in the amount of 235 Hong Kong dollars for each person, made payable to ¡°The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.¡± Drafts in foreign currency must include an additional bank service charge of 100 Hong Kong dollars.


(2) Documentary proof that a visa application has been made (letter from an American consular office requiring the certificate will suffice) and the location of the office where application for an immigrant visa or adjustment of status is being made. If the person applying for a CNCC is a derivative applicant, the name of the principal applicant should also be included.


(3) A full set of fingerprints of the applicant taken and certified by a recognized and official police or law enforcement agent. The officer should endorse the fingerprint form with his or her signature and official stamp, attesting that the fingerprints are indeed taken from the applicant. Fingerprints taken by private or commercial agencies are not acceptable.


(4) A photocopy of the applicant¡¯s Hong Kong identity card or travel document. The Chinese commercial code number must be shown if Chinese characters are used for their names.


Upon receipt of the application, a payment receipt, a standard personal data form and a fingerprint consent form will be sent to the applicant for completion. The applicant shall authorize the Hong Kong Police to retain fingerprints of the applicant and to disclose details of any criminal conviction recorded against him/her in Hong Kong to the appropriate Consulate/Immigration Authority.


Following the return of the completed personal data form and a fingerprint consent form, a "Certificate of No Criminal Conviction" or an appropriate reply together with the applicant's police record will be sent directly to the Consulate and/or immigration office where the applicant is applying for a U.S. visa. If a court record is required, the applicant should write directly to the Registrar of the Supreme Court or the First Clerk of the Court concerned. The applicant should know which court he/she attended for the hearing of the case.


NOTE: It is essential that applicants for the Certificate of No Criminal Conviction (CNCC) inform the HK Police Force where they are applying for their U.S. visas. If they are applying for immigrant visas, their visa case number is useful because it bears the country code (for example, MTL for Montreal and SEO for Seoul). If they are applying for adjustment of status with an INS office, they should state at which INS office they are applying for their immigrant status. If they are a derivative applicant, the name of the principal applicant should also be included in their application for a CNCC.


More information on the Hog Kong CNCC is available at http://www.info.gov.hk/police/.



Edited by dnoblett (see edit history)
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