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The Fine Art of Package Tracking ...

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OK ... NVC says they shipped our petition to GZ on Nov 9th


DHL shows the following I-730 shipments to GZ in that timeframe:


Shipped Nov 9 No weight given, diplomatic papers

Status: GZ refused on Nov 17, accepted delivery on Nov 18


Shipped Nov 10 Weight 14 lbs, diplomatic papers

Status: On hand


Shipped Nov 14 Weight 5 lbs, diplomatic papers

Status: At gateway


I had the impression that many/most petitions were shipped in many hundred pound shipments and then often sat in customs clearance status for some time in China.


Since NVC said they shipped on Nov 9 it's very likely that our 129 is in one of these three shipments. One, with no weight, is already accepted at GZ, if I read "Delivered" and "Signed by STAMP" correctly.


The other two shipments are light weight and, as I understand things, are likely to be delivered to GZ without customs delay.


Am I missing something here? Could it be that our 129 is already delivered to the consulate (or will be soon in one of the small packages)?


I understand that delivered doesn't mean unpacked and logged into the system.

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Maybe yes, maybe no.  The consensus seems to be that visa files are not coded as "diplomatic papers" and are shipped in larger quantities.  I hope you're right.


My thoughts exactly, Frank, and hence the thread.


I think it's unlikely that if they say they shipped on the 9th that the actual DHL would be beyond the 14th. I was just wondering what experience our resident DHL detectives have had.


I'm currently spending Thanksgiving in Abu Dhabi (turkey? what's that??) but will be back in the US for a few days in early December before heading for France and China. I'll pursue GZ delivery with the State Dept number.


Maybe our target of a June wedding in Cali is not impossible!! :clapping:

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If the "Customs Delay" is actually a GUZ delay, they can refuse to accept any size package. I would say that the Nov 14 is the most likely, since it's at least 2 days after their stated date before they actually ship.


There is another track-by-reference ID that's been reported - try that also (I don't remember what it is).

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Well I feel like we are in the same car of the train!

I am watching DHL since NVC (and Maura Harty) both stated that my K-1 was electronically sent to GuangZhou on 10/31/05 and stated that it would be sent DHL "in the next couple of days".


I, too, have started the DHL watch. One package was signed STAMP - while others sit at GATEWAY.


I am actually looking at all shipments 30 days prior to my ship time and watch as GuangZhou closes in on my estimated ship date. It does look like they are taking about a month. Why some are accepted right away while others sit....only the GUZ knows...


I have seen many identified as diplomatic papers...so much for that guess.


Funny, I have been telling my SO that we will be married in JUNE, '06. Let's cross our fingers.


Keep in touch,



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DHL explained to my SO what the customs delay is........it is actually not a customs problem.....customs can have a package in and out in a day. DHL said they have to wait for some official form to be sent by the consulate that allows customs to actually inspect the packages.

When DHL gets this form, they can give it to customs. Once this is done, it seems like the packages are delivered within the next day or two. But how long your package can sit there all depends on when GZ wants them, and there seems to be no order to this. That is why some are released quickly, and others can wait a month or two. Ours sat in customs for about a month and a half. So, according to DHL, the delay is from waiting for that form from GZ.

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Here you go, Jim. Found it!


I found one under ref. ID "EXPEDITE IV SECTION" that was shipped on Nov. 17, with no weight given.


Randy ... thanks for the help.


I didn't see one on the 17th but did find one on the 18th?


The one shipped on 11/18 was shown on 11/24 as "Clearance processing complete" in Guangzhou. On 11/25 it was shown as "Recipient refused delivery" with a little red telephone symbol. So the Consulate refused it the morning after Thanksgiving, but it does appear that it cleared customs.


Contents are: "Documents" "US Diplomatic papers" no weight and this is an "Expedite NIV Section" shipment


I'm still not sure if it's any of the four shipments we identified:

I-730s on 11/9, 11/14, and 11/17, or

Expedite NIV Section on 11/18

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Hmmm ... not to belabor this too much, but ...


The "EXPEDITE NIV SECTION" package sent on 11/28 has now been delivered to good ol' "stamp".


The three light weight I-730 packages i first reported on have not changed status ... one is delivered, one on hand, and one at gateway. The "at gateway" one really is strange ... why would this not move forward to the GZ DHL facility?


There are many things we do not understand about this process.

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I tried searching for a trend on the omnipotent GUZ receiving timely DHL deliveries. I went back to October 5th through November 4th.


The only trend (if you could call it that) was that it appeared that the magic STAMP only came out about every two weeks and picked up a (random) group of packets.


If your packet went before 10/13/05 you are in the grinder. If you were lucky to be an even date (now I'm really getting chinese superstitious) from 10/18; 10/20; 10/24 - the STAMP has found you. If your packet went on an odd day - 10/17; 10/19; 10/21; 10/25; 10/27; 10/31 you are still lingering in the GATEWAY.


My packet went somewhere between 11/1 and 11/4 - with the 11/3 packet already signed STAMP on 11/14 ( go figure). So with Thanksgiving behind us and Christmas looming with the all-consuming Chinese New Years celebration starting 1/29/06...who knows?


Only the great GUZ knows.



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NVC told me my case was shipped 11/23.


Using the I-730 search, I found one shipment on 11/25 and is on hand as of 11/28.....4lbs


Using EXPEDITE NIV SECTION: I get no shipments between 11/23 and 11/28


Using EXPEDITE IV SECTION: I get one shipment on 11/28 in transit. No weight.

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