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April Interviews

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merc reflects an interesting point... maybe it is that K1s tend to use the P3 nomenclature (as well as the other Ps), and the CR1s tend to use them all EXCEPT the P3 one, since theres so much paper shuffle at NVC..


Once can look at the Links, Forms and Such to see some example of CR1 forms received from NVC... but we'd like to update them.. I guess this is my second plug for updated forms :D

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Re: April interviews, doubt you will see any until the end of the month. :angry:


Chinese Wife- What do you base your "end of the month" answer on?


I have been confused about how the P3 played a role in my timeline for the CR1 since the beginning. I see K1/K3 Visa applicants sending back their P3 and then getting their P4 only about a month later. Then as with both CR1 and K1/K3 applicants once the P4 is received the Interview is only a month or a month and a half away.


Once their P3 is processed they become eligable for an interview right?

Once my wife's file was received in Guangzhou and entered into the computer and the 2nd namecheck was completed she became eligable for an interview. That was January 10th. So shouldn't she receive her P4 approximately a month later?


What is the disparity that from that point that is causing the CR1 P4's to be sent out so much slower that the K1/K3's ?

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I think it is slightly wrong to refer to the different types of visa's, as apples and oranges. It isn't apples and oranges. It is more like apples, oranges, and bananas. Three different visa's. One majorly different visa, and two slightly alike visa's.


With the CR1, the P3 Is sent from NVC. With the other two, it is sent from GUZ.

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Since my wife was eligible for an interview beginning Jan. 10th, does anyone have a general idea as to when we might expect to receive the P4?


The average time has been one month between P3 and P4. Then 2 months from P4 to interview. Since you don't really get a P3, I have no idea. :whistling:

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merc reflects an interesting point... maybe it is that K1s tend to use the P3 nomenclature (as well as the other Ps), and the CR1s tend to use them all EXCEPT the P3 one, since theres so much paper shuffle at NVC..


Once can look at the Links, Forms and Such to see some example of CR1 forms received from NVC... but we'd like to update them.. I guess this is my second plug for updated forms :whistling:


My CR-1 / 130 has been rotting away in San Miguel for 3.5 months untouched, so I am pretty confident that I am going to bring my wife here on a K-3. I wish I knew which haiguan guanyuan I needed to pay off to get him or her over to the DHL warehouse and do some fricking work. No 2 pound paperwork files should be sitting in their warehouse for 2-3 months (or longer), while others skate out in 3-4 days. I mean how much intelligence gathering could there be in a packet of K- visas?


tamen landuo de qigai!


</--- rant

Edited by mercator (see edit history)
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