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Chinaisms - How the English language works

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My Ping has started to pick up some slang now. Recently she asked what is this when I sometimes say "oops." I explained it to her and she was delighted. Now she tries to use it sometimes but it comes out "goose . . . ah . . . goobs. . ." and when I try to correct her she might say "oh damn, whatever."

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Good Stuff...


So I take my Fei to Hong Kong after a long train ride, and "prim & proper" time with her family this last June ---


--- And we are finally out on the street in the late morning after checking in the evening before....


.. Fei is suddenly laughing and pointing to a very attractive (and busty) "20-something'" In an argument with a police officer about overtime parking playing out just in front of us: On her T-shirt: "I Luv-Ta-Fuck" ...

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My honey speaks pretty good english in terms of grammer and vocabulary, but her pronunciation is still on the "cute" side of correct. One thing she does a lot which she can't seem to control is putting an "-ah" at the end of many words. "Book-ah", "soup-ah". I tell her she should try to stop doing that if she wants to improve her english, but then she does it right in her next sentence, even though she doesn't want to do that, she can't control it!


Oh, and another, why do so many Asian-language speakers confuse the sexes when they speak english?! My honey is always mixing up "him and her", "he and she". For example, she'll say "My sister is home now, he is eating some Chinese bread-ah, later she will go get his hair permed-ah." And no matter how much I try to correct her, she can't seem to stop mixing up these words, she says he/she and him/her are so similar :) So funny ;) We both joke about it :P

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I can tell you about the similarities; In Mandarin, the same sound is used for the sexes, even though it is different in writing.


And while studying Mandarin myself, I complain to the native Mandarin speakers how so many things sound the same. So they yell at me louder when they hear I'm not getting it right. :)


The door swings both ways on this one. ;)

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Yeah, leej and Jim,


Basic gender is a hard one! Eve, daughter no. 2 still often will interchange he/she, and it drives daughter no. 1 up the wall!


Jet will yell at Eve, (last night for instance): "SHE!!! Your teacher is a SHE!!!!!!! SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I can't believe I have a sister that doesn't know she from he!!!!!


Meanwhile, my Fei must have English skills similar the Jim's SO. Fei's English is vaguely British, but that aspect is disappearing as she listens more to me ---- but she too can't easily distinguish he and she ---


--- will be a challenge with her and Eve together, and also getting Jet to control her temper about the whole situation ...

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