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DHL-ese for where things are?

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I found several shipments headed to GZ starting in the closing days of 2005.


Some are in Transit. I get that.

Some are at the DHL Facility I get that

Some are at Gateway - huh?

Some are On Hand - shenme?


What does 'Gateway' or 'On Hand' mean? Is On Hand where they wait for customs approval? Or is that where they are set to deliver the files?


Each of the shipments is pretty small (10-15 lbs, 2 pcs). I have no idea which of the shipments includes my documents, but I am interested in knowing where I *might* be in the process. I can't call DOS until I get back from my work trip on the 16th.


Thanks for any help!

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Guest pushbrk
Until Mr. Stamp does his thing, it means that the GUZ has not yet accepted responsibility for your petition. The various DHL states mean simply "It ain't there yet", although others may have better detail for you to ponder while you wait.


Exactly but here's some more detail using a shipment already signed for as an example.


Date and Time Status Location

12/23/2005 10:02 am Shipment delivered. Guangzhou, China

8:51 am With delivery courier. Guangzhou, China

12/22/2005 7:59 pm Arrived at DHL facility. Guangzhou, China

5:18 pm In transit. Guangzhou, China

11/21/2005 5:27 pm At Gateway. Guangzhou, China

5:27 pm On Hand. Guangzhou, China

11/18/2005 10:28 am Arrived at DHL facility. Guangzhou, China

4:18 am In transit. Kowloon, Hong Kong

12:17 am Arrived at DHL facility. Kowloon, Hong Kong

11/16/2005 4:41 am Transit through sort facility. Wilmington, OH

11/15/2005 4:40 pm Departing origin. Portsmouth, NH

2:28 pm Picked Up by DHL. Shipper's Door



As you can see, the arrival at DHL facility means the airplane it was on has arrived, and perhaps is unloaded. Then they sort through the packages and stage them for the next step in delivery.


The GUZ packages in question go to another "place" maybe just their holding area for packages waiting to clear customs. See the GUZ speaks thread for how that process works. So, "on hand" means they've scanned the package itself. At gateway means it's in the holding area and hopefully that GUZ has been notified. The second "arrival" means has cleared customs and is ready to go out for delivery.


The rest is self explanatory.


In short, it takes only a couple days to get to Guangzhou and another day or two to get to where it is held for customs release. There is no way to tell how long it will stay in the holding area. Some shipments are clearly expedited through the process after arrival in Guangzhou.

Edited by pushbrk (see edit history)
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Until Mr. Stamp does his thing, it means that the GUZ has not yet accepted responsibility for your petition. The various DHL states mean simply "It ain't there yet", although others may have better detail for you to ponder while you wait.


Ditto to Randys comments....Mr Stamp man mean receipt of the package at GUZ. If your package is on hand or at gateway, then you are awaiting for GUZ to give DHL some customs form, when this occurs, you will see your package become at facility. Then, you can expect your package to be delivered shortly. When Mr Stamp man does his thing, then you are in the consulate. pshbrks timeline is exactly what to look for.

Edited by ameriken (see edit history)
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Guest pushbrk
Screw DHL. 


I give up on trying to figure out the whole shipping crappola.


Out of a possible 3 shipments that went out close to my own date.  One was delivered on 12/1/05.  The other 2 have been "On Hand" since 12/2/05.


I give up. :P


No reason to get mad at DHL. They deliver as soon as packages clear customs. Two packages haven't cleared customs. Sometimes packages are expedited. In those cases the Consulate appears to have an expedited procedure for getting them out of customs.


GUZ has explained the normal procedure to us already.

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Screw DHL. 


I give up on trying to figure out the whole shipping crappola.


Out of a possible 3 shipments that went out close to my own date.  One was delivered on 12/1/05.  The other 2 have been "On Hand" since 12/2/05.


I give up. :P


No reason to get mad at DHL. They deliver as soon as packages clear customs. Two packages haven't cleared customs. Sometimes packages are expedited. In those cases the Consulate appears to have an expedited procedure for getting them out of customs.


GUZ has explained the normal procedure to us already.


I have to blame someone. haha.


I have asked GUZ this question, but I guess it wasn't worth while. I have seen other timelines on this board that have been waiting on GUZ to pick up there shipment from DHL since Oct. Now why are some shipments picked up earlier then others that have been sitting longer? This has nothing to do with my case, I am just curious why this happens.


Absolutely no reason why the timelines for GUZ to receive the hard copy from DHL should vary so much. I can understand a 30 day period, but that's about it.


It appears to be about 2 month average for DHL from what I have noticed lately.

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Guest pushbrk
Screw DHL. 


I give up on trying to figure out the whole shipping crappola.


