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It just keeps getting better

Guest R2D2

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They say it is hard to keep a good man down.....looks like the saying is true!

Couldn't have said it better Don! Glad to hear you are feeling more positive. :D


As to the language thing, I am so ashamed that, after living in China for five years, my language skills are still relatively minimal. Li has always tried to teach me and I have tried, but my progress has been slow. I often said to Li over the years, "When it comes to languages, I'm not stupid, just ignorant" Stupid implies a lack of intellectual capacity: ignorant just implies a lack of knowledge. Yet after these many years I realize I may be wrong when it comes to learning Chinese, I may in fact be stupid. ;) ;)


Of course, Li has taught me many ways to say sweet, sexy sorts of things to her in Chinese. I picked them up pretty fast. Guess its all in the motivation. :D :blink:


Oh, by the way, PJ talked about eating wings. E-night, in case you are hungry, these are for you:


:angry: ;) :D :blink: :blink: :blink:


Half-dozen wings, on the house.


:P :P :P

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The language competition has been marvelous!!!!! I just got off of the phone with my new daughter and her English has greatly improved. The more Putungwah I learn, the more English they learn. It is like a competition soccer match (football to some)!!!!! :P :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Guest jimcrivers

my husband keep saying to start Chinese class from tomorrow...hmmnnn he will pay for tomorrow thing,one day I'd like to give hime bad time in front of my family like "My Big Greek Wedding" ..... :lol: :P

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