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P3 mail question

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Is the P3 packet mailed to the SO by regular mail or EMS? I guess I should ask the same of the P4? My wife was told by another woman that Guz called and asked for her address. Does Guz call the SO and verify addresses before mailing the P3? I faxed in a change of address for my wife but don't trust that it will actually be used! :)




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Unless it's changed the P3 and P4 will be mailed via EMS.

There's been cases when the packets were mailed to the petitioner in the U.S. due to unlegible or missing addresses. And it seems the IV unit has called the beneficiary before in the past but I'm not sure what for.


A change of address in the middle of the process can upset the apple cart but maybe not. Let's hope not. Things should go smoothly for you.


-good luck

Edited by tywy_99 (see edit history)
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If you put a chinese address for your SO on the I-129F Q.17 (address abroad in native alphabet), this is used for mailing the P3.


If there is no chinese address listed, it can be sent to the benficiary.


If the chinese address is not clear or needs to be clarified, hopefully one puts down the SOs phone number (Q.16)...


As Ty said, it is mailed via EMS..


A few members report sending back with the P3 documents to GUZ, a pre-filled in EMS waybill for them to use to send the P4. So far, this has been used by the consulate.


If you sent a fax, I'd email them.. with the address again... saying you wanted to confirm they received this already via fax... they are more likely to respond to an email than a fax.



I-129F, SOs change of address


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