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How do I plan a trip for the interview?

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Hello everyone,


I have seen that some of you received blueslips at the interview.


How do I plan a trip for the interview? I only have 2 weeks of vacation left.


Package 3 may be on the way. Where does the P4 get sent, here or there? Does it get sent in or brought to the interview?


Oh Boy! I really did it good this time!


Thanks for suggestions,



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I arranged to meet my Wife in GZ a few days before the interview, but the precise scheduling of the date had to wait until GZ assigned the interview date. You will need to have a talk with your employer about a short notice vacation, some have only had a couple of weeks notice where others get 2 months. I bought a one-way ticket and we bought return tickets in China when we had the visa in hand.


P-3 & P-4 should be mailed to your SO, if the P-3 gets sent to you you will need to get an address change sent to GZ to correct it for P-4. After the P-3 info gets returned everything else is a hand carried to GZ.

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I arranged to meet my Wife in GZ a few days before the interview, but the precise scheduling of the date had to wait until GZ assigned the interview date. You will need to have a talk with your employer about a short notice vacation, some have only had a couple of weeks notice where others get 2 months. I bought a one-way ticket and we bought return tickets in China when we had the visa in hand.


We did the same in regards to the tickets...


My SO had the medical done in BJ, so that we didn't have to be in GUZ but a day in advance of the interview.. this can help to save some vacation time if possible... And shift it to after the interview (hopefully you can use it to enjoy the issued visa and not work on any overcome issues)...

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I am glad I checked with you.


Don't you need a return trip in order to get a Chinese visa? I thought they want to know that you have a way back and the length of your trip? But that would work, is the airfare back on a short notice expensive? Also, I thought round trip tickets were cheaper than one ways?


Thanks again,


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- Don't need a R/T to get a chinese visa... Give them a very wide window for your visa trip...

- one of the forms that your SO fills out warns her against presumption of setting up a trip out of china... 'there are no guarantees' appears to be their stand.

- R/T is probably cheaper than O/W ... but for some, it makes it easier to come and go when they want.

- Usually you can get flights cheaper while in china for flights back to US... Your SO will probably need to find this contact, or post a request based on her city..

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