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Yahoo Messenger and PinYin

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Does anyone know how to get Simplified characters to display in Yahoo Messenger or perhaps one of teh other messenger programs like MSN or AIM? My SO has a translator that can send me these character in her Yahoo messenger but it is part of her business software.


I am hoping to be able to save her some money in translator expenses by being able to translate on my end. I have a free program / web site that will do that job, but when I copy / paste into Yahoo Messenger nothing displays for me or her.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.



The Rak

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When Jingwen and I were corresponding via Yahoo Messenger, I was not using Windows IME since I couldn't tell which of the offered hanzi characters corresponded to my pinyin input. What I did was use translation software for my English input. Unfortunately, when I pasted the Chinese translation into Yahoo, it displayed as ??????? despite the Chinese encoding. My solution was a two step process. Once translated to Chinese, I copied the sentence to a program called CquickTrans ( http://www.coolest.com/ ). From there I recopied it to the instant messenger window, and everything worked fine. CquickTrans also gave me the added ability to see how a particular word was constructed. I still use CquickTrans, and find it a valuable study tool.

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I had the same difficulty and my solution was that when I wanted to exchange chinese characters with my SO in an IM mode, I used Skype chat (www.skype.com ; which is marketed more for calling over the internet--if both sides have skype, then calls are free; otherwise still cheap to call a cell in china). So, this software doubles as a phone and IM. She can also load it and install it as language=chinese, for menus, etc.


We also translated using websites.. be very careful since the translations are far from good and grammar appears all twisted.. but you'll get used to it. I used to translate my english to chinese; then back to english... if I could not understand it, then I made the original even shorter sentences and simplier. My SO said she often 'guessed'.. as I did at times with her messages...

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