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Geesh! Does it ever End?

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Leaving in the morning on a 300 mile trek east to Norfolk, VA, you know, the place sacked by the British in 1813.

One more time for fingerprints and they better not turn us away. Wednesday is a walk-in day. I have a letter from the D.C. director saying so!

After that, I think I'll go down to the Elizabeth R., look it over in preponderance and hock a big luggie into it in contempt of the bloody red coats!......then drive back home west into the setting sun with me booty. How romantic is that, eh? :)

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Leaving in the morning on a 300 mile trek east to Norfolk, VA, you know, the place sacked by the British in 1813.

One more time for fingerprints and they better not turn us away. Wednesday is a walk-in day. I have a letter from the D.C. director saying so!

After that, I think I'll go down to the Elizabeth R., look it over in preponderance and hock a big luggie into it in contempt of the bloody red coats!......then drive back home west into the setting sun with me booty. How romantic is that, eh? :)


Such a sentimental and touching gesture, Ty. You truly brought tears to my eyes....

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Is this an alias for Mick? Just Joe King here, Ty. Good Luck


If it was a French vessel I'd tell you to ---- in it!


How did I get dragged into this? :P ;) :blink:




I seem to remember you posting about the long wait, drive w/baby and/or repeated fingerprints. That is what I was thinking/referring to. Hope that didn't upset you somehow.


No, not upset at all. :)


In fact, you are so right about our ongoing fingerprint experiences. We have made two, count 'em, two long trips with the baby in tow, just to be fingerprinted. Li has now been fingerprinted a total of five times, with a fee charged each time I might add.


Hopefully, we only have one more hurdle to clear. We are due to have green card conditions removed next December. Will file all the paperwork three months in advance as required. Let's just hope they don't ask for more fingerprints. ;)

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I reiterate!.......Geesh! Does it ever End?


After going to Norfolk yesterday for Hui's fingerprints, I received a notice from the USCIS today to report to DC on January 10 for the fingerprints and biometrics!

I'm beginning to feel like a one-armed juggler in a Barnum & Baily's 3-ring circus! :bleh:

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I reiterate!.......Geesh! Does it ever End?


After going to Norfolk yesterday for Hui's fingerprints, I received a notice from the USCIS today to report to DC on January 10 for the fingerprints and biometrics!

I'm beginning to feel like a one-armed juggler in a Barnum & Baily's 3-ring circus! :toot:


Welcome to the Greatest Show on Earth!


What was that line about the left hand knowing what the right hand was doing, or the right hand knowing what the left hand was doing, or, what was it again..... :toot: :toot:


I am glad they came up with biometrics. Otherwise, my wife's fingers would be black by now!

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I reiterate!.......Geesh! Does it ever End?


After going to Norfolk yesterday for Hui's fingerprints, I received a notice from the USCIS today to report to DC on January 10 for the fingerprints and biometrics!

I'm beginning to feel like a one-armed juggler in a Barnum & Baily's 3-ring circus! :bleh:


Welcome to the Greatest Show on Earth!


What was that line about the left hand knowing what the right hand was doing, or the right hand knowing what the left hand was doing, or, what was it again..... :blink: ;)


I am glad they came up with biometrics. Otherwise, my wife's fingers would be black by now!


That makes me think, Mick.

I wonder what really became of my wife's inked FD-258 of two years ago? Such personal and sensitive evidence like that just doesn't get lost!


The more I think about it the more I think we deserve an explanation as to the reason for their disappearance.


Wouldn't I have rights under the FOIA to exploit this thing? I wonder... :blink:

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