Out of a possible 3 shipments that went out close to my own date.  One was delivered on 12/1/05.  The other 2 have been "On Hand" since 12/2/05.


I give up. :ph34r:


No reason to get mad at DHL. They deliver as soon as packages clear customs. Two packages haven't cleared customs. Sometimes packages are expedited. In those cases the Consulate appears to have an expedited procedure for getting them out of customs.


GUZ has explained the normal procedure to us already.


I have to blame someone. haha.


I have asked GUZ this question, but I guess it wasn't worth while. I have seen other timelines on this board that have been waiting on GUZ to pick up there shipment from DHL since Oct. Now why are some shipments picked up earlier then others that have been sitting longer? This has nothing to do with my case, I am just curious why this happens.


Absolutely no reason why the timelines for GUZ to receive the hard copy from DHL should vary so much. I can understand a 30 day period, but that's about it.


It appears to be about 2 month average for DHL from what I have noticed lately.


Yes, there doesn't seem to be any reason for the variation from 1 month to 2 months. I suspect the very quick ones are expedited for a reason. If there's room in the package they'll put in a few extra petitions that are ready at the moment. Those end up sailing through customs with whatever is being expedited.

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I think GUZ addressed it pretty clearly in one of the GUZ speaks posts. Someone suggested they hold the files at DHL until they have time to get them into the GZ computer and GUZ explained that wasn't the case. My bet is the smaller packages might sail quickly while others don't. For all we know PRC reads them all and checks them against a list of nefarious people. PRC customs is the hold up, and we're basically at their mercy. If GUZ gets a big stack of visa applications (or bigger stack, more likely) then maybe it takes them some time to get into the computer.


I know I saw some deliveries that left NH and RI and were delivered to STAMP in 10-12 days where others have been 'hold' for 5-6 weeks already.


It's all random. I'm one of the most impatient people here, and I have resigned myself to not really knowing anything for a month, and not seeing her P3 until perhaps the end of February or early March.

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I'm one of the most impatient people here, and I have resigned myself to not really knowing anything for a month, and not seeing her P3 until perhaps the end of February or early March.


I know this may appear as the road less traveled... but I would encourage you to not give it a second though for at least a month...


It's somewhere and thinking about it isn't going to move it.


Make a timetable of averages and just follow it... that's the simple way to get through this process with the least amount of stress...

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I'm one of the most impatient people here, and I have resigned myself to not really knowing anything for a month, and not seeing her P3 until perhaps the end of February or early March.


I know this may appear as the road less traveled... but I would encourage you to not give it a second though for at least a month...


It's somewhere and thinking about it isn't going to move it.


Make a timetable of averages and just follow it... that's the simple way to get through this process with the least amount of stress...


Yep. I don't even want to think about calling DOS. I only want to know when it is in the computer because at that point I think I should send off the paperwork she'll need from me for the P3. Averages say its about 2 weeks after its in the computer the P3 is mailed. About how long it would take me to get the paperwork to her.

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I think GUZ addressed it pretty clearly in one of the GUZ speaks posts.  Someone suggested they hold the files at DHL until they have time to get them into the GZ computer and GUZ explained that wasn't the case.  My bet is the smaller packages might sail quickly while others don't.  For all we know PRC reads them all and checks them against a list of nefarious people.  PRC customs is the hold up, and we're basically at their mercy.  If GUZ gets a big stack of visa applications (or bigger stack, more likely) then maybe it takes them some time to get into the computer.


I know I saw some deliveries that left NH and RI and were delivered to STAMP in 10-12 days where others have been 'hold' for 5-6 weeks already.


It's all random.  I'm one of the most impatient people here, and I have resigned myself to not really knowing anything for a month, and not seeing her P3 until perhaps the end of February or early March.


Mercator, let me tell you what my SO found out in a rather long phone call to DHL-China. The lady told her that neither DHL, or PRC Customs is the hold up.....


..........the hold up originates with the consulate. DHL can give the package anytime, and customs will process it in one day....but first.....here is what she said, (and maybe your SO can explain this): the consulate has to give DHL a 'guan feng', which is some form of an official Chinese government document to authorize DHL to release the package to customs. Then, DHL will release it, customs will clear it, and BINGO.....usually within a day, it is "signed by STAMP".


That is how quickly DHL and customs is. So, the problem, as explained by DHL, is not customs, not DHL, but just waiting for GUZ to send the guan feng.


Also, dont put all your hopes in one package.....NVC said ours was sent on 9/23, and we tracked the next buz day package, which was 9/26. Turns out that was the one, but it could be in any of the next few days after NVC says they are sending it.


I hope that helps..............Ken

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